
What is Parent University?
Parent University is an evening packed with free educational workshops designed for parents to provide you with ways you can support your child at home.
Why should I go?
This is your chance to get inside information from experts who can help your child academically, socially and emotionally.
How to Talk Across the Political Divide will provide the guidance we need to ensure our debates are fueled with understanding and respect instead of anger and animosity. Better Angels, bipartisan group’s popularity is growing rapidly as they travel the country in an effort to change the way we talk politics. Don’t miss this unique opportunity!
All new incoming kindergarten families should attend the Kindergarten Orientation workshop at 6:30 PM. We also encourage you to attend the Kickin’ It in Kindergarten workshop at 7:30 PM, which focuses on preparing your child for kindergarten.
We also provide free child care from 6:15 PM to 8:20 PM for children ages 4 and up who are toilet trained.
Where and when?
All workshops are held at Bethel Middle School.
• Session 1 is from 6:30 – 7:20 PM
• Session 2 is from 7:30 – 8:20 PM
Do I need to register?
Yes! To help our staff plan for the workshops, please register by February 24th.
Helping Parents, Helping Children
Kindergarten Orientation
For parents of students entering Kindergarten in Fall 2020
Meet the principals of Berry and Rockwell Schools, ask questions, and relieve any anxieties you may have about your child’s upcoming kindergarten experience.
Presenters: Trisha Soucy, Rockwell School Principal Danielle Legnard, Berry School Principal.
Bridges in Math
For parents of students in Grades PK-5
Find out what you need to know about our new PreK-5 Bridges in Math program and how it focuses on developing students’ understanding of mathematical concepts and the ability to solve complex problems.
Presenters: Amy Weed and Leah Esposito, Math Instructional Coaches.
Third Grade is Moving!
For parents of students entering Grade 3 in Fall 2020
Learn about a day in the life of a third grader. Come meet the principal and get an overview of a third grader’s schedule, programming, and extracurricular activities at Johnson School.
Presenter: Alison Salerno, Johnson School Principal
Promoting Independence & Resiliency
For parents of students in Grades K-8.
Equip your child with the confidence he/she needs to thrive by making healthy choices that build resilience.
Presenters: Jennifer Aponte, School Counselor Barbara Sheehan, BMS Math Teacher Kit Nielsen. STEM Instructional Coach.
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
For parents of students in Grades 4-12.
Learn how the upsurge of social media has changed human interactions and how it can cause social anxiety. Learns ways to build and preserve healthy boundaries with your child and practices to overcome FOMO.
Presenters: Colby Holleran, School Social Worker Sandra Correira, School Psychologist.
Mapping Your Future
For parents of students in Grades 5-8.
Do you know we offer college level courses at Bethel High School?
Do you know your child’s courses in middle school can affect the level of courses available at Bethel High School?
Come learn about course offerings at both schools to plan for your child’s strengths and needs.
Presenters: Bryan Watson, BMS School Principal Christopher Troetti, BHS School Principal.
Girl Up
For parents of students in Grades 5-8.
Students from Bethel Middle School will talk about some of the biggest challenges that girls face in today’s world. The students will emphasize the
importance of their work, what they have accomplished, upcoming initiatives, and expansion of the program to Bethel High School next year.
Presenters: BMS Girl Up Members
The Hero Project
For parents of students in Grades 6-12.
Learn more about drug and alcohol trends and how The Hero Project program may be of help to you.
Presenter: Hero Project Representative
College and Career Checklist
For parents of students in Grades 8-10.
Career & College READY
This workshop will provide you with a timeline on college exploration activities, important milestones, helpful resources available to you, and tips on how to stay on track in the process.
Presenter: Danielle Conley, College and Career Center Associate.
Mindsets Matter: We Can’t Do It Without You
For parents of students in Grades 6-12
It Takes Three
Parents have a powerful impact on their children’s’ mindsets. Learn ways you can help your child develop confidence and hope through the actions they take. Bring home strategies you can use to promote a growth mindset.
Presenter: Danielle Troetti, Instructional Coach
Digital Citizenship
For parents of students in Grades K-12.
Do you understand the roles and responsibilities of living in a digital society? Come learn how we are helping students to act in ways that are safe, legal and ethical in an interconnected, digital world.
Presenters: Donna Burns, Digital Learning Supervisor Danelle Egan, Library Media Specialist Jennifer Torpey, Computer Science Teacher.
How to Talk Across the Political Divide
For parents of students in Grades K-12.
Better Angels, a bipartisan group traveling the country in an effort to change the way we talk politics, will provide the guidance we need to ensure our debates are fueled with understanding and respect instead of anger and animosity. Learn skills for having respectful conversations that clarify differences, search for common ground, and affirm the importance of its relationship.
Presenters: Better Angels, Bipartisan Citizen’s Group
Internet Safety and Gaming Tips
For parents of students in Grades K-12.
Lieutenant Bryce and Officer McClintock will help you maximize your knowledge on the risks you take while using the internet and provide you with safety tips to use at home.
Video games have come a long way since Atari and Sega. Learn how to keep gaming safe and fun.
Presenters: Lieutenant Bryce, BPD Officer Jon McClintock, BPD Youth Bureau.
Kickin’ It in Kindergarten
For parents of students entering Kindergarten in Fall 2020.
Kindergarten teachers from Rockwell and Berry Schools will share helpful tips on how to prepare your child for kindergarten.
Presenters: Kristin Sprock and Ann Martinelli, Rockwell School
Christina Pertesis and Kim Trombetto, Berry School.
Managing Problem Behaviors at Home
For parents of students in Grades K-5.
Feelings affect a child’s behavior. Come learn how you can help your child recognize his/her feelings and manage their emotions. Cutting-edge strategies for regulating stress (which can be utilized across school and home settings) will be shared at the workshop.
Presenter: Kate Coffey, School Social Worker
What’s Going on in Google Classroom?
For parents of students in Grades 4-12.
Does your child’s online learning have you flustered?
This hands-on session is geared towards parents who would like to learn more about using Google Classroom to monitor classwork and homework
assignments, and how to work with teachers to support their child’s achievement. Chromebooks will be provided for your use during this session. In order to maximize your learning experience, please know you login/password to your parent portal account OR ask you child to share their username/password.
Presenter: Kit Nielsen, STEM Instructional Coach
Illustrative Math
For parents of students in Grades 5-8.
Come learn about our new Math program at Bethel Middle School and how it focuses on developing students’ understanding of mathematical concepts and the ability to solve complex problems.
Presenter: Leah Esposito, Math Instructional Coach
Be a Role Model
For parents of students in Grades 6-12.
Learn what you can do to teach resilience and healthy coping strategies your teenager can use to prepare for life’s challenging events.
Presenters: Mara Wilcox, School Social Worker Alaina Chapman, School Psychologist.
College Athletics
For parents of students in Grades 9-12.
Is your son or daughter interested in playing an intercollegiate sport? Come learn how to make your son or daughter’s dream a reality.
Presenter: Mark Caron, Athletic Director
Help Yourself By Helping Others
For parents of students in Grades 9-12.
Community Service
Find out where your child can volunteer based on his/her interests and skills to fulfill high school graduation requirements.
Presenter: Deidre Hook, School Counseling Department
Parent University is sponsored by:
Bethel Family-School Partnership Committee
Bethel Central PTO
Bethel Public Schools
Parent University would not have been possible without the generous support of our sponsors. Special thanks to all of our staff for their willingness to present workshops in support of our community.