Residents’ actual comments are underneath the totals on the charts. Some answers may surprise you!
Report by Paula Antolini
November 2, 2015 11:59PM EDT
The Results of the Bethel Advocate Election Survey 2015 Are Here!
The results of the Bethel Advocate Election survey are in. We enjoyed viewing the answers! We hope you will too. Thank you to everyone who participated.
A quick review of results is as follows, see below for charts, graphs and comments to get the full results:
Results show that 49% of residents are satisfied with how the present Bethel government handles issues and 43% are not, with 6% undecided and 3% giving comments instead.
29% of residents will vote for Republican candidates and 20% for Democratic candidates, with 37% combination of parties or undecided, and 14% who chose to leave a comment instead.
As to whether or not the town operates in a positive or negative manner regarding how information is provided to residents, how government interacts with residents or how they make decisions on important issues, it was pretty even at 46% to 42%, none undecided, and 12% leaving comments.
It seems that candidates impressed residents by 77% and no one thought any of the candidates should not be running for office, although 12% were undecided and 12% left comments.
63% felt that budget, future development, schools/education (taxes, spending, choice of what is allowed to be built in Bethel and when/where, fund allocation, process by which all is decided) were the most important election issues this year, with 13% saying it was transportation issues and no one saying it was employment issues. 25% left comments instead.
16% felt the businesses that are here were just fine but 63% want more businesses, 6% don’t care either way, and 25% left comments instead.
The Police station had 59% approval vs. 16% opposed, 6% are undecided or want more information, and 19% left comments.
As to what criteria voters go by when selecting a candidate, 41% said that a personal resume has the most weight for what skills they can add to our town from what they have accomplished in their life. 28% said it was type of job, position or service they have had in Bethel and amount of time and when, and proven skill or accomplishments in that position. Also people pay attention to personality traits, drive, how a candidate handled their career and family life too. 6% said past history does not matter and 25% left comments instead.
Regarding concerns for the environment, health, safety, welfare of citizens and protection of property values, or if people are satisfied with the present administration or not, 34% said yes to 38% no, with no one saying they ignored the topic and 25% leaving comments instead.
As to the most important issues in the school system, 47% said it was the selection of courses and teachers (their qualifications and skills) and how funds/budgets are spent and allocated, including salaries, supplies or other expenses. 23% said it was including parents in decisions that will affect their children, no elimination of any courses of study, or major changes in the school system, without notification to parents and a chance for their input and vote. Only 7% said it was “no overcrowding of students and a small teacher-to-student ratio” (student population per school) and 23% left comments instead.
There was no registration required to take the survey and all answers are anonymous. Survey was open to all parties, anyone wanting to take the survey. Survey participants could select one answer from multiple-choice answers shown, or choose to write a comment instead.
You can view a graph chart for each question below, to see how participants answered the questions, or read the number totals (our apologies if they do not line up perfectly). The percentage of answers, in one direction or another, is at right on the chart below the graph, with number of residents answering, under that percentage. Please take into consideration that for the participants that preferred not to choose the multiple choice answer and instead wrote a comment, please add that to the results of the overall percentage figures, depending on how they answered. Residents’ actual comments are underneath the totals. Some answers may surprise you!
Bethel Advocate hopes you had fun taking the survey and seeing the results! Don’t forget to vote tomorrow!
Question 1: Are you satisfied with the present Bethel Town Government and how it handles all issues?
Yes, I believe town issues are handled properly.
No, I do not think town issues are handled properly.
Other (please specify)
Total | 35 |
Showing 1 written response
I am unsatisfied with how the people in power in the Bethel government do not answer complaints from residents properly and when I do ask questions at meetings I do not receive an answer as promised. An example is at the meeting concerning the gas station on Route 6. I asked several questions at a Planning and Zoning meeting and never got any answers as promised. I have also asked questions at Board of Selectman meetings and one time they said they did not have to answer questions. I will not elect people who do not answer my questions.
Question 2: Which political party’s candidates are you voting for this year and why?
A choice of candidates from any party running for office, or I am undecided on specific candidates, I still want to hear what they have to say on many issues.
Other (please specify)
Total | 35 |
Showing 5 written responses
Voting R for top of ticket. Too much recycled deadwood on the rest of the R line – will never vote for Foster or Legnard.
