Report by Paula Antolini, July 5, 2021, 12:31PM EDT
(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Ned Lamont today announced that his administration has launched a new website that is intended to provide Connecticut residents with up-to-date information about adult-use cannabis, which became legal in the state as of July 1 under a new law that he signed last month.
The website can be accessed by visiting ct.gov/cannabis.
Although the portion of the law permitting adults to possess and consume cannabis went into effect on July 1, there are several components that do not go into effect for another one to two years, most notably the establishment of retail sales, which are expected to begin toward the end of 2022 and will have a very specific licensing process and social equity requirement. The governor explained that this website is intended as a resource to provide Connecticut residents with the most up-to-date information about this ongoing process.
“Passage of this new law was an important step forward in ending the failed war on drugs as adults over the age of 21 can now legally possess and consume cannabis in Connecticut,” Governor Lamont said. “Now begins the important work of standing up a fair, well-regulated marketplace for businesses and consumers that prioritizes public health, safety, and social equity. We know the public will have a lot of questions about this process in the coming months, and this website will be an important resource for people who have questions about the new law or who might be interested in starting a new business in this market.”
“We know that many people are excited and enthusiastic about the opportunity to participate in this new marketplace in Connecticut,” Department of Consumer Protection Commissioner Michelle H. Seagull said. “This new website will be an important resource for consumers and interested business owners. We will continue to provide information about the licensing and application process as it becomes available, and we are committed to a clear and transparent process.”
Connecticut residents are encouraged to check the website regularly for updates on the Social Equity Council, the availability of license applications for businesses, information on public health and safety, and answers to frequently asked questions about the new law.