Report by Paula Antolini, April 6, 2022, 1:19PM EDT
Bethel Municipal Center is having an “Egg Hunt” on Thursday, April 7, 2022, from 3:30-6:00pm, except it has nothing to do with Easter.
View the Bethel Parks and Recreation poster below and you will NOT see the word “Easter”anywhere, despite rabbit images and a young girl wearing bunny ears.
This year, for the first time ever, the Bethel Parks & Recreation Department decided to “keep it neutral,” said Eileen Earle, Director of Bethel Parks and Recreation. She said the “decision” was hers, done through her department.
Other years Parks & Rec. held the “Easter Egg Hunt” event on the front lawn of the municipal center, or at Meckauer Park, she said, but this year the town will hold it indoors at the municipal center, where families will go from department to department for the “egg hunt and egg giveaway.” They did not want to do “large crowd activities” Earle said.
We asked, why the change? Earle said, “We’re just trying to stay neutral, so we’re not trying to offend anyone religiously.” She said they are “just trying to do a nice egg hunt for the kids.“

What is happening in Bethel? Who is deciding to constantly change everything to “neutral”?
In the recent past, there has been controversy over other issues pertaining to religion too, such as when the Bethel town officials separated Santa from the “Holiday” (Christmas) Tree and Nativity display in P.T. Barnum Square, during the beloved holiday event held there for years. They moved Santa to a tent in front of the municipal center, or indoors if it was too cold out, where children would tell Santa their wishes. That location is away from the festivities such as a Bethel High School choir singing holiday music and the large celebratory crowd. Although Santa is not a religious figure he certainly is a large part of the event that the families looked forward to. Santa would arrive at the square in a fire department truck, but now he just circles the square, waves, and disappears to the municipal building. The Board of Selectmen (BOS) had discussed “moving the tree” a few years ago but decided they “did not have enough time” to arrange that. We assume they meant installing an artificial tree in or near the gazebo at the Municipal Center. So far we’ve heard no additional discussion on that from the BOS.
Then eventually the Bethel Board of Selectmen (BOE) allowed large controversial signs to be placed in P.T. Barnum Square in front of the Nativity, some by people who have stated they cannot bear to look at the Nativity and did not want it there. These individuals also tried to have the Nativity removed, or as was suggested by a member of the Bethel “Religious Holliday Display Committee,” that there should be a raffle as to which displays should be allowed, chancing that the Nativity might not be chosen certain years, and they saw no harm in that. Now you can’t mention Easter for the Bethel “Egg Hunt” because it might offend someone. The residents had no say in this.
Are you in agreement with all of this? Do you think this is confusing to the children?
There would be no Christmas if there was no Easter.
Bethel has now scrambled the “Egg Hunt” and muddled the meaning of the holiday by removing “Easter.”
Is this an “eggcellent” (as the Bethel ad reads) way to promote love and kindness?
Easter is a time of renewal and rebirth, something we all could use a lot more of now.
We researched to see how many other towns in Fairfield County also removed the word “Easter.”
The towns that REMOVED (or did not use) the word “Easter” are shown below. (This does not include towns who did not use “Easter” in the name of the event, but used it in the description, and does not include all CT towns).
Bethel, Parks & Recreation Department, “2022 Egg Hunt”
Brookfield Town, Parks & Recreation Department, Two Events: “24th Annual Egg Hunt” and “22nd Annual Flashlight Egg Hunt“
Fairfield, Connecticut Audubon Society Fairfield: “Annual Egg Hunt” and Fairfield Parks and Recreation Department: “Beach Bunny 5K Family Fun Run and Annual Egg Scramble” and “5K Timed Run and One Mile Untimed Family Bunny Hop” and “Annual Egg Scramble.”
Newtown, EverWonder Children’s Museum and Newtown Parks and Recreation: “EverWonder’s Annual Egg Scramble.”
Monroe, Webb Mountain Discovery Zone: “11th Annual Spring Egg Hunt.”
View the full list below from CT.gov. (This might not include all Fairfield County towns.)
