Report by Paula Antolini, October 10, 2022, 9:54PM EDT
Tonight the Grand Opening of the Bethel Public Schools Turf Field was celebrated.
As we mentioned in our recent article, ‘Turf Field Approved by Bethel Planning & Zoning Commission Before ‘Crumb Rubber’ Surface is Investigated and Proven Safe‘ the Town of Bethel has moved forward with the Bethel Public Schools installation of the “Multi-Purpose Turf Field” project next to the Bethel Middle School, which includes crumb rubber, or “encapsulated” or “coated” crumb rubber. We’ve gotten conflicting information from officials in Bethel regarding the exact type of crumb rubber being used, but it does contain this toxic material.
Discrepancy in the information about materials being used for the sports fields is an example of how poorly this project was handled so far, regarding safety. Dr. Christine Carver and the Bethel Board of Education said it was “encapsulated rubber,” according to Board of Education (BOE) meeting minutes and also in comments from board member Bill Foster in an online conversation.
On the other hand, at the March 22, 2022 Bethel Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) meeting, the applicant’s representative Michael Kozlowski, of Claris Design Build, in Newtown, CT, said the Bethel Turf Field infill is “crumb rubber,” which was better than “encapsulated” crumb rubber, he said. Then, at a turf field presentation in Bethel High School auditorium on the day the Bethel budget vote took place on April 19, Kozlowski stated they were “both the same.” Looks like they will say anything to get this project installed.
Kozlowski also claimed the crumb rubber had “ZERO” harmful effects to health. That’s an extreme statement to make especially when studies indicate crumb rubber is toxic. Will Claris Design Build stand behind their product and say it is 100% guaranteed and that it won’t cause harm to students or individuals using the fields? “Nothing is 100%,” Kozlowski said at a 2022 Board of Selectman (BOS) meeting, when asked by Selectman Bryan Terzian if he guarantees the turf field.
This project was supposed to begin approximately on May 1, 2022, according to the Board of Education meeting minutes from May, 24 2022, despite possible negative effects of the materials being used to cover the fields. This is especially mind boggling when there are SAFE materials available to use instead of the toxic crumb rubber. So why won’t they use the safer materials?
The project was set to begin the end of May and be completed sometime in the fall 2022, according to company representative Kozlowski.
The project was completed (lights not included) and tonight the Grand Opening of the Bethel Public Schools Turf Field was celebrated.
It now seems obvious that the Town of Bethel and/or the Bethel Planning & Zoning Commission are NOT going to investigate the controversial and possibly toxic “crumb rubber” materials used in the “Multipurpose Turf Field” (or have other professionals research it and report back), according to former Bethel First Selectman Matthew Knickerbocker. He made it clear, as well as P&Z Chairwoman Kitty Grant, that it is not their job to investigate materials for safety.
Former First Selectman Knickerbocker was asked if anyone in the Town of Bethel, investigated the controversial “crumb rubber” surface before approving the project (including the Planning & Zoning Commission who did approve the project). He replied, “Planning & Zoning has authority over the uses of property only. It has no authority to investigate the products or materials used in a project. Knickerbocker also said there is no one who investigates materials for safety, that are being used in town projects, at all, in Bethel or any CT town.
Knickerbocker was also asked, “Who in the Bethel Town Government is going to ensure to parents that the “crumb rubber” is safe for use?” He did not reply. He began doing Google searches as we were conversing, and insisted on reading parts of government studies, out loud, and relied on that alone to say the crumb rubber was safe. When we mentioned that other CT towns have banned or removed the crumb rubber fields, he claimed to not have any knowledge of that.
We tried contacting the Bethel Health Department via email and phone calls and we never received a response. Only after alerting Knickerbocker of this lack of communication did we suddenly get a call from Laura Vasile. When discussing the crumb rubber she would also only refer us to government links for information and refused to comment in her own words, when asked. We asked why she did not look at surrounding towns for how other schools were handling the crumb rubber issue. She just said they go by the government information only. Imagine that. Other schools have removed or banned crumb rubber or synthetic turf fields and the Bethel health Department is not interested in researching that.
Town of Bethel and school officials seem to be ignoring numerous reports of other schools in Connecticut banning the “crumb rubber” or “synthetic infill” turf field surfaces, or removing the fields entirely, due to toxicity and health concerns.
