Report by Paula Antolini, June 14, 2021, 9:13PM EDT
Part of the mission statement of Musicals at Richter (MAR), Connecticut’s longest-running outdoor theater, is, “Give the opportunity to area talent pursuing a theatrical career to bridge into professional quality theatrical productions.” Opportunity to all EXCEPT the non-vaccinated, that is.
If you have NOT been vaccinated, you cannot participate in the “Stars Out for RIchter: A Homecoming Community Cabaret,” according to an announcement about auditions and cast for the upcoming Musicals at Richter event. It reads in part: “For the safety of the cast, crew, and creative team, MAR will ask all those cast in the cabaret to provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19.” Read entire announcement below.
Musicals at Richter (MAR), celebrating its 37th season as the longest-running outdoor theater in Connecticut, announces auditions for its upcoming “Stars Out for RIchter: A Homecoming Community Cabaret.” The one-night performance will take place live outdoors under the stars on Friday, July 16 at 8 PM (rain date Saturday, July 17) on the grounds of the Richter House Arts Center (next to the Richter Park Golf Course), 100 Aunt Hack Road, in Danbury. buy nizoral online https://www.mabvi.org/wp-content/languages/new/nizoral.html no prescription
The community cabaret will kick off MAR’s modified season with an engaging evening of in-person performances and music to celebrate the organization’s return to live theater.
Speaking about the cabaret, Acting MAR Artistic Director Joyce Northrop of Danbury said: “After 16 months without live performances, everyone needs the welcome boost that live theater provides. We’re excited to open the Richter House lawn to audiences so they can enjoy that long-awaited magic under the stars once again. We thought a special cabaret evening was the perfect homecoming and a great start to the season!”
“We’re mixing it up a bit for this cabaret,” explained MAR President Caitlin Mandracchia of Sherman. “We’re expanding our talent search beyond traditional theater music to include performances of all sorts, from song and dance to magic and comedy – whatever folks would like to share with the community!” buy lamisil online https://www.mabvi.org/wp-content/languages/new/lamisil.html no prescription
Auditions for all performers interested in the opening cabaret will be conducted through video submissions, to be received no later than Friday, June 25. For this cabaret, Musicals at Richter is seeking performers 16 and older. Those auditioning should submit a song or perform a talent they would like to do for the cabaret. Music can be show tunes or other songs (preferably no a cappella solos; please use live or recorded accompaniment). Other talents can be instrumental music, a cappella group singing, bands, acting scenes, comedy, impersonations, dance, magic, circus skills and the like. Show us what you’ve got – just keep it family-friendly!
Performers of diverse backgrounds are encouraged to audition. Videos (no larger than 25 MB) or links to videos should be submitted to [email protected] by Friday, June 25. In the body of your email, please provide your name and contact information. All those auditioning should be available for both Friday, July 16 and the rain date on Saturday, July 17. Please note that these positions are unpaid. For the safety of the cast, crew, and creative team, MAR will ask all those cast in the cabaret to provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19. Performers who are selected will be notified by Friday, July 2. buy naprosyn online https://www.mabvi.org/wp-content/languages/new/naprosyn.html no prescription
Following the “Stars Out for Richter” cabaret, the main stage will light up with Stephen Schwartz’s iconic and ebullient Broadway musical “Godspell” (July 23-August 7), directed and choreographed by MAR co-founder Bradford Blake of Danbury, with music direction by Peter Randazzo of Trumbull.
Due to this summer’s shorter season, Musicals at Richter will not be holding the Summer Youth Musical Theater Workshop or presenting Fairy Tale Theater, its interactive children’s theater program.
“All of us at Musicals at Richter are excited to return to the park with this unique season under the stars,” said MAR Executive Director Robert Bria of Redding. “Our top priority is ensuring enjoyment and safety for the entire community, both onstage and off.” Added Northrop, “We look forward to welcoming you back!”
For more information on Musicals at Richter, visit the theater website, musicalsatrichter.org, email [email protected] or leave a message at 203-748-6873.