Has direction, not split by internal fighting.
The very best options for our town now and going forward.
The Republican leadership is more interested in political nastiness and machinations than in doing what is best for the town.
I … (response chose number)
Question 3: Do you believe that the Town of Bethel operates in a positive or negative manner, regarding how the town government provides information to residents, or how town government officials interact with residents, or make decisions on important issues large or small?
Transparent, easy to understand, make the right choices, information easily obtained, resident questions answered in timely manner, decisions made in the best interest of the citizens, listen to the residents wants and needs. (Satisfied with present town government actions.)
Hidden transactions, information complicated and difficult to understand, do not make correct choices, information difficult to obtain, questions are not answered in a timely manner or are ignored completely, decisions are not made in the best interest of the citizens, government officials do not listen to the residents wants and needs. (Not satisfied with present town government actions.)
I do not participate at all in town matters and I do not follow news about Bethel and I rarely vote, so I do not have sufficient information about the town government or issues to make a valid decision on all the above.
Other (please specify)
Showing 4 written responses
Govt is very open in Bethel, meeting are posted, minutes are posted, and you can always call and ask.
I usually vote in major elections. However, I am devastated that a cell tower has been approved to go up around the corner from my home. This issue has made us extremely unhappy about living in our current location in Bethel.
Your selections are too vague and broad to answer in any meaningful way.
We need more transparency.
Question 4: Are there any candidates this year that particularly impress you, or that you think should not be running for office, and if so, why? (List candidate and reason in “other” choice).
Yes, there are candidates that impress me positively.
No, I am not pleased with any of the candidates at all.
Other (please specify)
Total | 34 |
Showing 4 responses
I have seen that many of the candidates are not familiar with issues concerning the very position they are trying to be elected for, all across the board. I have seen politicians stretch the truth about their past history. I think they think the public is just dumb and cannot see though this. Honesty is the priority I vote for in candidates and also who will care the most about the problems of the people who live here and pay too high taxes and are living paycheck to paycheck. If I find out you are lying you have lost my vote.
Duff offers taxpayers hope. So do Terzian and McCorkindale.
I am voting for Will Duff. he is the only one that I trust. All the rest have lied to me
This town is in a rut and needs a complete change. Taxes are high and services are poor. The downtown area is dying and property values are suffering as a result. I’m voting for Will Duff.
Question 5: What are the most important issues to address in Bethel this election year? (add your own suggestions in “other” if you do not see a choice that fits)
Budget, Future Development, Schools/Education (taxes, spending, choice of what is allowed to be built in Bethel and when/where, fund allocation, process by which all is decided)
Transportation (road condition/repairs/rebuilding and scheduling, inconvenience of repairs and detours, snow removal, traffic signs/lights, vehicle registration issues, number of town employees and/or vehicles and/or hours/time to clear roads properly is too many or too insufficient)
Employment (we need more jobs for residents, or a different choice of town officials and/or other employees, or less employees, or lower employee wages, or combining jobs to be more efficient an cost effective
Other (please specify)
Total | 32 |
Showing 8 responses
Quality of life issues are first, so all other issues stem off of that. Taxes are way too high for what we get in Bethel which is nothing. A rundown main street on Greenwood with lots of empty storefronts or poor choice of businesses we can’t shop in and mishmash of stores and ugly condos on route 6. If you build many homes on a small property who is that benefiting? The town gets revenue but the schools suffer overload and the neighbors in the area suffer higher traffic and will our food stores become overcrowded? I am worried.
stop the corruption!
Of course we always need to control spending and taxes.
This town needs to be run like a business and not a fiefdom. It’s time to clean house and get rid of dead wood in town government. We need to attract new residents and businesses by making this town vital and appealing and that starts with new leadership. The current administration is dedicated to the status quo. That has to stop.
Question 6: How do you feel about the present situation regarding businesses in Bethel? Does Bethel need more types of businesses? If so, what kind? Are there certain types of businesses you do not want to see in Bethel?
I am satisfied with the present businesses in Bethel but fear extreme and rapid development will change our small-town-friendly atmosphere, negatively, even though I am not opposed to some development. I do not think important decisions about large residential developments, or controversial types of businesses, or numerous commercial development, should be made by town officials exclusively, but instead rely on a vote by the majority of what residents want.
