Report by Paula Antolini, January 11, 2018, 6:28PM EDT

Message from Bethel Public Schools:
As a district we constantly are looking for ways to promote the value of kindness and respect with our students. This winter we will be kicking off two campaigns to emphasize why it is important to be kind and ways to demonstrate kindness.
We would ask you to talk with your child(ren) you reinforce those concepts at home. As you are engaging in kind acts we would ask you to tweet out a picture with #bethelrunsonkindness.
The first campaign is linked to a national campaign – No Name Calling Week. January 22-25.
No Name-Calling Week is a week organized by K-12 educators and students to end name-calling and bullying in schools. Berry, Johnson, and Rockwell parents will be reading books which promote kindness.
The second campaign is Random Acts of Kindness Week, February 11-15. While this is primarily a BHS project, each school will participate in pieces.
You can access the schedule by clicking on this link Kindness Week Calendar. Every year our students pick a charity to raise money for acts of kindness. This year they have selected theScotty Fund. The SCOTTY Fund is a non-profit, charitable organization which provides financial and family support to children with life-threatening and critical illnesses and their families. As a district we will all wear our Bethel Runs on Kindness T-Shirts on Friday, February 15th, with the proceeds going to the Scotty Fund. If you would like to order a T-shirt for yourself or your child, please click this link to the T-shirt Order Form. Please turn in your order form to your child’s school/teacher/Main Office OR to Bethel High c/o Maura Dundie no later than Wednesday, January 30, 2019.
Check out this short promotional video that BHS students created to promote this special week/event.
We hope to see the entire Bethel community decked out in these awesome T-Shirts on February 15th, Bethel Kindness Day!