Report by Paula Antolini, August 18, 2021, 8:28PM EDT
“Pursuant to the Governor’ s Executive Order 13A dated August 5, 2021 and the Declaration of State of Emergency for the Town of Bethel signed and dated/ issued March 17, 2020, I hereby ORDER that in all indoor public spaces, indoor public venues, indoor gathering places, and spaces, areas and locations in the Town of Bethel where such gatherings occur or may occur, including but not limited to businesses, offices and other public accommodations, persons not exempt under said Executive Order Sec. La. are required to wear proper mask coverings whether or not vaccinated.
“Enforcement of this ORDER shall be pursuant to Connecticut General Statute and local law as applicable under COVID and emergency issuance and regulation.
“This ORDER will stand until repealed or superseded by Order of the First Selectman or the Governor of the State of Connecticut.
‘Matthew S. Knickerbocker
First Selectman
August 16, 2021″