DCP Commissioner Issues Summary Suspension for Legend’s Sports Bar in Bristol

Report by Paula Antolini, November 18, 2020, 3:43PM EDT

DCP Commissioner Issues Summary Suspension for Legend’s Sports Bar in Bristol

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2020 – Today, Commissioner Michelle H. Seagull signed a summary suspension of the liquor permit for Legend’s Sports Bar (LIR.18496), located at 192 Pine Street in Bristol.

This suspension comes because of a referral from the Bristol-Burlington Health District received on Monday, November 16, by Department of Consumer Protection’s (DCP) Liquor Control Division regarding events that occurred in the evening hours of November 13, 2020. That night, Legend’s Sports Bar was found to be operating in violation of Governor Ned Lamont’s Executive Orders and corresponding Phase 2.1 Sector Rules, which were updated and implemented in response to the declared COVID-19 public health crisis.

Agents from the Bristol-Burlington Health District arrived around 10:12 p.m. on November 13 to conduct a spot inspection of Legend’s Sports Bar. At that time, agents found about 45 patrons within the establishment. Drinks were actively being served from the bar and customers were drinking without also consuming food, while others played pool even though the business was supposed to be closed and empty of customers by 10 p.m.

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Marco Palmeri, Director of Health for the Bristol-Burlington Health District, stated in a letter to DCP Liquor Control Director John Suchy, that the establishment was in full service after 10 p.m. and there was no indication it would close soon. This was despite several emails being sent to businesses in the district alerting them to the changes to the sector rules.

“We expect liquor establishments in our state to take public health and safety seriously,” said DCP Commissioner Michelle H. Seagull. “The guidelines implemented to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 were established to protect the public, and those who intentionally ignore those guidelines put themselves, their employees, their customers and their community at risk. I want to thank the Bristol-Burlington Health District officials for their work and cooperation in this matter, and their expediency in bringing these violations to our attention.”

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A copy of the suspension placard and summary suspension order are available.

Those with concerns about a liquor permit holder in the State of Connecticut may contact DCP’s Liquor Control Division at (860) 713-6210, or by emailing [email protected].


Max Reiss, Director of Communications for Governor Ned Lamont, today released the following statement regarding the announcement made this afternoon by the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection that it has issued a summary suspension of the liquor permit for an establishment in Bristol that was found to be in violation of sector rules implemented in response to the ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis:

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“This latest action by the Department of Consumer Protection shows once again that establishments that are not operating in the interests of public health will not go unnoticed. The sector rules are in place for one reason – to keep customers and employees safe. We must give credit to local authorities for taking the COVID mitigation measures seriously, and the State of Connecticut will step in with these kinds of actions if necessary. Enforcement of these rules is a tool in the toolbox to keep residents safe.”
