Report by Paula Antolini, March 16, 2020, 3:35PM EDT

Dear Friends and Community Members:
As you are aware, the situation with regard to the COVID-19 is evolving very quickly. Health authorities in the US are following the events occurring in Europe very closely. The rapid spread of the virus, particularly in Italy and Spain is providing valuable data that we are using to formulate policies to slow the spread of the illness. The data is very clear; aggressive prevention is the only way we can assure that our health care systems are not overrun to the point of not being able to treat the most seriously ill individuals.
In accordance with guidelines for best practices recommended by state and federal officials, the Town of Bethel will institute several new measures to do our part to slow the spread of the virus, as well as keep our workers safe so they are able to continue to perform essential functions:
• Effective Tuesday, March 17th, the Bethel municipal center will be closed to the public for all walk in visits. Persons needing to access town services are encouraged to conduct business online, by telephone, by fax or by USPS mail.
• For residents who must come to town hall to transact business that cannot be completed via the methods outlined above, you are required to call ahead to the department for an appointment. A telephone listing of all departments is included at the bottom of this announcement. There will be no admission to town hall without an appointment, except for visits to the Tax Collector’s office.
• The tax office will remain open for payment of utility and tax bills during normal business hours. The tax office has a secure glass barrier between staff and public areas that makes this possible, and this area is being cleaned with antibacterial agents several times per day. However, use of mail or online services is strongly encouraged.
• Please be advised that our department heads have the right to refuse service to any person who is exhibiting symptoms of illness, regardless of whether or not an appointment has been made.
• In addition, our department heads have the right to refuse face-to-face appointments for any transactions which, in the department head’s discretion, may be successfully transacted via telephone or video conference.
• Other recommendations: Some towns in Western Connecticut are restricting use of parks and playgrounds. We are not taking that step at this time, as medical authorities are encouraging children to play outdoors whenever possible. However, parents are strongly encouraged to employ “social distancing” techniques as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and state health officials. Also, please ensure everyone washes their hands thoroughly (at least 20 seconds) upon leaving the playground.
As a reminder, the Bethel Public Library and Bethel Senior Center are closed, and all Parks & Recreation programs are suspended until further notice.
Bennett Park applications will be accepted Wednesday March 18th from 8:30-4:30 at the doors by the General Purpose Room in order of arrival. After March 18th please call the office for an appointment.
Announcements from the Office of Governor Lamont
Over the past 24 hours, Governor Lamont has issued new executive orders that put in place the following steps:
• All schools in Connecticut have been ordered to remain closed at least through March 31st. This supersedes the earlier date of March 27th.
• This morning, the governor issued new restrictions on restaurants, bars, gyms and movie theaters and casinos. All restaurants are to close their dining rooms and provide take out or delivery only; bars that do not serve food, all gyms, casinos and theaters are ordered closed. This order is effective at 8:00 pm this evening and has been coordinated with officials in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
We are well aware that these measures will inconvenience some residents and businesses. However, the experience in Europe where aggressive measures were not taken until the virus had spread into communities shows the potential for far more serious consequences.
I will update this information as often as necessary. By working together, we can all help keep our community safe.
And don’t forget to take care of yourself!
– Matt Knickerbocker
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