TRUMBULL: “Autism Speaks – Sensory-Friendly Easter Bunny Event”
On Sunday, April 3, 2022, from 10:00am to 11:00am Westfield Trumbull. Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. They do this through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions. www.autismspeaks.org. Located at Easter Bunny set on Level 2 in the Apple Court. Photos available for purchase through Cherry Hill Programs. Westfield Trumbull, 5065 Main Street, Trumbull, CT 06611. REGISTER
DANBURY: “Sensory Friendly Easter Experience”
Danbury Fair Mall – Sunday April 3, 2022, 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Danbury Fair 7 Backus Avenue, Danbury, CT 06810Sensory Bunny is held in partnership with @AutismSpeaks. Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. They do this through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions. www.autismspeak.org
Brookfield Town – Two Events – “24th Annual Egg Hunt” and “22nd Annual Flashlight Egg Hunt“
24th Annual Egg Hunt -Join the Parks & Recreation Department on the grounds of Town Hall on Saturday, April 9, 2022. Additional features include jellybean counting contest and a special appearance by a famous bunny. Bags will be provided for egg collecting. Call the Parks & Recreation office to register. Cost is $5 per child or $10 family max. Open to Brookfield residents in grades 4 or younger. Hunts every 30 minutes between 10:30am—1:00pm. The 10:30am hunt is reserved for those 5 & under. Registration is required at 203-775-7310. Day: Saturday Date: 4/9/2022 Time: 30 minute hunts between 10:30am-1:00pm Fee: $5.00pp/$10.00 Family Max Place: Brookfield Town Hall, 100 Pocono Rd. 22nd Annual Flashlight Egg Hunt Just for Brookfield students in grades 3- 5! The hunt will be held on the grounds of Town Hall at 8pm sharp and will last approximately 20 minutes. All participants must bring their own flashlight. Bags will be provided for collecting. Cost is $5 per child or $10 family max. Registration is required at 203-775-7310. Day: Friday Date: 4/8/2022 Time: 8:00pm. Fee: $5.00pp/$10.00 Family Max Place: Brookfield Town Hall, 100 Pocono Rd. https://www.brookfieldct.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif341/f/news/winter_2022_program_guide_as_of_1.31.22.pdf
FAIRFIELD: “Annual Egg Hunt“
Connecticut Audubon Society Fairfield – ANNUAL EGG HUNT on Saturday, April 16, 2022. Four times to choose from: 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. This favorite spring tradition includes fun-filled family activities, socially distanced visits with a special bunny, snacks and a spring craft. Don’t forget to bring cameras and a basket! Entire program is outdoors, rain or shine. Adult and child CAS members: $10 per person; adult and child non-members: $12 per person; children one and younger are free. Spaces fill quickly. To get your preferred time, register early at: https://www.ctaudubon.org/2022/02/annual-egg-hunt/. This event is held at the Center at Fairfield, 2325 Burr Street, Fairfield, CT. More information at https://www.ctaudubon.org/fairfield-home/, or call 203-259-6305 ext. 109.-
DARIEN: “Annual Easter Egg Hunt”
Darien Community Association ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT, Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Friday, April 15, 2022 at 10:00am. Gather your Easter baskets and come out for an Easter Egg Hunt on the front lawn of the DCA! This annual event is a great way for children to get into the spirit of the holiday. Please come early, as the Easter Egg Hunt starts at 10:00am sharp and takes only a few minutes. A special appearance by the Easter Bunny makes this a wonderful morning. Price: $20 cash per car. Parking at the DCA is limited, carpooling is encouraged. In the event of inclement weather, a cancellation of the egg hunt will be announced on our DCA website, e-blast, and voicemail greeting that morning. Phone: 203-655-9050. Fax: 203-655-4009. [email protected]https://dariendca.org/moms-morning-in-childrens-activities/
EASTON: “Easter Egg Hunt EGG-Stravaganza”
Easton – Easter Egg Hunt EGG-Stravaganza – Brown and white bunny sitting in a field of flowers and colorful Easter eggs. Hop on over to the New Friends Playground for our annual Easter EGG-Stravaganza. There will be two different age groups for participants to hunt eggs hidden by the Easter Bunny. Find a SPECIAL EGG and win a prize! Guess how many candies are in the jar, and win the jar! Enjoy a jump in the bounce house! Children must be accompanied by an adult. Don’t forget your basket! Online registration is required at www.Eastonrec.com Date: Sunday, April 3, 2022. Time: 12:00pm-2:00pm. Ages: 0 – 10. Fee: FREE – Easton residents only. REGISTRATION REQUIRED https://eastonct.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=29007
STAMFORD: “Easter Egg Hunt”
Evangelical Community Church – Sunday, April 10, 2022, 11:30 AM. Join us outdoors for a completely free fun day at ECC. Easter Egg Hunt, bouncy house, goody bags, face painting, balloons, coffee, snacks, games! Evangelical Community Church, 1155 Newfield Ave, Stamford, CT 06902. Let’s find some eggs! Please register in advance. REGISTER
FAIRFIELD: “Beach Bunny 5K Family Fun Run and Annual Egg Scramble” and “5K Timed Run and One Mile Untimed Family Bunny Hop” and “Annual Egg Scramble”
Fairfield Parks and Recreation Department Are you ready for a Hopping Good Time? Join Fairfield Parks and Recreation for our inaugural Beach Bunny 5K Family Fun Run and Annual Egg Scramble! Saturday April 16, 2022, Jennings Beach. 7:45 AM Registration. 9:00 AM 5K Timed Run and One Mile Untimed Family Bunny Hop! 10:00 AM awards ceremony. 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM Annual Egg Scramble (6 and under). 10:45 AM, Annual Egg Scramble (7 and older). Food trucks, family fund and more! $30 early bird registration. $35 registration after February 29, 2022. https://www.fairfieldct.org/BeachBunny5K Phone: 203-256-3191 Registration .
