Report by Paula Antolini, October 10, 2022, 9:21PM EDT
Former State Representative Will Duff intends to seek the Republican nomination for First Selectman of Bethel in the upcoming special election.
The special election, expected to take place this coming winter, was triggered pursuant to Bethel’s Town Charter due to the resignation of incumbent Matthew Knickerbocker (D), Of Bethel’s last seven municipal elections, Duff – who squared off against Knickerbocker in 2013 and 2015 – came closest to defeating him, ushering in GOP majorities on all elected boards and commissions during their 2015 rematch.
Duff, a former Selectman and school board member – who currently serves as Chair of the Board of Assessment Appeals – stated, “I thank Matt Knickerbocker for his service to Bethel and wish him well in his new position with Wilton. He was a worthy opponent, but now’s the time for Bethel to focus on our future. I look forward to engaging with Bethel’s citizens in the coming months – I will be in every neighborhood to listen to what’s on their minds, collect their ideas, and helping them understand they can count on me to shepherd those ideas as First Selectman.”
According to Duff, “While the issues facing Bethel may differ from time-to-time, the need for experienced and proactive leadership that can bring our community together never goes away. I have the ability and the experience in town government to know that we can hold the line on taxes and spending. We can reduce the size and cost of government. We can get control of our debt and maintain our infrastructure at the same time. Working together, we can create a better Bethel!”
Above photo: Will Duff, file photo BETHEL ADVOCATE / Paula Antolini ©2017.