Report by Paula Antolini
January 19, 2018 7:40PM EDT
Sen. McLachlan: ‘Are $30 Tolls Democrats’ Vision for Connecticut’s Future?’
January 17, 2018
Are $30 Tolls Democrats’ Vision for Connecticut’s Future?
Governor Malloy and Democrats are making dire predictions for Connecticut’s transportation future. The Special Transportation Fund will run out of money by July if drastic action is not taken, they say.
And what is the drastic action they propose?
Interestingly, in December the state of Virginia started collecting tolls on I-66 that takes drivers from Washington DC to northern Virginia. The result was immediate sticker shock. As the story below states, lone drivers were charged $30 to travel just one way!
Virginia’s Governor’s reaction: “This is how it’s supposed to work.”
Is that Democrats’ plan for Connecticut?
We need to stop looking for new funding sources and look at how we are spending the money we have. High taxes are driving people out of the state already. What will highway tolls do to Connecticut’s economy?
Tolls are wrong for Connecticut and I will fight to defeat any proposals to erect tolls here.
If you have questions or concerns about this or any other issue, feel free to contact me at 800-842-1421 or at [email protected].
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