GREENWICH: “Easter Egg Hunt” and “Easter Egg Roll”
Greenwich Baptist Church – Easter Egg Hunt. Saturday, April 9, 2022, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Join us for food, fun and lots of Easter Eggs. Burgers and hot dogs, Bouncy Houses. Easter Egg Hunt. Face Painting. And much more! Greenwich Baptist Church, 10 Indian Rock Lane, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 203-869-2807 Pequot Library – Easter Egg Roll on the Great Lawn April 16, 2022, at 10:00 am. Dance the bunny hop, make crafts, play games, and meet the Easter Bunny himself! Bring your own hard-boiled eggs for decorating, and then choose your favorite egg to enter in the age-category races. Please bring a long-handled wooden spoon for the roll. This event is weather-permitting and open to all ages. Please consult the website for updates. Free and open to the public. https://www.pequotlibrary.org/event/easter-egg-roll-3/
NEW CANAAN: “Breakfast with the Easter Bunny at Waveny House“
New Canaan – BREAKFAST WITH THE EASTER BUNNY AT WAVENY HOUSE. Saturday, April 9th 2022, 9:00-10:00 a.m. at Waveny House. Fee: $7. Registration starts February 1. Online Registration All parents attending must register with children- $7 per paerson, seating is limited.Children ages 2+ and parents. Event includes greeting with the Easter Bunny, breakfast snacks, juice and coloring. Everyone will receive a surprise from the Easter Bunny! At least one adult must accompany each family of children, New Canaan residents only. Parents don’t forget to bring your camera. Registration starts February 1. https://www.newcanaan.info/departments/recreation/special_events/breakfast_with_the_easter_bunny.php
NEWTOWN: “EverWonder’s Annual Egg Scramble”
EverWonder Children’s Museum EverWonder Children’s Museum EverWonder’s Annual Egg Scramble will be held on Sunday, April 3, 2022. ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Egg Drops will be at 9:00 am, 10:00 am and 11:00 am. Age Groups 1 – 4 and 5- 10. Limit 10 Eggs per child. 10:00AM Pony Rides and Petting Zoo. Visit with the Easter Bunny. $12 per child ($8 per adult) includes Museum admission for Non-Members. $4 per Member child. Pre-registration Required! Register online from 3/6/2022 to 3/25/2022. Space is limited for each egg drop. Please bring your own basket for eggs. EverWonder Children’s Museum is located at 31 Pecks Lane, Newtown CT 06470. Our website is http://www.everwondermuseum.org/ Rain date: Sunday, April 10, 2022. Pony Rides $6.00. Petting Zoo $2.00. REGISTRATION AT: https://www.simpletix.com/e/everwonders-annual-egg-scramble-2022-ticke-tickets-98964
OLD GREENWICH: “Community Easter Egg Hunt”
Living Hope Community Church – Community Easter Egg Hunt. Saturday, April 9, 2022, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM EDT. Living Hope Community Church, 38 West End Avenue, Old Greenwich, CT 06870. In addition to a hunt for 3,000 Easter Eggs; kids can enjoy crafts, refreshments and a short Easter message. For kids 10 and under. Please bring your Easter basket! Please check our website if there is inclement weather at www.LivingHopeCT.org. REGISTER
NEWTOWN: “Egg Hunt” and “Annual Spring Egg Hunt”
Newtown – Egg Hunt (Ages 3-12) April 2, 2022, 9:30AM – 10:00AM. For up-to-date changes in any program regarding weather, time or location. Please sign up E Alerts. Join Newtown Parks and Recreation for the Annual Spring Egg Hunt. There will be an appearance by our Spring Bunny who will lead you to the hunt. This year we have a variety of time slots available. Each time slot is limited to 50 participants. There will be two prize eggs in each time slot. No walk-ins – You must pre-register for the event. Dickinson Town Park. $3.00/$6.00 Registration
NORWALK: “Easter Brunch & Egg Hunt” and “Easter Egg Hunt”
Nordstrom – Easter Brunch & Egg Hunt. Join us for a day of family fun! Hop on over for a great time!
