Report by Paula Antolini, February 6, 2020, 4:40PM EDT

You are invited to attend and vote in a Special Town Meeting (STM) scheduled for Monday, March 2nd at 6:30pm in Meeting Room A of the Municipal Center. The purpose of the meeting is to approve a project on behalf of the Bethel Public Utilities Commission to build a 500,000 gallon water storage tank at the Chestnut Ridge Reservoir.
A referendum will also be required for the project, the date of which will be determined at the Special Town Meeting.
Important note: There will be no direct cost to Bethel taxpayers in funding this project. A Special Town Meeting and referendum is required only to secure approval for the Public Utilities Commission to apply for low-interest loans and grants from the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health. Loan repayments and other associated costs are paid solely from water user accounts. No taxpayer funding is required.
Constructing this tank is the next phase in a multi-year capital upgrade project to improve our public water system. When completed, the tank will help improve water quality by reducing the use of sanitizers, as well as improve fire fighting capabilities by creating higher volume and flow capacity
If you have questions, please contact the Public Works Department at [email protected].