According to a CT Insider article dated Dec. 13, 2018, about Westport, CT, “Concerned the town’s playing fields may have adverse health impacts on Westport’s kids, the town’s legislative body passed a ban on crumb rubber, or synthetic field infill.” … ‘Crumb rubber is known to be highly toxic and dangerous in other ways to children and, in fact, all people,’ Representative Town Meeting member Wendy Batteau said of synthetic playing field infill.”
Feb. 18, 2019 — Louis Burch, program director for Citizens Campaign for the Environment, supported a bill that would prohibit the state and its municipalities from purchasing and using artificial turf on playing fields, according to the CT Post. “One of the bill’s co-sponsors is Rep. Josh Elliott, a Democrat from Hamden, where there have been series of ongoing debates in recent years over how to renovate their playing fields, including in 2016 when officials reversed a previous decision to install a crumb rubber baseball field and instead used a mix of cork and coconut, along with a “shock pad” said to reduce the risk of concussions.”
January 7, 2021 — The Lyme-Old Lyme Board of Education voted on Wednesday to approve the installation of an artificial turf field, with one modification: swapping the controversial crumb rubber infill for what was described as a more environmentally friendly substance.
It goes on.
Local instances showing no installation of artificial turf (from SynTurf.org … FOR MORE RECENT INFO. GO TO: http://synturf.org/whatsnew.html ):
[No. 158] Middletown, Connecticut: All of City’s nine fields will remain natural grass. September 2014.
[No. 157] Hartford, Connecticut: Planning & Zoning Commission turns down Trinity College’s application for 8 acres of artificial turf. August 2015.
[No. 150] Redding, Connecticut: Town votes down artificial turf field. June 2015.
[No. 141] Clinton, Connecticut: Voters overwhelmingly reject artificial turf bond. January 2015.
[No.117] Woodbridge, Connecticut: Amity Regional School District votes down artificial turf. October 2013.
[No. 90] Redding,Connecticut: Voters defeat turf referendum. October 2011.
[No. 56] Connecticut: Some playgrounds remove rubber mulch. October 2009.
[No. 27] East Hartford, Conn.: Rentschler Field will stay with natural grass. August 2008.
[No. 04] Fairfield, Conn. (November 2007).
204 instances showing no installation of artificial turf (from SynTurf.org) FOR MORE RECENT INFO. GO TO: http://synturf.org/whatsnew.html:
[No. 204] Sharon, Massachusetts – Score one for the environment for now – Conservation Commission denies permission for installation of artificial turf at the high school, placing the burden of proof on the applicant to show no adverse impact on water resources. September 2020.
[No. 203] Denia (Alicante), Spain – Kids’ park goes with natural grass. January 2020.
[No. 202] Western Monmouth County, New Jersey – Freehold Regional High School District referendum voters not in the mood for spending $ on artificial turf. December 2019.
[No. 201] Burrell School District, Pennsylvania (18 miles northeast of Pittsburgh) – When and where lack of financial resources leads to wise choices; district picks grass over artificial turf. September 2019.
[No. 200] Mexico City, Mexico – Back to grass is the call at Azteca Stadium.June 2019.
[No. 199] University of Arkansas going back to grass – an update. May 2019.
[No. 198] Wayland, Massachusetts – Annual Town Meeting does not adopt the artificial turf proposal for Loker Conservation and Recreation Area. May 2019.
[No. 197] FIFA says ‘no’ to artificial turf fields for Women’s Word Cup tourney – but how honest and firm is the commitment? April 2019.
[No. 196] Ringwood/Wanaque, New Jersey – Voters nix artificial turf funding measure. December 2018.
[No. 195] Dutch soccer’s elite league incentivizes switch to natural grass. December 2018.
[No. 194] Ellington, Connecticut – a whopping majority vote down artificial turf field plan, while ‘no artificial turf’ signs went missing from around down. December 2018.
[No. 193] Bend La Pine, Oregon: Schools’ Executive Director of facilities says artificial turf fields are not cost effective in drier climates. December 2018.
[No. 192] Brickell (Miami), Florida – Public protests forces the city to do 180 on artificial turf.November 2018.
[No. 191] Lagos, Nigeria – Teslim Balogun Stadium pitch is going with natural grass. October 2018..
[No. 190] Harvard, Massachusetts – No artificial turf filed on Pond Road field per Department of Environmental Protection.September 2018.