Sunday, April 10, 2022, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM EDT. Easter Express Brunch served 9am-11pm. Following an Easter Egg Hunt with Candy and toys! Easter Bunny will be hiding eggs all day in our kids department! Enjoy your meal, Egg hunt and have an egg-cellent time! Tickets include: Reservation in our Bazille restaurant (Special a la carte menu available; See menu & prices below) Family Photo with the Easter Bunny! Bunny Balloon Twist, Games and more! Must make reservations for all attendees including children under 3 to reserve your seating. Reserve your spot today! Eat, Hunt, have a hopping good time 🙂 Sunday, April 10, 2022, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM EDT. Nordstrom, 100 North Water Street, #Suite A, Norwalk, CT 06854 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/easter-brunch-egg-hunt-tickets-305583597767?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
NORWALK: “Family Easter Egg Hunt”
Norwalk Moms – Family Easter Egg Hunt hosted by Norwalk Moms. Sunday, April 10, 2022, 9:45 AM – 12:00 PM EDT. Bloomingdale’s, 100 North Water Street, Norwalk, CT 06854. Hosted by Norwalk Moms Instagram page and sponsored by Bloomingdale’s located inside The SoNo Collection Mall in Norwalk. Family’s are invite to a FREE morning of fun for the entire family!9:45 am -11:00 am- Kids Egg Hunt and Activities. 11:00 am-12:00 pm -Parent Scavenger Hunt* (1 adult per family). *Parents need gifts too! Thank you to Bloomingdale’s for all the special goodies! RSVP is a must as space is limited! ! Please use Bloomindale’s private rooftop entrance. Park on the rooftop parking lot L3. Updates will be make on @norwalkmoms via Instagram. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/family-easter-egg-hunt-hosted-by-norwalk-moms-tickets-293241813157?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
RIDGEFIELD: “Free Annual Egg Scramble – The Easter Bunny is coming to town“
Ridgefield – Free Annual Egg Scramble. The Easter Bunny is coming to town! Children will collect eggs, meet the Easter Bunny, and enjoy springtime in the park. This free event is cosponsored by the Ridgefield Rotary Club. Saturday April 9, 2022, 11:00 am to 11:15 am. Ballard Park. Rain Date: Sunday, April 10, 2022, 12:00 pm to 12:15 pm. Ballard Park. https://www.ridgefieldparksandrec.org/programs/events/20016
Rowayton: “Easter Egg Hunt”
Rowayton Community Center – Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 9, 2022, 8:00AM to 1:00 PM, Rowayton Community Center. Hop on over to the Community Center, rain or shine, to meet the Easter Bunny and participate in RCA’s annual Easter Egg Hunt. Parents, please drop off six plastic eggs filled with candy, snacks or coins for each participating child to Paul Curtin at 11 Burchard Lane on Friday, April 3 between 12:00-8:00pm. Eggs may also be dropped off at the Community Center field before 9:30am on the day of the hunt. For more information, email Paul Curtin. https://www.rowaytoncurrents.com/?tribe_events=rca-easter-egg-hunt-3 Rowayton Community Center 33 Highland Ave, Norwalk, CT 06853. Or email Paul Curtin
STAMFORD: “Egg Hunt & Bunny Raffle” and “Stamford Recreation Star Center Easter Egg Hunt”
Stamford – Egg Hunt & Bunny Raffle (Ages 3 – 6). Recreation Star Center 1170 Shippan Avenue, April 9, 2022, Saturday. 9:00AM – 9:30AM – Session 1; 10:00AM – 10:30AM – Session 2; 11:00AM – 11:30AM – Session 3; 12:00PM – 12:30PM – Session 4. $7.00 per child. Get those Easter baskets ready for the Stamford Recreation Star Center Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Bunny will make an appearance and pass out a raffle ticket and small goodie bag to each child as well as the egg hunt. We will be offering four different time slots to keep the crowds small during the current pandemic. All participants must wear a mask and registration must be done in advance. No walk-ins will be permitted. Max of 50 children per time slot and one parent per family. Adults & children ages 3 and up must wear mask unless city rules change. https://www.stamfordrecreation.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/SpringSummer-Brochure-2022-13.pdf
