Report by Paula Antolini
December 28, 2016 11:36AM EDT
23rd Relay For Life of Bethel Kickoff with New Name: ‘The Relay For Life of Greater Danbury’
We are home to Bethel, Danbury, Redding, Brookfield, Ridgefield, and parts of New Milford. No matter what town you call home, please join us at
KICK OFF for the season!
Saturday, January 28th from Noon to 2 pm
(Snow Date-Saturday, February 4th)
Rizzuto’s Restaurant & Bar
6 Stony Hill Rd, Bethel CT
Bring your family, eat great food, and enjoy the company of our Relay For Life family as we share some information on the upcoming season and celebrate a new year for the Relay For Life of Greater Danbury uniting communities across Fairfield County!
Click here for Relay For Life of Greater Danbury website.
Please RSVP for the KICK OFF by 1/18/17 to Alyssa at [email protected] or at 203.563.1511, or with any questions!