Report by Paula Antolini, April 30, 2021, 11:25AM EDT
Friday, April 30, 2021
As the rate of infection of COVID-19 continues to fall, Governor Lamont has begun a phase-out of most restrictions, beginning tomorrow, May 1st. A second phase of easing will remove most remaining restrictions on May 19th. However, the indoor mask rule will remain in effect until further notice. Details are as follows:
Effective Saturday, May 1, 2021
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- The curfew for restaurants, entertainment venues, recreation venues, and theaters will be moved back one hour to 12:00 am midnight.
- Bars that do not serve food can open for service – OUTDOOR ONLY. Food is still required when serving alcohol indoors.
- The 8-person per table limit will be lifted – OUTDOOR ONLY. The limit remains in effect for indoor dining.
Effective Wednesday, May 19, 2021
- All remaining business restrictions will end.
- Indoor mask requirement will continue.
- The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) will issue recommendations for indoor and large outdoor events (e.g., concerts).
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It’s always great to pass along good news. Bethel’s rate of new infections has fallen for the third week in a row, now standing at 4.4%, while the state of Connecticut’s overall rate is now below 2%, the lowest since last October. While this is great news, we still need to take care to help get Bethel’s number even lower.
At present, about 47% of all Bethel adults 16 and older have received at least one vaccine. In the 65-74 age group, over 91% have received the first dose. We strongly encourage all residents to get the vaccine, and to speak with your health care provider if you have any questions or concerns.
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Have a great weekend, and keep staying safe!