Report by Paula Antolini, July 12, 2022, 5:15PM EDT
Public Notice
The Bethel Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on the following application July 121h 2022 at 7: 00pm in Conference Room D of the Municipal Center, 1 School St, Bethel Ct:
Frank & Judith Saunders, 17 Whitney Road for a Zone change to the TOD overlay, and site plan for 30 1- bedroom units and associated site improvements. The property is located in the RR- 10 Zone and can be found in the Assessors records as map 14 Block 16 and Lot 23. Application information can be found on the Bethel Town website.
The public may send comments via regular mail and email to [email protected]. Parking for hearing is located to the rear of the building.
Ken Stevens