Report by Paula Antolini
January 29, 2018 7:03PM EDT
Cultural Alliance of Western CT to Present Networking Series: CULTURENet
Opening with a Conversation Among Authors, Illustrators, & Book Enthusiasts
On February 22nd
“Culture can become a ‘secret weapon’ that makes extraordinary things happen.” –author Jon Katzenbach, Booz & Co.
The Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut is pleased to announce its new networking series, CULTURENet,
topic-focused events to gather together like-minded people who revolve in the expansive arenas of art, history, and culture. “Art, history, and culture are invariably linked, constantly pushing and pulling the advancement of one another,” says Lisa Scails, Executive Director of the Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut. “Our desire is to link together the fabrics of our community to inspire and inform.”
The first event in the series, “The Connecticut Book Awards: Calling Connecticut Authors & Illustrators,” will welcome guest Lisa Comstock, Director of the Connecticut Center for the Book, to share an overview of the prestigious annual awards. The event, which will provide plenty of opportunity to network with those who share a common thread, will take place on Thursday, February 22nd, 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM, at @287 Gallery, 287 Main Street, Danbury, CT. Robert H. Patton and Karen Fortunati, both 2017 CT Book Award winners, will also be on hand to network, mingle, and provide insight. BYO snacks and beverage is encouraged. CULTURENet events are free and open to the public, but space is limited. RSVP at http://bit.ly/CTbookawards
The Connecticut Center for the Book at Connecticut Humanities (CTH), a nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities is now accepting submissions for the 2018 Connecticut Book Awards. These awards will recognize the best books published in 2017 by authors and illustrators who reside in Connecticut. Categories include Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry, and Young Readers. Award winners, to be announced in September 2018, will receive exposure in Connecticut media outlets and through personal appearances in Connecticut locations. Through competitive grant making, its website, and social media channels, Connecticut Humanities highlights cultural and educational events and is an advocate for the humanities. For more information, visit https://ctcenterforthebo
Lisa Comstock joined Connecticut Humanities (CTH) in 1990 and has had the opportunity to wear many different hats within the organization overthe years. In 2015, she became the Director of the Connecticut Center for the Book. Lisa holds a Bachelor’s degree in history and in English from the University of Tampa and a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies from Wesleyan University.
Robert H. Patton’s winning entry was for Cajun Waltz, published by Thomas Dunne Books, St. Martin’s Press. A resident of Darien, his book captures the cadence of the Louisiana bayou during the Depression and beyond. Robert holds degrees in literature and journalism from Brown University and Northwestern University. He has worked as a Capitol Hill reporter, a commercial fisherman, and a real estate developer before publishing his family memoir, The Pattons, to wide acclaim in 1994.
Karen Fortunati was awarded forThe Weight of Zero, published by Delacorte Press, a story of loss, grief, and hope that affects a young woman in her struggle with mental illness and the stigma of treatment. Fortunati is a former attorney whose experiences on the job with children and teens and personal experiences witnessing the impact of depression, bipolar disorder, and suicide inspired her to write the story of hope for those who struggle with mental illness.
Programs of the Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut are made possible, in part, with the support of the Department of Economic and Community Development, Office of the Arts, which also receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. For more information about the Cultural Alliance’s programs and events, to volunteer or to donate, call (203) 798 0760 or visit www.artswesternct.org
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