Report by Paula Antolini, April 18, 2022, 3:06PM EDT
Reminder: The Bethel Annual Budget Referendum Will Be Held on >>>>> Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The Annual Budget Referendum will be held on Tuesday, April 19, 2022.
All Voter Registration must be completed before Monday, April 18th at noon in order to vote in the Budget Referendum to be held on Tuesday April 19, 2022. U.S. Citizens who are residents of Bethel and hold a CT DMV driver’s licenses, learner’s permit or DMV ID may register online at www.govote.ct.gov Anyone who has used Online Voter Registration and used the last 4 digits of their Social Security number instead of their DMV ID # to verify identity must print, sign and mail the application to the Registrars at 1 School Street in Bethel or may deposit it in the yellow Dropbox at the Municipal Center, 1 School Street in Bethel.
Alternatively, residents may register to vote by completing a voter registration application which are available in the front entry of the Municipal Center. You can deposit your completed and signed voter registration application in the yellow Drop Box in front of the Municipal Center.
Bethel property owners who are U.S. citizens and not registered to vote in Bethel may vote in the referendum as a Taxpayer provided that they appear on the October 2021 Grand List as an individual property owner with an assessed value of at least $1,000.
Please bring identification to the polling place when you come to vote.
All Bethel Polling Locations will be open for in-person voting on April 19th from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm
District 1 votes at the Municipal Center, District 2 &4 vote at the Stony Hill Fire Station. And Districts 3 votes at Berry School.
Every 10 years, following the national Census, the State Legislature undertakes a “Redistricting” to rebalance the population of each district for State Senate and State House of Representatives. All of Bethel’s State Senate and State Representative Districts cover multiple towns. The Registrars of Voters have edited the Connecticut Voter Registration System to assign Bethel’s streets to their State Senate & State House districts. Bethel will still have 2 Senators and 2 Representatives. Bethel will still fall within House Districts 2 and 107. However, Bethel will no longer be in Senate Districts 24 & 26, but will be part of Districts 28 and 32.