[No. 189] Staunton, Virginia – Mary Baldwin University opts for grass field.September 2018.
[No. 188] Brookline, Massachusetts – 2018 Annual Town Meeting bars the town from spending funds to install synthetic turf at Cypress Field. June 2018.
[No. 187 ] Fayetteville, Arkansas – University of Arkansas Donald W. Reynolds Stadium will switch back to grass. June 2018.
[No. 186] Austin, Texas – Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium could go back to natural grass.June 2018.
[No. 185] Constantine, Michigan – It is a “no” for artificial turf funding. June 2018.
[No. 184]Wachusett, Massachusetts – Voters turn thumbs down on artificial turf measure. June 2018.
[No. 183] East Durham, North Carolina – City Council orders rubber mulch removed from East Durham Park. May 2018.
[No. 182] Highland Park, Texas – No plastic turf for yards in this posh community. April 2018.
[No. 181] Westmoreland, New York – Voters turn down artificial turf field. March 2018.
[No. 180] Hockinson, Washington – Voters gave thumbs down to the measure to fund artificial turf; school district wants to know why! June 2017.
[No. 179] Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts – Rationality helps natural grass fields plan triumph over plastic fields project.June 2017.
[No. 178] Harare, Zimbabwe – FIFA-sponsored artificial turf at Rufaro Stadium bites the dust, gives way to natural grass.April 2017.
[No. 177] Sag Harbor, New York – Scholl District turns on artificial turf; okays bond referendum for grass fields.March 2017.
[No. 176] Holmdel, New Jersey – Township Committee turns down conversion to artificial turf at Cross Farm Park. March 2017.
[No. 175] Sag Harbor (East and South Hampton, Long Island), New York. January 2017.
[No. 174] Chapel Hill, North Carolina – University of North Carolina says no to artificial turf at Kenan Memorial Stadium. January 2017.
[No. 173] Laurel, New York – Mattituck Park District commissioners shelve artificial turf for athletic complex. July 2016.
[No. 172] Baltimore, Maryland – Ravens’ conversion to natural grass moves apace. June 2016.
[No. 171] Hull, Massachusetts – Voters vote down funding for artificial turf. June 2016.
[No. 170] South Korea – Schools move away from artificial turf playgrounds. May 2016.
[No. 169] University of Mississippi reverts to natural grass. March 2016.
[No. 168] Brisbane Australia: Indooroopilly State School says ‘no’ to artificial grass after many years – it’s just DAGGY! March 2016.
[No. 167] Somerville, Massachusetts says no to artificial turf at Lincoln Park. February 2016.
[No. 166] University of Tennessee’s Neyland Stadium will stay with natural grass. January 2016.
[No. 165] Baltimore, Maryland: Ravens will switch to natural grass. January 2016.
[No. 164] Elko, Nevada: City goes with natural grass. December 2015.
[No. 163] Lower Macungie, Pennsylvania: Town council kills appropriation for turf fields. December 2015.
[No. 162] Glen Gardner, New Jersey: Voters give the thumbs down to a measure that included replacement of natural grass fields with artificial turf. December 2015.
[No. 161] Kolkata [Calcutta], India: ATK manager says he is happy to revert to natural grass. October 2015.
[No. 160] Willard, Missouri: Bermuda grass alive and well in age of artificial turf. October 2015.
[No. 159] Grass Valley, California: Bear River field remains grass for reasons of cost and preference of players and coaches. September 2015.
[No. 158] Middletown, Connecticut: All of City’s nine fields will remain natural grass. September 2014.
[No. 157] Hartford, Connecticut: Planning & Zoning Commission turns down Trinity College’s application for 8 acres of artificial turf. August 2015.
[No. 156] Woodstock Illinois: There is unintended virtue in poverty. August 2015.
[No. 155] Mount Vernon, Illinois: Township high school says not to artificial turf. July 2015.
[No. 154] Spanish Fort, Alabama: No to artificial turf! July 2015.
[No. 153] Winchester, Massachusetts: Voters reject artificial turf plan for Skillings Field.July 2015.
[No. 152] Barrington, Rhode Island: Town rejects artificial turf measure.June 2015.
[No. 151] Ramapo, New York: Artificial turf plan goes down to defeat; among those opposing two doctors who serve on board of education. June 2015.
[No. 150] Redding, Connecticut: Town votes down artificial turf field. June 2015.
