Report by Paula Antolini, March 12, 2020, 10:08AM EDT

Letter from Bethel Public Schools, March 12, 2020:
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Staff,
Yesterday, I sent out a letter indicating that we would likely not seek a waiver for distance learning from the state and the reasons why. Bethel, like our surrounding districts, will be creating packets of supplemental materials for our students to assist with the continuity of learning, reinforce, and sustain current learning for our students if we are closed for an extended period of time. Please note, supplemental learning is different from what the state defines as distance learning (it will not count as school days). Today our district Coaches and Specialists will be working to outline a structure to provide guidance to teachers, and like other communities, we will need to give our teachers time to put the materials together. Therefore, tomorrow, Friday, March 13th and Monday, March 16th will be emergency early dismissal days.
The emergency dismissal schedule is:
Bethel High School 10:50
Bethel Middle School & Johnson School 11:20
Berry and Rockwell School 12:15
COF AM 10:55
COF PM Cancelled
COF Full Day 11:20
This will also provide our custodial staff time for additional cleaning. Obviously, this is a fluid situation. We appreciate your patience in this matter.
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