I think we absolutely need more types of businesses in Bethel and the present empty store fronts worry me and make the town look bad. I am happy to see much rapid development in Bethel and I trust our town officials and the process completely, to make those decisions in the best interest of the residents.
I don’t have an opinion either way about businesses.
Other (please specify)
Total | 32 |
Showing 8 responses
We need so many businesses in Bethel because we can’t buy what we need in town but I am afraid of what they might do because so far it seems like they don’t care what businesses they allow here they just want the revenue and that’s dangerous. If not done right it could be a mess and ruin our town. I don’t see anything positive yet and so much time has passed. It seems to only be getting worse. I fought the marijuana store because it was close to my neighborhood and nobody told me that it was coming. How can they do that to us? I am voting against all the people whose fault that is.
Confusing question. Should be reworded.
I (editor: participant chose number of answer?)
The empty store fronts in our downtown area are a disgrace. It indicates we are dying and does not make this a desirable place to live and raise a family. Let’s elect leadership that defines what we want to be and explore the ways to make it happen including state and federal grant money. Other towns have done it and so can Bethel.
The empty stores are a consequence of private landlords who have their own reasons for not making their properties available at a reasonable rent. The town can do nothing about this. I’m very interested and impressed with the way the transit oriented development plan is playing out.
Zoning Rules and Regulations adequately protect our town.
Develop, develop, develop….Bethel is dying and there’s nothing here! Go check out other towns with tons of great food choices…healthy…and cool stores. Where are ours?
Your selections don’t make sense. In the first you mention large residential developments but this question is about businesses. And you ask about whether these decisions should be made by town officials exclusively or rely on a vote. That’s how our town government works. There are votes all the time on things like this. I can’t answer this question meaningfully either. Your selections are too vague and broad to answer in any meaningful way
Question 7: How do you feel about the new proposed Police Station and also the proposed location? Do you think the candidates (present or future officials in Bethel) should approve the project or not, and why?
I think the Bethel Police do not need this grand palace they proposed and the police station should not be located near school property. A smaller police station (than indicated in the present proposed plans) should be built on the same property as the old police station, tearing down the old building, and all incorporated into the total cost. Why spend money on something we do not need? We should not give the police force special treatment and allow this expensive project to be approved at a high cost to taxpayers. I don’t believe the old police station is that bad.
I think the Bethel Police desperately need a new updated larger police station to work efficiently at top capacity in today’s world, especially if the town plans on much residential and commercial development in the near future. The new structure should include the latest technology in all areas, including police vehicles, and a well-planned (layout/materials/cost) structure to keep victims and suspects separate, safe and secure. The building should include proper storage, safe entries, exits and parking, and should include proper work quarters and locker/bathroom facilities for employees, a large community room for presentations to residents or classes for residents. The police force risk their lives for us every day and they should have the proper equipment and building to continue to keep us safe. I like the location chosen near the school and feel that will be an asset to keep the schools even safer.
I am undecided and want to receive more information.
Other (please specify)
Total | 32 |
Showing 6 responses
Why are people against helping the police do their job more efficiently? Why do people think they are asking for more than they need? Why do people think they are building it in the wrong place? I trust the judgement of the people who protect us and feel there is a need for a new station.
They desperately need a new space, I’m just not comfortable with the cost. Need to scale it down.
I do not like the proposed location. Why do we not share services lije gun range, dispatch and lock up with Danbury PD? We could then build smaller station. Build where station is now, create substations in Bethel during construction utilizing Danbury services
Mixed response. I have no problem with building a new police station on land the town owns in the Educational Park – but believe that the size proposed is in excess of what a town with 20,000 ( or even 50,000 ) residents needs.
Question 8: What characteristics do you abide by to place your vote for a candidate?
Type of job, position or service they have had in Bethel and amount of time and when, and proven skill or accomplishments in that position. I do not pay attention to their personal resume background.
Their personal resume has the most weight for what skills they can add to our town from what they have accomplished in their life. I also consider their family life history. Basically I look for personality traits, drive, how they handled their career and family life, and assume these actions will make a good candidate in government too.
