Report by Paula Antolini, August 18, 2021, 11:19AM EDT
As of August 18, 2021, the University of Connecticut and all of its campuses, including UConn Health, require employees to receive a vaccination for COVID-19 or be granted a deferral or a medical or religious exemption. The policy require employees to report their vaccination status through an on-line University system.
The directive is as follows:
Title: Mandatory Workforce COVID-19 Vaccination Policy
Policy Owner: Human Resources
Applies to: All employees, including volunteers and contractors
Campus Applicability: All campuses, excluding UConn Health
Effective Date: August 18, 2021
UConn is committed to protecting our students, employees, and our communities from COVID-19.
Toward that goal, and in consideration of guidance released by the state of Connecticut, the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and a variety of public health authorities and
professional organizations, UConn is implementing a mandatory vaccination policy for its workforce.
The Mandatory Workforce COVID-19 Vaccination Policy applies to all Workforce members (see
definition below)
1. This policy applies to Workforce members regardless of whether they work on-site or
remotely, unless the individual qualifies for an exemption as provided herein. Exemptions may be
granted to Workforce members (1) who have certain medical conditions; or (2) on the basis of a strong
religious or sincerely held belief. Workforce members who are denied an exemption shall have ten (10)
days from the date of the notice of the denial to receive the vaccine (either a single dose vaccine or first
dose of the 2-dose vaccine). Deferral of the receipt of the vaccine may be granted to Workforce
Members (1) who have certain medical conditions; (2) who are on approved block FMLA or
supplemental leave; (3) due to a positive COVID test or treatment; or (4) due to current pregnancy or
Workforce Members— all UConn employees, volunteers, and any contracted individuals.
COVID-19— COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, a new coronavirus discovered in 2019. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person to person through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks.
Fully Vaccinated— Individuals are considered fully vaccinated 1) two weeks after their second dose in a
2-dose series (such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines); or 2) two weeks after a single-dose vaccine (such
as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine).
International employees shall be considered in compliance with the COVID-19 vaccine requirement if
they have been vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine that has either been authorized for emergency use in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or been authorized for emergency use
outside of the United States by the World Health Organization (WHO).
All Workforce members are required to have or obtain a COVID-19 vaccination as a term and condition
of employment at UConn, unless an exemption or deferral has been approved. All Workforce members
shall be required to report their vaccine status and to provide approved documentation as proof of
vaccination. All current employees shall be required to report their status not later than September 10, 2021.
All new Workforce members shall be required to provide proof of their vaccination status prior to
the start of their employment. All records of vaccinations and approved exemptions will be maintained
by Human Resources. Such records will not be included in Workforce members’ personnel files.
Violations of this policy or associated procedures may result in appropriate disciplinary measures, up to
an including dismissal, in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University
Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, other applicable University Policies, or as
outlined in any procedures document related to this policy.
Procedures and forms associated with this policy are available on the Human Resources website.
Definition: Workforce members represented by bargaining units under the jurisdiction of the State’s Office of Labor Relations (OLR-OPM) are not currently subject to mandatory vaccination requirements of this policy until negotiations have concluded. They are subject to the mandatory reporting, testing and health and safety requirements if unvaccinated.