STAMFORD: “Forest Easter Egg Adventure”
Stamford Museum & Nature Center – Forest Easter Egg Adventure. Join us for our popular Easter Egg Adventure on our Wheels in the Woods trail. April 8, 9, 10, 15 and 16, 2022. Ages 2+. Multiple times available A maximum of 25 kids per session ensures a fun, safe event for all. We’ll start the hunt on our trails where kids gather eggs in the woods, then return back to the Wheels in the Woods picnic area, where we’ll meet some live animals and create a great craft! Kids will turn in their found eggs to take home a prize from our awesome choices of stuffed animals, science kits, craft activities, and more! Program will run rain or shine (rain plan will be e-mailed to participants if needed). Members: $20 per child; Adults free. Non-members: $25 per child; 1 free adult admission for every paying child; additional adults $5 – to be paid at gate when checking in for event. Additional tickets cannot be purchased on the day of the event. All tickets must be purchased in advance. Additional adults or children in non-member parties that are not registered must pay gate admission. Gate admission is included in the price of the program for registered non-members. Please check registrations carefully. Tickets will only be accepted for their corresponding sessions. Stamford Museum & Nature Center, 39 Scofieldtown Road, Stamford CT 06903 203.977.6521 Information, registration and directions at https://www.stamfordmuseum.org/forest-easter-egg-adventure/
DANBURY: “Annual Easter Egg Hunt Egg-Stravaganza”
Stew Leonard’s Danbury – ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT EGG-STRAVAGANZA, Free Tickets Available Starting Wednesday, March 9, 2022.Stew Leonard’s invites children aged 8 and younger to join the farm fresh food store’s annual Easter Egg Hunt Egg-Stravaganza on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, from 4 – 5:30 p.m. Children aged 8 and under will be given a bag to collect Easter eggs filled with candy and other prizes from the costumed characters throughout the store. Five lucky children will open an egg to reveal a special ticket redeemable at Customer Service for a grand prize: a WOW Easter Basket bursting with treats! Parents, please note that some of the candy included in the eggs and baskets may contain peanuts. After the Egg-Stravaganza is complete, parents are invited to take photos of their children with the Easter Bunny. The Easter Egg-Stravaganza is free to the community; however, due to the popularity of this event in years past, this is a ticketed event for children aged 8 and under. Parents and caregivers do not need tickets.Tuesday, April 5, 2022, from 4 – 5:30 p.m. Tickets are free and will be available via Stew’s Leonard’s online events calendar starting on March 9. Customers can also go to Eventbrite.com and search “Stew Leonard’s” for tickets. Stew Leonard’s in Connecticut: 99 Federal Road, Danbury, CT / (203) 790-8030 http://www.stewleonards.com/stew-leonards-hosts-annual-easter-egg-hunt-egg-stravaganza-2/
NORWALK: “Annual Easter Egg Hunt Egg-Stravaganza”
Stew Leonard’s Norwalk – ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT EGG-STRAVAGANZA, Free Tickets Available Starting Wednesday, March 9, 2022. Stew Leonard’s invites children aged 8 and younger to join the farm fresh food store’s annual Easter Egg Hunt Egg-Stravaganza on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, from 4 – 5:30 p.m. Children aged 8 and under will be given a bag to collect Easter eggs filled with candy and other prizes from the costumed characters throughout the store. Five lucky children will open an egg to reveal a special ticket redeemable at Customer Service for a grand prize: a WOW Easter Basket bursting with treats! Parents, please note that some of the candy included in the eggs and baskets may contain peanuts. After the Egg-Stravaganza is complete, parents are invited to take photos of their children with the Easter Bunny. The Easter Egg-Stravaganza is free to the community; however, due to the popularity of this event in years past, this is a ticketed event for children aged 8 and under. Parents and caregivers do not need tickets.Tuesday, April 5, 2022, from 4 – 5:30 p.m. Tickets are free and will be available via Stew’s Leonard’s online events calendar starting on March 9. Customers can also go to Eventbrite.com and search “Stew Leonard’s” for tickets. Stew Leonard’s in Connecticut: 100 Westport Ave., Norwalk, Conn. / (203) 847-7214 http://www.stewleonards.com/stew-leonards-hosts-annual-easter-egg-hunt-egg-stravaganza-2/