[No. 149] Winchester, Massachusetts: Artificial turf measure is defeated. May 2015
[No. 148] Denver Broncos’ practice field also goes all natural. May 2015.
[No. 147] Windham, New Hampshire: Voters reject funding fro artificial turf field. April 2015.
[No. 146] South Pasadena, California: Council votes against synthetic grass in City parkways; water conserved would not compensate for the cultural environmental issues. April 2015.
[No. 145] Denver (Colorado) and Toronto (Canada): Two more professional sports venues converting to natural grass. March 2015.
[No. 144] Bronxville, New York: Thumbs down on artificial turf. February 2015.
[No. 143] Ho-Ho Kus, New Jersey: Thumbs down to artificial turf field.January 2015.
[No. 142] Singapore: Pitch at national Stadium will go all grass. January 2015.
[No. 141] Clinton, Connecticut: Voters overwhelmingly reject artificial turf bond. January 2015.
[No. 140] The English Foot Ball League rejects artificial turf for League One and Two soccer clubs. November 2014.
[No. 139] Two communities in New Jersey (Glen Rock and Glen Ridge), two in Maine (Gray and New Gloucester), and one in Illinois (Batavia) reject funding for artificial turf projects. November 2014.
[No. 138] Ocean City, New Jersey: In view of concern over crumb rubber infill, city nixes conversion of natural grass field to artificial. November 2014.
[No. 137] West Deptford, New Jersey: Voters reject artificial turf. October 2014.
[No. 136] Lancashire, United Kingdom: Back to natural grass at Preston North End’s Deepdale. October 2014.
[No. 135] South Bend, Indiana: Artificial turf field to be replaced with natural grass. September 2014.
[No. 134] Cote St. Paul (Montreal), Canada: Residents snub artificial turf. September 2014.
[No. 133] Little Silver, New Jersey: Sickles Farm Park will remain grass for now. August 2014.
[No. 132] Murphy City, Texas: No more residential artificial turf in plain public sight. August 2014.
[No. 131] Wailuku, Hawaii: County officials say maintaining grass field is more cost-effective than installing artificial turf; they scrap plans for artificial turf. July 2014.
[No. 130 – Update]: Natural grass rolls out at San Clemente’s landmark cultural center at Casa Romantica. May 2014.
[No. 130] San Clemente, California: No to artificial turf at the historic site. April 2014.
[No. 129] North Arlington, New Jersey: NJ Department of Environmental Protection denies permit for artificial turf field due close to the Passaic Rivers due to flooding concerns. March 2014.
[No. 128] Olean, New York: Natural grass to replace asphalt, not artificial turf! February 2014.
[No. 127] Bangalore, India: Only natural grass for FIFA U-17 World Cup in 2017! February 2014.
[No. 126] English Premier League says ‘no’ to artificial turf, once again. Februart 2014.
[No. 125] Greenlawn, New York: Harborfields School District votes down synthetic turf project. December 2013.
[No. 124] Hastings-on-Hudson, New York: Voters reject artificial turf bond proposal. December 2013.
[No. 123] Hendersonville, North Carolina: Artificial turf field idea goes bust. December 2013
[No. 122] Freeport, Maine: Artificial turf measure fails. November 2013.
[No. 121] Glen Ridge, New Jersey: Artificial turf filed referendum is defeated. November 2013.
[No. 120] Hinesburg, Vermont: Voters down artificial turf bond. November 2013.
[No. 119] Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Authorities urged to consider shortcomings of artificial pitches before converting football fields. November 2013.
[No. 118] Toronto, Canada: BMO Field will never revert to artificial turf. October 2013.
[No.117] Woodbridge, Connecticut: Amity Regional School District votes down artificial turf. October 2013.
[No. 116] San Carlos, California: City Council rejects the renovation plan for Crestview Park that included artificial turf. July 2013.
[No. 115] Portola Valley, California: Valley town council votes down artificial grass. June 2013.
[No. 114] Maryland legislature fails to approve open space money for artificial turf field project in P.G. County. May 2013.
[No. 113] Sydney, Australia: Citizens say ‘no’ to the several artificial turf projects; force removal of some existing ones. April 2013.
[No. 112] Whippany and East Hanover, New Jersey: School district votes down artificial turf proposal. March 2013.
[No. 111] Delmar, NY: Bethlehem Central School District taxpayers ditch the artificial turf project. March 2013.