Past history has nothing to do with my choice of candidate, I allow everyone a fair chance and look more to what they promise to do for Bethel in the future or how they will address present problems in Bethel.
Other (please specify)
Total | 32 |
Showing 8 responses
They must pay attention to what the problems are in a town and fix them right away. So many things go on for years and are ignored. So I guess it would be the proven character or the person to be elected that gets my vote.
Someone who understands the role and thinks things through before making a decision.
Looking for the best candidate that has the best qualifications i.e. management, financial background, some Town history of serving on boards/commissions and best able to communicate with the public in a transparent, fair and decisive manner.
I take into account how an incumbent has performed in his/her position over time. I also am interested in the resume, and what he/she has accomplished in life.
A demonstrated ability to get things done and a vision for the future.
10/18/2015 4:57 PM View respondent’s answers
I choose a candidate based on their proven skill sets. This town needs more accomplished professionals and less people whose only attribute is that they were born and raised in Bethel – unless they also have the skills necessary to take on the role they seek.
Personal resume as well as professional.
all of the above. (this question is the best-written so far. It is not vague.)
Question 9: What environmental issues do you think need improvement in Bethel, if any? In the past few years did you have any concerns about the environment? Do you think our town pays strict attention to issues of health, safety, welfare of citizens, and protection of property values, or not? Are you satisfied with the present administration or do we need new candidates elected, in order to make changes? (State reasons why in “other.”)
No, I have no concerns about the environmental issues in Bethel and no improvement is needed. I think issues of health, safety, welfare of citizens, and protection of property values is properly addressed and nothing more needs to be done. I am happy with the present administration and feel confident Bethel is in the right direction.
Yes, I have many concerns about the environmental issues in Bethel and yes improvement is needed.I do not think issues of health, safety, welfare of citizens, and protection of property values is properly handled and much change needs to happen. I will vote to replace most of the present administration because I feel Bethel is on the wrong path and I am worried about all the above.
I pay very little attention to issues regarding health, safety, welfare of citizens, and protection of property values, so I do not have an opinion either way because I do not think these issues really affect me.
Other (please specify)
Total | 29 |
Showing 8 responses
Government is corrupt and approves so many projects that might not be good for people who live in Bethel but they are approved anyway and this includes over building on property, taking away vast amounts of trees, favoring people they know (yes) and stretching rules. They will allow building in unsafe places then years later it is discovered that the soil is contaminated but people don’t get that information.
I feel that this question shouldn’t be lumped together. Environmentally I believe we are fine. Protection of property values – that is a different story. Too much construction, too soon, especially in the Stony Hill area will impact property values. And yes, we do need a change of administration. The current administration seems to be following Gov. Malloy which is the exact opposite of what we need.
Not sure
Nothing to say on this
I am pleased with most of the actions and decisions made regarding environmental issues. However, I am concerned with some Planning and Zoning decisions that impact issues. I recognize that many of these decisions are consistent with present-day laws and the charter, and I think we need to take a good look at these.
No specific environmental issues, but the environment is always an important priority. Some “environmental catastrophes” have been overblown – examples are cell towers in residential neighborhoods and a crematorium. The impact of those is negligible at most.
I would replace the Planning and Zoning Commission, that has oversight on this issue. The “administration” is something different.
Your selections are too vague and broad to answer in any meaningful way. There are too many questions listed and my answer would be different for each question you have asked. And also, they are baiting and leading and you are not going to get any meaningful data out of this. Have you considered asking a class at West Conn to write your surveys for you as a class project?
Question 10: What are the most important issues in the Bethel Public School system? (place more comments in “other” section).
No overcrowding of students and a small teacher-to-student ratio (student population per school).
Selection of courses and teachers (their qualifications and skills) and how funds/budgets are spent and allocated, including salaries, supplies or other expenses.
Including parents in decisions that will affect their children. No elimination of any courses of study, or major changes in the school system, without notification to parents and a chance for their input and vote.
Other (please specify)
Total | 30 |
Showing 7 responses
Cut costs, get rid of unions, get the money owed by the state
Reduce boated administration
I have no children
Making sure the children are ready for life and not just ready to go to college
The current town administration is a big reason why Bethel schools are so highly rated.
1 & 2.
None of these are any more important than any other and these are far from the most important issues facing our schools today.
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