Report by Paula Antolini, July 18, 2019, 9:43PM EDT

Tonight the Bethel Republican Caucus unanimously endorsed Pat Rist as GOP candidate for Bethel First Selectwoman, and they also endorsed other candidates for other positions for the November 2019 Municipal election.
Pat Rist read a prepared speech, and said in part:
“Some things I want to review when I am elected are:
“Work with the town Comptroller to better understand and protect the town’s bond rating, the timing of projects and the possible ensuing tax implications if there are any.
“Work to ensure the public understands the town projects, reviewing what the town needs verses what the town can afford. As a 21 year member of Planning and Zoning, I will continue to work with them ensuring sustainable growth and smart development to aid in controlling the town’s mill rate and taxes.
“Planning and Zoning, over the past 21 years, added tremendously to the grand list in excess of twenty-plus million dollars. We talked to business owners to determine how can a town help them. I want to work with EDC [Economic Development Committee] to understand what the barriers may be preventing businesses from moving into Bethel.
“Ensure a continued environment cooperation among all municipal offices. We want the public to feel that their local government is working for them, as we all live in Bethel and the consequences of bad decision making will impact the Bethel residents. My door will always be open.
“I want to uncover why we have such voter apathy in Bethel, as other towns are also experiencing. What can the town do to encourage a greater number of registered voters to come out and vote not only just in the presidential election but in all municipal elections as that is where the greatest impact is on all of us?
“We have a great slate of candidates that will work for all the residents of Bethel and I want to ask them to join me up here because this will be your team working for you. If you’ll please come forward.” [asking candidates to come to the front of the room].
View video of Pat Rist speech here:

The Republican candidates 2019 are:
First Selectwoman: Pat Rist
Selectman (2 Years): Paul Szatkowski
Treasurer (2 Years): Will Duff
Board of Finance (4 Years): Cynthia McCorkindale, Bryan Terzian, Nick Ellis
Board of Education (4 Years): William Foster, Courtney Martin, Scott Clayton, Fran Pulle, Dan Nostin
Board of Assessment Appeals (2 Years): Gerard Amend, Bruce Cromwell
Planning & Zoning (4 Years): Ken Parsons, Bob Legnard, Jay Oldham
Planning & Zoning Alt. (4 Years): Linda Curtis, Autumn Waggoner
Inland Wetlands Commission (4 Years): Paul Improta, AJ Bernard
Inland Wetlands Commission Alt. (4 Years): Pat Sell
Zoning Board of Appeals (4 Years): Susan Dolan, Frank Avallone
Police Commission (4 Years): Bill Slifkin, Mike Duff
Registrar of Bethel’s note: The major parties must submit their endorsements by 7/24. Minor Parties have another month to submit their candidate list.

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