[No.110] Leesburg, Virginia: Finally, some adults in Northern Virginia! March 2013.
[No. 109] Parsippany, NJ: Voters defeated artificial turf plan. February 2013.
[No. 108] Bernardsville, New Jersey: No “Open Space” money for artificial turf field. November 2012.
[No. 107] Westfield, New Jersey: District voters give thumbs down on bond for artificial turf field and lighting. October 2012.
[No. 106] Trenton, NJ: City council votes down artificial turf for high school. August 2012.
[No. 105] Swampscott, Mass.: A wise minority stops the majority’s field of nightmares. June 2012.
[No. 104] Washington Township, New Jersey: Council re-opts for re-sodding field. June 2012
[No. 103] Northbridge, Mass: Voters give thumbs down to artificial turf field. June 2012.
[No. 102] Guadalajara, Mexico: Chivas replaces artificial turf field with natural grass. June 2012.
[No. 101] Bellingham, Mass.: Voters reject artificial turf field proposal. June 2012.
[No. 100] Bridgeport, West Virginia: It’s thumbs down for artificial turf fields. May 2012.
[No. 99] Bedford, Mass.: Town Meeting fails to pass artificial turf field proposal. April 2012.
[No. 98] Montrose, NY: School district gives thumbs down on artificial turf field. March 2012.
[No. 97] Muskegon, Michigan: Fiscal responsibility, cool heads, save the grass field. Match 21012.
[No. 96] Briarcliff Manor, NY: Middle School goes with natural grass field. March 2012.
[No. 95] Glendale, California: City continues to hold the line on artificial grass. February 2012.
[No. 94] Ontario, California (Riverside County): Bye-bye artificial turf from home gardens! January 2012.
[No. 93] Nassau County, New York: County shelves plans for artificial turf fields. November 2011.
[No. 92] Howard County, Maryland: Board of Ed nixes proposed expenditure on artificial turf. November 2011.
[No. 91]: Glendale, California: The city says no to faux front lawns. November 2011.
[No. 90] Redding,Connecticut: Voters defeat turf referendum. October 2011.
[No. 89]Park Ridge,New Jersey: Voters say “no” to turf field. October 2011.
[No. 88]Montville,New Jersey: Thumbs down on artificial turf field. October 2011.
[No. 87] N. Kingstown, Rhode Island: Voters ditch artificial turf project. September 2011.
[No. 86] ] Sacramento, California: Gov vetoes pro-artificial turf bill. August 1, 2011.
[No. 85] Gorham, Maine: Voters defeat artificial turf project. June 2011.
[No. 84] Boca Raton, Florida: Park Commissioners knock down artificial turf proposal. June 2011.
[No. 83] Malden, Mass.: City council fails to pass a measure for a park project that included an artificial turf field. May 2011
[No. 82] York, Penn.: Educational priorities trump dream of plastic fields and crumb rubber infill. May 2011.
[No. 81] Rockville, Maryland: It is natural grass soccer fields for Potomac and Gaithersburg; health risks of artificial turf cited. May 2011.
[No. 80] Moorestown, New Jersey: Council kicks artificial turf plan to the curb. April 2011.
[No. 79] Western Springs, Illinois: Voters give thumbs down to artificial turf. April 2011.
[No. 78] New Westminster, British Columbia: Council votes down artificial turf for Queen’s Park. April 2011.
[No. 77] Batavia, New York: Town gives double thumbs down to artificial turf. April 2011.
[No. 76] Chicago, Illinois: The Bears will not replace grass with artificial turf. April 2011.
[No. 75] Canandaigua, NY: Third time is no charm – voters still reject artificial turf. January 2011.
[No. 74] Mass. DCR removes rubber mulch from three Boston-area playgrounds. December 2010.
[No. 73] Sacramento, California: Gov vetoes pro-artificial turf bill. October 2010.
[No. 72] Marblehead, Mass.: No lack of marbles here, town votes down artificial turf. June 2010.
[No. 71] Hingham Mass.: Voters turn down artificial turf for Ward Street fields. June 2010.
[No. 70] Bath, Maine: Voters say no to artificial turf. June 2010.
[No. 69] Jacksonville Jaguars go with grass practice field! May 2010.
[No. 68] Monroe, New York: Voters say no to artificial turf fields. May 2010.
