Report by Paula Antolini, March 13, 2023, 6:27PM EDT
Bethel Municipal Center 1 School Street,
Bethel, Connecticut 06801 *(203) 794-8578
To appear March 16th and March 23rd 2023
Public Notice
The Bethel Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Commission initiated amendments to the Town of Bethel Zoning Regulations March 28th 2023 at 7:00pm in Conference Room D of the Municipal Center, 1 School St, Bethel Ct:
Reduce height requirements in the TOD Zone from 4 stories to 3 stories. In the TOD Zone if the underlying zone is R-10, RR-10 or RMO the dimensional standard requirements for a single family home or a two-family home shall apply.
The amendments can be found in the Office of the Town Clerk and at the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cuUxYDbh7QLwAI1FKoJEVjeqO8AMOuh8
The public may send comments via regular mail and email to [email protected].
Parking for hearing is located to the rear of the building.
Ken Stevens
Amendments considered:
5.11 H.2-Dimensional Standards Summary Table
The Dimensional Standards set forth in 5.11.H.2 of the TOD Zoning Code shall apply to the underlying established Commercial and Industrial Zone.
The exception to this Table is section 5.1.H.2.E pertaining to Height:
The maximum allowance for height shall be 4 stories 3 stories within the underlying Commercial and Industrial Zone.
If the underlying zone consists of the R-10, RR-10 or the RMO Zone the dimensional standard requirements for a single-family home and a 2-family home shall apply.
(Meaning that under Section I only 1. single family and 3. A two family would be allowed as a structure on the property.)
Section 5.11.I Residential Uses
5. Change 30 units per acre to 20 units per acre. 6.a. Change 30 units per acre to 20 units per acre.