Rep. Harding Encourages Testimony on his Proposed Bill Impacting Candlewood and Lillinonah

Report by Paula Antolini
February 2, 2017 8:25AM EDT


Rep. Harding Encourages Testimony on his Proposed Bill Impacting Candlewood and Lillinonah

HARTFORD — Future preservation of two local lakes, Candlewood and Lillinonah, will be a topic of discussion at a public hearing held in Hartford on Friday, February 3rd. Brookfield resident and State Representative Stephen Harding (R-107) proposed a bill to the Environment Committee asking that Connecticut lake authorities receive financial assistance to fund efforts for combating invasive plant and animal species. The Environment Committee will accept public comment on this bill, and others listed on the agenda, starting at 10:00 a.m. in Room 1D of the Legislative Office Building at 300 Capitol Avenue in Hartford.

The bill, number 5503, would require the state to distribute funds from the Community Investment Account (CIA) – which already funds agencies like the Department of Economic and Community Development, the Department of Agriculture and Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation – to the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection for use towards municipal open space grants, and grants to lake authorities to maintain water quality and native species of aquatic flora and fauna.

“I thank my constituents for their support and look forward to receiving input on the necessity of this initiative at the public hearing on Friday,” said Rep. Harding, Environment Ranking Member. “One of the most common themes I hear throughout our community is the vital importance of protecting our local lakes. Both Candlewood and Lillinonah desperately need to be provided the funding to properly preserve their water quality from invasive plant and animal species. This proposed legislation would be a significant step in addressing this long-standing issue.”

If you wish to testify on behalf of this proposal, you may sign-up starting at 8:30 a.m. in the first floor atrium of the Legislative Office Building. Once the public hearing starts, you can sign up with Committee staff inside the hearing room.

Those unable to attend may email written testimony in PDF (preferred) or Word format to [email protected], with [email protected] copied on the email. Testimony emailed by 3:00 p.m. on February 2nd will be provided to Committee members at the public hearing.

Please remember to clearly state your name and the bill number. Those testifying in person will be allotted a three minute time frame to speak.