NEW CANAAN: “48th Annual Easter Egg Hunt”
Young Women’s League of New Canaan 48th Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Sunday, April 3, 2022, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Festivities Kickoff & Bake Sale, 10:15 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt. Come join a New Canaan tradition at the 2022 Easter Egg Hunt! This magical experience takes place on the historic property and sprawling grounds of Waveny Park. Photo opportunities with Mr. & Mrs. Bunny and lots and lots of cupcakes! . All proceeds benefit the Young Women’s League grant recipients including The Mercy Learning Center of Bridgeport and Open Door Shelter of Norwalk. 677 South Avenue New Canaan, Connecticut 06840 https://www.ywlnewcanaan.org/easteregghuntPark Directions
NORWALK: “Easter Sunday celebration”
Pinstripes – Head to Pinstripes with the family for your Easter Sunday celebration. Our Sunday Brunch Buffet includes a Signature Waffle Station, Carving Station, Sweets Table and more. The Easter Bunny will also be making a special appearance to hand out special treats and take pictures with the kids. The Brunch Buffet is $30 for adults, $12 for kids 6-12, children 5 and under eat free. Pricing does not include tax or gratuity. SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. RESERVATIONS
TRUMBULL: “Sensory Friendly Bunny”
Westfield Trumbull – SENSORY FRIENDLY BUNNY April 3, 2022, 10:00AM to 11:00 AM. Located at Easter Bunny set on Level 2 in the Apple Court. Sensory Bunny is held in partnership with Autism Speaks. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Westfield Trumbull, 5065 Main Street Trumbull CT 06611 203.372.4500. Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. They do this through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions. www.autismspeaks.org.
WESTPORT: “Eggstravaganza! An Easter Egg Hunt for the Littles.”
Wakeman Town Farm – Eggstravaganza! An Easter Egg Hunt for the Littles. Saturday, Apr 9, 2022, 10:00 AM to Tuesday, Apr 19, 2022, 11:30 PM EDT. Wakeman Town Farm, 134 Cross Highway, Westport, CT 06880. We are EGGspecially Eggcited for the return of EGGstravganza, a favorite spring Farm tradition designed for your little bunnies and chicks! 5th Annual Wakeman Town Farm Eggstravaganza (Rain Date: April 10th). Saturday, April 9th is a great day to kick off your spring celebrations — bring your whole family (and your egg-hunting baskets!) to Wakeman Town Farm and join in the fun. Egg hunts for ages 0-4 and 5+ will kick off the morning, followed by egg-themed games, storytime readings and photos with Big Bunny. Visit the Farm’s real animals too. Yummy treats for the kids and coffee for the big “kids” provided by The Porch. Special thanks to our community sponsors Danna Rogers and Jen Kass Team at the Higgins Group. $10 – $30 TICKETS
MONROE: “11th Annual Spring Egg Hunt”
Webb Mountain Discovery Zone – It’s that time again for the 11th Annual Spring Egg Hunt at the Discovery Zone at Webb Mountain, Saturday, April 29, 2022, 9:00AM to 10:15AM. It’s an egg hunt like no other! Hunt for eggs decorated to resemble hawk, pheasant, eastern bluebird, blackbird & falcon eggs and then learn about native birds and birds of prey with a live bird show hosted by the Connecticut Audubon. The event is $6.00 per child (adults are free) and space is limited to 30 families per session, so register early! http://webbmountaindiscoveryzone.wildapricot.org/event-4733181 (203) 556 – 9737 [email protected]. Webb Mountain Discovery Zone, 71 Webb Circle, Monroe, CT 06468
View a few past Bethel Easter Egg Hunt events here: