VIDEO/PHOTOS: BHS NJROTC Thirteenth Annual Military Ball 2016, Celebrated ‘Patriotic Grace,’ March 6

The event was held at 5:00 p.m. on March 6, 2016, at the Aqua Turf Country Club, 556 Mulberry Street in Plantsville, Connecticut. Six hundred and eighty-four individuals attended the lavish formal military affair including Bethel High School (BHS) NJROTC members and their guests, honored guests, parents, faculty, administrators and Town of Bethel government officials.


Report by Paula Antolini
March 12, 2016 7:07PM EDT



Click on all photos to view larger.


Reporting on location from the event, Bethel Advocate “News Tracker” brings you news of the NJROTC 13th Annual Military Ball 2016, Celebrating “Patriotic Grace.”  News and photos from Bethel, Connecticut and the surrounding towns. “Bethel Matters.”

Bethel High School Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC) Thirteenth Annual Military Ball 2016, Celebrating ‘Patriotic Grace,’ March 6

A small round table set for Prisoners of War (POW) and those Missing in Action (MIA) and a moment of silence honoring them, was a poignant moment in an otherwise celebratory Bethel High School Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC) Thirteenth Annual Military Ball 2016.

VIEW VIDEO HERE (includes Commander’s Waltz):


The event was held at 5:00 p.m. on March 6, 2016, at the Aqua Turf Country Club, 556 Mulberry Street in Plantsville, Connecticut.




Six hundred and eighty-four individuals attended the lavish formal military affair including Bethel High School (BHS) NJROTC members and their guests, honored guests, parents, faculty, administrators and Town of Bethel government officials.



Image above:  Receiving line at the NJROTC Military Ball.  Lt. Commander and Mrs. Dwinells, right, greet guests.




The event began with the receiving line of Lt. Commander Mark Dwinells, Mrs. Dwinells, Senior Cadets and their guests.

Master of Ceremonies were: Cadets Ryan and Stephanie Polistena. Honor Cadet was Cadet Grayson Platt.



Image above: Master of Ceremonies Cadets Ryan and Stephanie Polistena.


Naval Officers, Cadets and Honored Guests entered the ball room under an arch of swords as a bell was rung by Cadet Aidan Cooke for each entrance.



Image above: Bellringer Cadet Aidan Cooke.



Image above:  Cadets stand by to escort guests.


The Honor Guard Cadets were: Adjutant: Stephen Spinella, Christopher Rice, Christopher Joyce, Sean Lohle, Patrick Joyce, Malcolm Williams, and Matheus Xavier; Drummers were: Cadets Logan Sprock & Donovan Eaton.

Lt. Commander Dwinells and Mrs. Dwinells entered the room first through the Honor Guard arch of swords, and were lead to the front table by Cadet Adjutant Stephen Spinella.



Image above: School officials including Bethel Public Schools Superintendent Christine Carver (seated, right) and Mr. Carver (standing, second from right), Bethel High School Principal Christopher Troetti and Mrs. Troetti (standing, second and third from left), Assistant Principal Mr. Gary Lawlor (standing, left) and Associate Principal Meri Lurz (standing, third from right), Master Sergeant Germinaro (standing, right), and other guests. 


Following was Bethel High School Principal Mr. Christopher Troetti, “The Captain of our Ship” and Mrs. Troetti, BHS Associate Principal Mr.Lawlor and Assistant Principal Ms. Lurz, Bethel Public Schools Superintendent “The Commodore of Bethel Public Schools” Dr. Christine Carver and Mr. Carver, Town of Bethel First Selectman Matthew Knickerbocker and Mrs. Knickerbocker.



Image above:  (From left) First Selectman Knickerbocker and Mrs. Knickerbocker, Mrs. Straiton and Selectman Straiton, Mrs. Olsen and Mr. Olsen.



The guest of honor for the evening, Captain Vernon P. Kemper, USN, Commanding Officer, Holy Cross-Yale NROTC Consortium, with extensive experience on attack and ballistic submarines in the Atlantic and Pacific Fleet and shore assignments (see biography below) walked under the arch of swords with Mrs. Kemper, as a submarine dive alarm sounded and the words “Dive Dive Dive” were heard, from a famous song “Take Her Down Boys.” Captain and Ms. Kemper stood at the end of the arch of swords and smiled.

Senior Cadets and their guests entered the room last under the arch of swords and were seated at their tables.

The Color Guard Inspection was by Cadets Angua Shea & Michael Duffy. The Presentation of the Colors was by: Adjutant: Stephen Spinella, Christopher Rice, Christopher Joyce, Sean Lohle, Patrick Joyce, Malcolm Williams, and Matheus Xavier.

This was followed by the singing of The National Anthem by Cadets Abigail Bozzuti, Simon Garcia, Chase Gray, Emily Johnson, Miss Erin Belcourt, Miss Sara Rockmacher, and Mr. Mark Tully.




The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. Posting of Colors was by Color Guard Cadets Donovan Eaton, Ethan Webb, John Williams, and Timothy Devita. Ceremonial Music was provided by Cadets Aman Malkani & Richard Freebairn.



Image above: Lt. Commander Mark Dwinells.







There was a POW/MIA moving presentation with a moment of silence and speeches by Cadets Christiana Ruiz and Ilona Farkas.

The theme for the Military Ball this year is celebrating “Patriotic Grace.”  To illustrate this theme cadets recited parts of a speech given by former President John F. Kennedy in his opening speech against Nixon in 1960. The speech was President Kennedy’s opening speech in his presidential debate against Richard Nixon when he ran for his first term of office in 1960.  The words were recited by Cadets Eshan Dalal, Patrick Daly, David Hayes, Chris Joyce and Victoria Palmer.



Image above: (Left to right) Battalion Commander Cadet Marko Pilepich, Commanding Officer of the Yale University and College of Holy Cross ROTC program, Captain Vernon Kemper, Senior U.S. Marine Corps Veteran Sergeant Storm, Youngest Cadet Mary Muthersbaugh (born May 18, 2002), and Lieutenant Commander Mark Dwinells.



Traditional ceremonies took place such as the “Parading of the Beef,” “Parading the Cake,” and Bagpiper and Drummers performed.  A musical performance of “Gee I Wish I Was Back in the Army,” from the movie White Christmas, was performed by Cadets Simon Garcia, Sean Gorman, Christiana Ruiz, and students Sara Rochmacher and Erin Belcourt.







There were Ceremonial Toasts offered honoring all branches of the Military, President, Forward Deployed, Veterans, Distinguished Guests, Cadet Alumni, and America.



Image above: Lt. Commander Mark Dwinells and Mrs. Dwinells.




Image above: Bethel Selectman Paul Szatkowski and Mrs. Szatkowski.


The Commander’s Waltz was mesmerizing and beautifully done.  The dance was performed to “Moon River” by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.   The song is composed by Henry Mancini with lyrics by Johnny Mercer. It received an Academy Award for Best Original Song in he 1961 movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” where it was performed by Audrey Hepburn. Choreography and waltz instruction for the military ball performance was by Lt. Commander and Mrs. Dwinells, who also danced the waltz.





Eighteen couples danced the waltz to the song “Moon River” by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. The couples, cadets and students, were: Cadet Tayler Schwamb and Cadet Michael Pena, Cadet Marko Pilepich and Cadet Shannon Flanagan, Cadet Victoria Palmer and Mr. Marshall Stevenson, Cadet Angus Shea and Miss Tracy Keane,Cadet Kevin Sholtes and Allison Renner, Cadet Paul Schwack and Cadet Christian Ruiz, Cadet Sabrina Salguero and Mr. Alex Rosario, Cadet Cameron Farkas and Cadet Abigail Bozzuti, Cadet Ryan Morton and Miss Meghan Kirschbaum, Cadet Stephen Spinella and Cadet Heather Sholtes, Cadet Christopher Joyce and Cadet Emily Johnson, Cadet Alexandra Redmond and Cadet Donovan Eaton, Cadet Christopher Rice and Miss Sara Rochmacher, Cadet Christina Boraski and Cadet Anthony Gaspar,  Cadet Claudia Larsen and Miss Shamiram Khoshabo,  Cadet Gabriella Licari and Mr. Jesse Sage-Robison, and Cadet Kristen Caruso and Cadet Richard Freebairn.





Image above:  (Right) Former BHS Principal Pat Constantino with Cadet Kevin Reynolds and guest.


Dinner and desserts were served and the students and other guests danced the night away to non-stop popular music.




The pride when viewing the professionalism of our students in the Military Ball activities, was felt by all.

We are so proud of the NJROTC!  Good job all!



(See more photos below.)


The Bethel High School NJROTC Thirteenth Annual Military Ball included:

NJROTC Battalion Staff:

Chief of Staff: Cadet Commander Tayler Schwamb

Battalion Commander:

Cadet Commander Marko Pilepich

Executive Officer:

Cadet Lieutenant Commander Victoria Palmer

Operations Officer:

Cadet Lieutenant Commander Shannon Flanagan

Batallion Master Chief:

Cadet Master Chief Angus Shea




Master of Ceremonies:

Cadets Ryan & Stephanie Polistena

Honor Guard Cadets:

Adjutant: Stephen Spinella, Christopher Rice, Christopher Joyce, Sean Lohle, Patrick Joyce, Malcolm Williams, Matheus Xavier


Cadets Logan Sprock & Donovan Eaton


Cadet Aiden Cooke

Ceremonial Music:

Cadets Aman Malkani & Richard Freebairn

Color Guard:

Cadets Donovan Eaton, Ethan Webb, John Williams, Timothy Devita

Color Guard Inspection:

Cadets Angua Shea & Michael Duffy

National Anthem Singers:

Cadets Abigail Bozzuti, Simon Garcia, Chase Gray, Emily Johnson, Miss Erin Belcourt, Miss Sara Rockmacher, Mr. Mark Tully

John F. Kennedy Speech Reenactment:

Cadets Patrick Daly, Victoria Palmer, Eshan Dalal, David Hayes, Chris Joyce

POW/MIA Presentation:

Cadets Christiana Ruiz and Ilona Farkas

Honor Cadet:

Cadet Grayson Platt

Parading the Beef:

Cadets Jarrett Leonard and Mark Nelson

Expendable Cadet:

Cadet Christian Cutright

Bagpiper and Drummer(s):

CT Firefighters Pipes and Drums

Gee I Wish I Was Back In The Army:

Erin Belcourt, Sara Rockmacher, Christian Ruiz, Sean Gorman, Mark Tully, Simon Garcia

Parading the Cake:

Cadets Matthew Canfield and Michael Renda

Youngest Cadet:

Cadet Mary Muthersbaugh; Born 18 May, 2002

Sword Bearer:

Cadet Stephen Spinella

Senior Veteran:

Sergeant Storm, U.S. Marine Corps Veteran

Ceremonial Toasts Offered By:

President:  Shannon Flanagan

Army:  David Hayes

Marine Corps:  Tayler Schwamb

Navy:  Marko Pilepich

Coast Guard:  Sabrina Salguero

Air Force:  Victoria Palmer

Forward Deployed:  Eshan Dalal

Veterans:  Allison Renner

Distinguished Guests:  Paul Schwack

Cadet Alumni:  Michael Pena

America:  Kevin Sholtes





Image above: Master Sergeant Meehan (right) and Cadet Richard Soto.























Image above: Cadet Aman Malkani, one of the students who provided the music.

































(The guest of honor for the evening. Biography info. from material provided at event.)

Captain Vernon P. Kemper, USN
Commanding Officer
Holy Cross-Yale NROTC Consortium

Captain Kemper graduated from the Missouri University of Science and Technology in 1986 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering.  He was commissioned in November 1986 following completion of Naval Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island.  His sea-going assignments have included duty aboard both attack and ballistic missile submarines in the Atlantic and Pacific Fleet.
His shore assignments have included duty on the staff of the U.S. JOINT FORCES COMMAND as Maritime Operations Officer, and Navy Personnel Command as Assistant Director of the Center for Career Development, and Deputy Commander of COMSUBRON SEVENTEEN, where he was responsible for the training and readiness of eleven submarine crews.
He served as Commanding Officer, Naval Submarine Support Center, Bangor, Washington, Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet Representative at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, and as Commanding Officer of Officer Training Command, Newport, Rhode Island, where he was responsible for the training and development of approximately 3100 officers per year.
Captain Kemper also holds a Master of Science degree in Financial Management from the Naval Postgraduate School, where he was designated as a Conrad Scholar and received the 1993 Department of Defense Award for Excellence in Financial Management.
His personal awards include the Legion of Merit (2), Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (3), Navy Commendation Medal (4), Navy Achievement Medal (5), and the gold Submarine Officer Insignia. 
He was attended the Military Ball 2016 event with his wife, Judy.
Also participating in the event:

Lt. Commander Mark Dwinells, USN (Ret)

LCDR Dwinells joined the Navy in 1979 and began active duty after graduating from Bethel High School.  He specialized in Meteorology and served ten years as an enlisted sailor.  He was commissioned directly from the enlisted ranks in 1990 under a merit-based program.  He served nearly nine years at sea aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Inchon, aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk, command ship USSMount Whitney, and battleship USS Iowa, deploying around the world.  His shore duty tours included 5 years overseas, duty as an operations officer in the Pentagon, and as the Conduct Oficer and Character Development Instructor at the U.S. Naval Academy. 
LCDR Dwinells personal awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Commendation Medal (3), Joint Service Achievement Medal, Navy Achievement Medal(4), Good Conduct Medal (2), and the gold Surface Warfare Officer Insignia. 
He is married to the former Miss Karen Boucher of Sandy Hook, CT.  They reside in Bethel, Connecticut and have two adult children, Mrs. Amanda Vanevenhoven and BM3 Tyler Dwinells, U.S. Coast Guard, and two grandchildren, Sawyer and Hadley Vanevenhoven.



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  122. Upon infection reactivation, HCMV duplication continues gradually.
    With suitable gRNAs, the researchers found that CRISPR/Cas9 editing can effectively hinder HCMV duplication. However, they likewise observed introduction of escape versions that bypass CRISPR/Cas9 editing, recommending that synchronised editing at numerous important websites in the
    HCMV genome is required to avoid the development of resistant
    genomes. UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers have developed
    a transistor-like limit sensing unit that
    can illuminate cancer tissue, helping surgeons more accurately differentiate malignant from
    regular tissue. Skloot brought the paper to the
    attention of the household and the NIH’s Collins. Although a neurobiologist and virologist by training, Szpara has originated
    using comparative genomics for analyzing variation in HSV– variation that is key both to comprehending the genetic elements that contribute to virulence and ultimately
    to developing a vaccine or a remedy for the virus.

    Since that day, Yin Chiao and similar Chinese treatments have ended the
    majority of my colds in addition to those of my family, acquaintances, clients, and buddies.
    Possibly medical science hasn’t cured the common cold, however it appears
    that Chinese herbalists did it hundreds of years ago.
    You do not need to consume like a rabbit. Your diet should just offer range
    and balance. Consume ginger tea, consume candied ginger or take
    a 500 mg capsule of ginger root extract. A few of the most popular fever
    blister treatments are those that can be carried out in the convenience of your very own home.), and viruses pertinent to prospective
    bioterrorism (Ebola, smallpox, The very first concern you would need to ask in aiming to assess these natural herpes treatments has
    something to do with the ingredients that they include.

    Do not expect a simple response to this. I have actually never become aware of the butter thing
    or the grape seed, aloe vera, tumeric, Vaseline or cornstarch stuff before.
    It does appear to me that those would even more irritate the sore.

    Herpes is thought about to be one of the most incredibly difficult viral infections that a specific individual can get thru making love, in reality it is
    exceptionally dismaying that apparently inning
    accordance with health specialists there is still no discovered treatment method for this specific circumstance.
    National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
    Interferon needs to be injected, and the whole treatment course takes about a year.

    Deshmukh’s group found that as soon as the initial brakes are relieved, full viral gene expression did need removal of the repressive
    histone methylation, which enables the virus to complete the
    reactivation process. This, in turn, results in complete virus formation outside the nerve cell.
    From there, disease states such as cold sores and sleeping sickness are
    born.) or telaprevir (Incivek in If you are having blisters around your mouth, accompanied by pain and
    fever, you must have yourself examined and see if
    you are affected with fever blisters. You must also understand that there are people who
    are quite reluctant to try standard treatments. Likewise, testing is rarely
    done if clients are treated for their symptoms. An estimated 2,291,000 non-institutionalized U.S.
    civilians ages 14-39 are infected with C. trachomatis based on Some of the best
    known treatments are taking supplements and vitamins, holding an ice cube against the aching or merely applying powder or juice to the sore.
    Therefore, here are the very best home remedies. The fastest solution that works best
    is to push or rub an ice cube against the fever blister.
    This works best as ice slows down the metabolism and slows its growth.
    Therefore, it is should to hold the cube for a few minutes and repeat this for a few
    hours. Though both viruses can trigger genital herpes, HSV-1 has actually
    been associated with less recurrences and less viral shedding than HSV-2.
    If you’ve suffered from the disease, you know it
    causes itching, tingling, and discomfort, and shingles can even result in blindness
    and long-term scarring. ), natural emerging
    viruses (avian and swine influenza strains, SARS, The yellowish crust often fractures when you consume or smile, creating extra pain. You still may be troubled with headaches and
    fever. We got him tested and it came out favorable for herpes.

    Nonprescription cold medicines are a fine example.
    Marketed as safe and extensively prescribed by doctors,
    we later on find out that these safe, non prescription drugs have actually been raising our high blood pressure, interfering with other drugs, and
    eliminating our kids. After finding this, the USFDA,
    remembered most children’s cold medicines as hazardous.

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