Report by Paula Antolini
September 16, 2018 11:06AM EDT
Bethel High School Recognized by ESPN for ‘Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools’ Top 30 Schools in Country
ESPN has announced the ESPN Honor Roll for 2018 — a list of top 30 schools from across the country — as part of its Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools National Recognition Program. ESPN also revealed the five Special Olympics Unified Champion schools on Sept. 6, that received a national banner presentation. (View 5 winners here and below.)
The aim of Unified Champion Schools is to incorporate Special Olympics sports, leadership and related activities that empower the youth to be the agents of change in their communities. Thus, the focus shifts from the events to that of a whole school movement for inclusion. Special education and general education students — along with educators and administrators — are encouraged to work together to create supportive classrooms, schoolwide activities and opportunities for growth and success for all. To learn more about becoming a nationally recognition Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools, click here.
ESPN Honor Roll for 2018 (Top 30 schools in alphabetical order by state):
Alaska: Robert Service High School
Arizona: George Washington Carver Elementary School
Arkansas: Lincoln High School
California: Warren High School
Colorado: Grandview High School
Connecticut: Bethel High School
Florida: Seabreeze High School
Hawaii: Maui High School
Idaho: Mountain View High School
Illinois: Pontiac High School
Kansas: Bonner Springs High School
Kentucky: Calloway County High School
Maine: Fryeburg Academy
Massachusetts: Auburn High School
Michigan: Brighton High School
Mississippi: University of Mississippi
Nebraska: Millard West High School
New Hampshire: Dover High School
New Jersey: Rowan University
New Mexico: La Cueva High School
North Carolina: Wake Forest High School
Oklahoma: Jay High School
Oregon: Wilsonville High School
Pennsylvania: George Washington High School
Rhode Island: Archie R. Cole Middle School
South Carolina: Mauldin Middle School
Texas: Brady High School
Vermont: Rutland High School
Virginia: Kenmore Middle School
Washington: Wilson High School
ESPN Honor Roll for 2018 (Top 5 ESPN Honor Roll schools by state):
California: Warren High School
Michigan: Brighton High School
New Jersey: Rowan University
North Carolina: Wake Forest High School
Virginia: Kenmore Middle School
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