Report by Paula Antolini
September 13, 2018 6:57PM EDT
DNKL Tibetan Center for Universal Peace — 7th Annual Paint Out — Wet Exhibition & Silent Auction, Sept. 15th
Come spend an afternoon watching well-known local artists create beautiful paintings on our 90+ acres of rolling hills, floral gardens and ponds. There will be water color classes, activities for kids, music, light snacks and the ability to buy freshly painted art from participating artists and/or bid on the many beautiful art pieces during our silent auction.
7th Annual Paint Out
Do Ngak Kunphen Ling (DNKL) Tibetan Center for Universal Peace
Saturday, September 15, 2018, 9AM – 4PM
(Rain Date: September 16, 2018)
Here are a few of the many artists that will be painting at DNKL during the day:
Kathy Anderson: For more information about Kathy and her work http://kathyandersonstudio.com
Catherine Elliot: For more information about Catherine and her work: www.catherinemelliot.com
Judith Lambertson: For more information about Judy and her work: www.judithlambertson.com
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