[No. 67] Chicago, Illinois: Da Bears pick manly grass over plastic due to risk of injury. May 2010.
[No. 66] Rutherford, New Jersey: School playground to go from rubber to wood mulch. April 2010.
[No. 65] Middletown, New Jersey: Budget woes scraps artificial turf plans. April 2010.
[No. 64] Coal City, Illinois: High School goes with natural grass. March 2010.
[No. 63] Michigan Center, Michigan: School Boards ditches turf field, goes with natural grass. March 2010.
[No. 62] Santa Ana, Costa Rica: Municipality will go with a grass field, because of lower cost, the environment, profitability and health. February 2010.
[No. 61] Poway, California: No artificial turf field for Arbolitos Sports Field? January 2010.
[No. 60] Salinas, California: No artificial turf for the place of eternal rest. January 2010.
[No. 59] Marrickville, Australia: Council votes down artificial turf, goes with natural grass. December 2009.
[No. 58] Costa Rica national stadium will be a grass field. December 2009.
[No. 57] Oxford, Michigan votes down artificial turf. November 2009.
[No. 56] Connecticut: Some playgrounds remove rubber mulch. October 2009.
[No. 55] Permanent grass for BMO Field. October 2009.
[No. 54] MLB’s turf wars are nearing the end. October 2009.
[No. 53] Toronto: Adios to BMO Field’s artificial turf. September 2009.
[No. 52] Minneapolis, Minn: Twins opt for real grass in new venue. September 2009.
[No. 51] New York City’s Public Advocate calls for removal of turf fields. June 2009.
[No. 50] Western Michigan: Several turf funding measures go down in defeat. May 2009.
[No. 49] Friday Harbor, Wash.: Residents says “no” to rubber mulch/crumb in playground. April 2009.
[No. 48] Kenilworth, Ill.: Voters says “no” to turf on principle! April 2009.
[No. 47] Maplewood, NJ: Township council votes for natural grass playing field at DeHart Park. April 2009.
[No. 46] Deerfield Beach, Florida: City ordains a ban on use of artificial turf in landscaping. March 2009.
[No. 45] San Carlos, Calif.: Youth Council votes down turf field. March 2009.
[No.44] Manchester, New Jersey: The “nays” have it, again. March 2009.
[No. 43] Mamaroneck, NY: No to turf fields, bond measure fails. February 2009.
[No. 42] Peru: At the National Stadium, it’s out with the artificial turf, in with natural grass. February 2009.
[No. 41] San Jose: Calif.: School district says “no,” to fake grass on environmental and health grounds. January 2009.
[No. 40] Bentonville, Arkansas: Parks & Rec says “ no” to turf soccer fields; City to continue using grass fields, with more rigorous maintenance. January 2009.
[No. 39] Irvington, NY says “no” to turf, mostly over process and environmental concerns. December 2008.
[No. 38] Jordan, NY: School district says no to turf. December 2008.
[No. 37] South River, New Jersey: Cost and overreaching by County sinks turf field project. November 2008.
[No. 36] Brimfield, Mass.: Voters say “no” to borrowing for turf. November 2008.
[No. 35] Maplewood, New Jersey: Voters give thumbs down to turf for DeHart Park. November 2008.
[No. 34] Hanover, Penn.: Sheppard-Myers Field will be grass. October 2008.
[No. 33] San Luis Obispo, Cal.: City says “no” to turf; will give grass a chance at one field. October 2008.
[No. 32] Reading, Penn.: Reading Junior High School goes with natural grass fields. September 2008.
[No. 31] Toronto, Canada: Mayor wants natural grass at BMO Field. September 2008.
[No. 30] Morris, New Jersey: Harding says no to artificial turf. September 2008.
[No. 29] Toronto FC converts to natural grass. September 2008.
[No. 28] Terre Haute, Ind.: Lack of private funds sinks artificial turf fields for three high schools. September 2008.
[No. 27] East Hartford, Conn.: Rentschler Field will stay with natural grass. August 2008.
[No. 26] Highland, Ind.: High School chooses sod over turf. August 2008.
[No. 25] Tyler, Texas: School District goes with new drainage system and Bermuda grass. July 2008.
[No. 24] No turf for the juvenile detention center in Manchester (NH) due to health risks (July 2008).
[No. 23] Many Orange County communities do not allow turf (July 2008).
