All residents are advised to please keep their vehicles locked and also refrain from leaving your keys within vehicles while they are parked or for the purpose of warming them up before driving.
Report by Paula Antolini
February 2, 2016 10:51PM EDT
Bethel Police Issue Warning About Vehicle Theft in Downtown Area
Bethel Police Department ~ released this info. minutes ago, Feb. 2:
The Bethel Police Department is currently investigating several recent incidents in which vehicles were either stolen, stolen and later returned to the area of the theft, or an attempt was made to steal a vehicle.
All but one of these recent incidents occurred in and around the downtown area of Bethel and several of the incidents involved unlocked vehicles that had the keys inside them prior to theft.
All residents are advised to please keep their vehicles locked and also refrain from leaving your keys within vehicles while they are parked or for the purpose of warming them up before driving.
Residents are asked to report suspicious people or behavior to police immediately.
Bethel Police Department
Address | 49 Plumtress Road Bethel CT 06801 |
Phone | (203) 743-5500 |
Fax | (203) 748-1333 |
Website | http://bethelpd.com/ |
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