Why Did So Many Women Support Trump? Letter to the Editor from Frances Pulle

Report by Paula Antolini
November 14,2016 10:23AM EDT




Why Did So Many Women Support Trump? ?

Letter to the Editor from Frances Pulle:

Nobody cares that Donald Trump insulted almost everyone. ?
It was all about JOBS.

Nobody cares that Donald Trump allegedly hit on more than a few women. ?
It was all about JOBS.

Nobody cares that Donald Trump tweeted some weird stuff late at night, ?
was on his third wife, had zero political experience, failed to denigrate Putin.
It was all about JOBS.

People need to work.  President-elect Trump vowed to return jobs to American
soil, rein in unbridled/illegal immigration, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.  One way
or another.  The white, blue-collar dudes who view Trump  as some kind of
savior have wives, sisters, daughters, girlfriends.  Wouldn’t a message that rallied
their menfolk, got them excited about something other than NASCAR resonate
with them?  As well?

That Hillary was female meant little to the majority of women.  Especially younger
(millennial) women. Most women–with the possible exception of her over-the-hill
motley crew of Wellesley groupies–have more important stuff on their plates to
consider.  Like food and rent.  Like being practical rather than ideological.

Add to this the fact that Secretary Clinton was disliked, distrusted, discredited
and you have one perfect storm.  Winds of war, so to speak,  that swept Donald
Trump–the candidate least likely to succeed–to the White House.

Frances Pulle
Bethel CT



Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the letter writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of Bethel Advocate.