[No. 22] Montrose (NY) says “no” to turf field (June 2008).
[No. 21] Save Your Park: The Westmount (Quebec) retrospective (video) (June 2008).
[No. 20] Cape Henlopen School District, Del. says “no” to turf field due to economic woes (June 2008).
[No. 19] Pelham, NY says “no” to turf fields (May 2008).
[No. 18] Maynard, Mass. says “no” to artificial turf field (May 2008).
[No. 17] Portola, Calif. Conservation Commission says “no” to turf (Fall 2007).
[No. 16] Haverling (NY) cuts out turf from high school renovation plans (March 2008).
[No. 15] Costa Mesa’s turf ban ordinance under review (March 2008).
[No. 14] UEFA says “no” to turf for Champions League final (March 2008).
[No. 13] Minneapolis City Council says “No” to Turf on Nicollet (February 2008).
[No. 12] Minneapolis Councilman slams turf (February 2008).
[No. 11] Ridgefield voters turn down turf plan (February 2008).
[No. 10] No Turf at Longmeadow (Mass.) High School (February 2008).
[No. 09] No Turf in Nicollet Island’s Historic District (February 2008).
[No. 08] National Park Service/Jones Point Park/Alexandria, Va (December 2007).
[No. 07] Westmount, Quebec, Canada (December 2007).
[No. 06] Caldwell/West Caldwell, New Jersey (December 2007).
No. 05] Nyack, New York (December 2007).
[No. 04] Fairfield, Conn. (November 2007).
[No. 03] Wellesley, Mass. (April 2007).
[No. 02] Woodside, Calif. (July 2007).
[No. 01] Atherton, Calif. (April 2007).
FOR MORE RECENT INFO. GO TO: http://synturf.org/whatsnew.html
Amy Griffin, an assistant women’s soccer coach at the University of Washington, is where questions about athletes’ safety began in 2006 when she noticed a higher rate of cancer in her players.
According to an article in NBCConnecticut, “Can Carcinogens in Artificial Turf Harm Athletes?”, dated February 23, 2015:
“Eventually, it just became uncanny how many people in our area had blood-related cancer,” said Amy Griffin, “Leukemia and lymphoma were the two that became the most prevalent.”
“Although scientists haven’t proven a connection between crumb rubber and cancer, that upward trend prompted Griffin to start a list of student-athletes diagnosed with cancer. While she admits her findings aren’t scientific, she can’t help but ask questions.
“Out of the 126 [athletes listed], 112 are soccer players and the rest are NFL football players, field hockey or lacrosse players,” said Griffin.
But if we know these fields contain carcinogens, why install them where children play?
According to NBC Connecticut, “Nancy Alderman, president of Environment and Human Health, said, “Twenty to 30 percent of every tire [crumb rubber in turf fields] is carbon black… And carbon black is a carcinogen.”
“In 2007, Alderman and her colleagues predicted the four carcinogens found in crumb rubber would affect players within 10 years.
About synturf.org and their reference info. above:
Citizen Information & Advocacy
Guive Mirfendereski, PhD, JD
Founder and Managing Editor
24 Carleton Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458 USA
Phone: (617) 964-5252 . Email: [email protected]
This site is a US-based worldwide forum dedicated to information regarding the environmental and health risks associated with artificial/synthetic turf fields.
By providing a reliable body of information about environmental and health impact of artificial turf fields, this site seeks to level the playing field of information about synthetic turf in favor of public interest.
This site grew out of the need for a clearinghouse of information about the environmental and health aspects of artificial turf, particularly about information not readily disclosed by promoters and sellers of artificial turf systems and their purchasers.
This site is not affiliated with any manufacturer, seller or promoter of artificial turf fields, nor with any grower, seller or promoter of sod or grass products and services.
The site does not compensate for articles or submissions made to it. All work done for or on this site is entirely volunteer work by concerned and civic-minded individuals.
The expenses of operating this site is defrayed by the founder from personal funds and from such contributions as received from supporters. This is not a tax-exempt entity Section 501 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code or any Massachusetts law.
Please make a financial contribution by sending a check payable to Guive Mirfendereski, 24 Carleton Street, Newton, MA 02458 USA
This site does not accept advertisement.
This site maintains an e-mail list to which it distributes news of newly-posted items.
FOR MORE RECENT INFO. GO TO: http://synturf.org/whatsnew.html