Report by Paula Antolini, June 29, 2019, 7:56AM EDT

William Hillman is organizing a fundraiser on gofundme.com in hopes to raise $2500 to place a 6-foot Menorah in P.T. Barnum Square in Bethel, CT during the next holiday season. Presently he has raised $1936 of the $2500 needed.
Hillman said:
“For many years, I have hoped for an opportunity to share one of my holiday traditions with Bethel. While I display a Hanukkah Menorah in my home’s window each year, it’s long overdue to add to the inclusive and lovely display put up by volunteers at P.T. Barnum.
“Coordinating with the long-time organizers of the current holiday tree and Creche, a Hanukkiah (has 9 candles instead of 7) adds joy upon joy to our town.
“The feedback in the past two years has been most positive on the Bethel Facebook page, so it’s really time to do this.
“My goal is $2500, and the cost of this, depending on the supplier, is about $1600. There may be some additional expenses.
“Any funds in excess of the amount actually spent for the project will be donated to one or more LOCAL CHARITIES.
“I’ll post all expenses and receipts to be completely transparent.
“Here’s a great link to learn more.
“For me this is a celebration of religious liberty to unite, and not to divide! Let’s enjoy the first night of Hanukkah this year together, Sunday evening on December 22, 2019
“Hanukkah Sameach (Happy Hanukkah)“