Report by Paula Antolini, June 23, 2020, 3:33PM EDT

Message from Eileen T. Earle, Director Parks and Recreation:
Playground Message
Bethel Parks and Recreation Dept. plans to re-open playgrounds at Meckauer and Parloa Parks on June 24th , 2020.
The restrooms will also re-open at this time. Residents should use these facilities at their own risk.
The playgrounds will be cleaned each morning and the bathrooms will be cleaned several times during the day. However, due to the community spread of COVID-19, we cannot guarantee that there is no chance of transmission when using these facilities.
To minimize the risk, we requested that follow these guidelines:
If you are not feeling well DO NOT use these facilities. Please stay home.
If you have tested positive for the virus that causes COVID-19 and still have symptoms, DO NOT use the playground equipment.
If you are at high risk for severe disease, please do not use the
playground equipment.
To help prevent the spread please
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Wash hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer for at least 20 seconds before and after use of the playground equipment.
Stay 6 feet away from others.
Cover your cough/sneeze and perform hand hygiene after you cough or sneeze.
Please be aware that you are using these facilities at your own risk.
Message for June 23-24, other openings:
The following updates for usage, social distancing is still required:
Tennis courts – both singles and doubles
Playgrounds (opening June 24th) – staff will clean once a day. Play at your own risk.
Basketball hoops (at Meckauer park only) will be up for use July 6th
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July 4th Road race is CANCELED
We are currently offering the following online/on-site programs:
Go to www.bethel-ct.gov
Go to the Parks and Rec. Department
There is a link on the right hand side “Virtual Summer
Virtual Theater
Virtual Camp (Preschool, Junior, Senior and Teen)
Virtual Teen Bootcamp
Virtual Yoga for Kids, families and adults
Skyhawks virtual clinics
Tennis clinics (at School complex courts) beginning July 14th (sign-ups will begin June 24th)
We are looking to have the following in person camps in late July/August:
Go above site for Virtual programs –we will update that link with in person options as we confirm dates, ages and times.
Skyhawks – got to www.skyhawks.com for updated virtual and in person programs.
Rawlins basketball (dates, times and ages TBA)
Tennis camps
Other in person half day options