Report by Paula Antolini, January 10, 2020, 2:12PM EDT

Hartford, CT – The following statement is issued by Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) chief executive officer, Karen Jarmoc:
“Jennifer Farber Dulos was one of 14 individuals killed by an intimate partner in Connecticut in 2019. We applaud the arrest of the individuals suspected of involvement in her death and thank all of the law enforcement agencies, federal, state and local, and the State’s Attorney’s office for their diligence in ensuring that these persons are held accountable for their deplorable actions.”
“Foremost, let us all take a moment to remember Jennifer and all of those we have lost to domestic violence. A gaping hole has been left in the lives of her five children, her mother, and all of her friends and family. Jennifer loved her children fiercely and they have been robbed of irreplaceable experiences with her because of someone else’s desire to have permanent and absolute control. This trauma will forever impact each of their lives.”
“The arrest in this case comes on the heels of several intimate partner homicides and near deaths in December. In 2019, 11 women and 3 men were victims of intimate partner homicide. The homicides were committed by 13 men and 1 woman and included 2 murdersuicides both committed by male perpetrators. Weapons or method of homicide include firearms (4 cases), knives (6 cases), strangulation (2 cases), blunt object (1 case), and an
unknown weapon in 1 case.”
“On average, nearly 14 individuals, mostly women, are killed in Connecticut each year by their partner. CCADV monitors intimate partner homicides through its Domestic Violence Fatality Review Task Force. The Task Force seeks to understand trends in intimate partner homicides and spur action to make change within the many systems positioned to impact the violence before it turns deadly. Click here to view the 2017 – 2018 Task Force Report.”
“If you are experiencing abuse and control at home, please know that help is available. You do not have to do this by yourself. Domestic violence can escalate quickly. If you feel like something is wrong, please call us. Domestic violence advocates are available through CT Safe Connect to talk with you, offer resources that can help keep you safe, and connect you to your local domestic violence organization for ongoing support.”
Safe Connect advocates are available via call, text, chat or email 24 hours per day, 7 days per week at (888) 774-2900 or www.CTSafeConnect.org.
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc. is the state’s leading voice for victims of domestic violence and those organizations that serve them. We are a membership organization of the state’s 18 domestic violence organizations. Help is available to victims 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
by visiting www.CTSafeConnect.org or by texting/calling (888) 774-2900. For more information about CCADV, please visit www.ctcadv.org.

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