There are 207 signatures on the online petition opposing the Bethel CT proposed crematorium in Clarke Business Park, and more signatures on paper petitions circulated in person.
Report by Paula Antolini
May 11, 2015 11:56AM EDT
Read What Bethel Residents and Business Owners Are Saying About the Proposed Crematorium in Clarke Business Park; Attend the PUBLIC HEARING MAY 12
B. Shawn McLoughlin, present owner of Mono-crete Step Co. LLC, a cement products company, located at 12 Trowbridge Drive in Clarke Business Park in Bethel CT, recently submitted his second application to the Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) this year, for approval of a 5,000sf building site plan permit and also a permit to use that structure as a crematorium. The first application was submitted in 2014 and a site walk even took place by the P&Z, then the violations were discovered by the town afterwards, on his Mono-crete Step Co. LLC, so he had to withdraw the application. There has been much opposition from residents and business owners for over a year now.
The P&Z already approved a text amendment (park rules change) last year, to allow crematoriums in Bethel’s IP Zone, despite opposition there too. This paved the way for McLoughlin to submit his building permit and crematorium permit applications.
In this process McLoughlin had to withdraw his first application because his present business had violations. He did not have a Certificate of Occupancy for the last 15 years of owning his business, and other violations were non-conformance to the original site plans, site modifications were made without approval. McLoughlin was able to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy quickly, after correcting the violations, we are not sure if there were any penalties.
Much has happened since. See my upcoming story for a recap of what has transpired so far, in the last year, regarding the proposed crematorium. There is also a Public Hearing tomorrow. See information below.
View comments below, from Bethel residents and business owners, and residents in other communities near and far. (Note: Some residents who are listed as residing in other towns, work in Bethel.) This is a national and world problem, not just a problem in Bethel, Fairfield County or Connecticut.
Community Awareness Network is keeping track of community opposition to crematoriums across the United States, presently they have 35 states and 55 individual communities who are involved in this cause. You can find excellent information there regarding: Crematory Emissions Data Dioxins Why the EPA doesn’t regulate crematories crematorium fire hazards and results toxic mercury, and much more. See: https://no2crematory.wordpress.com/
There are 264 signatures on the online petition opposing the Bethel CT proposed crematorium in Clarke Business Park, and more signatures on paper petitions circulated in person.
Read and sign petition here:
Below are petition comments beginning with most recent, May 11, 2015, to a year ago.
UPDATE: Added petition comments this morning and afternoon, May 12, 2015:
Melanie Fincher REDDING, CT
about 2 hours ago
I am concerned about the impact on the environment
Victoria Roxo-Ericson REDDING, CT
5 minutes ago
I do not want this facility in our community.
Vanessa Alward REDDING, CT
about 1 hour ago
Although not a Bethel resident I feel it can still affect our town, its people and surrounding environment.
Ellen McCormick WESTON, CT
about 1 hour ago
The health hazards are numerous and we should be proceeding with a precautionary rule instead of charging ahead and then being sorry about the effects on the neighbors health.
Michael LeBlanc REDDING, CT
about 1 hour ago
Because wind can carry the toxic vapors toward our home, and the water table can also be affected. It is not worth it!
Nancy Cavillones BRONX, NY
about 1 hour ago
As a Redding resident that lives down the road from Francis J Clarke Circle, my family and I will be directly impacted by this, as will the Redding water table and the farm where we buy our fresh produce
Lynn Eichhorn DANBURY, CT
about 2 hours ago
I believe a crematorium in Bethel would negatively impact the town on many levels – social, economic and political
Denise Farren DANBURY, CT
about 3 hours ago
Want to preserve the town
UPDATE: Added petition comments this evening, May 11, 2015:
Laura Shahinian Kara BETHEL, CT
about 12 hours ago
Our beautiful, clean town of Bethel and it’s neighboring Redding water table will be severely compromised.
Ann Matthews BETHEL, CT
about 5 hours ago
I do not feel this is an appropriate business for a highly residential area. It is forcing other businesses to leave and that also impacts the tax base. If it poses a health, it should be stopped. I heard there is another crematorium on South St. Danbury, Ct in the old Dunkin Donuts. (Best kept secret ever.) We do not need two so close together.
Editor’s note about above comment: There is NOT “another crematorium on South St. Danbury, Ct in the old Dunkin Donuts.” This is a mistake many people are making lately, assuming it is a crematorium. That is a SERVICE they offer, but no cremations are done on site, they send the human remains to another town to be cremated.
Jonna Breen BETHEL, CT
about 9 hours ago
This is not acceptable for Bethel or the community.
UPDATE: Comments from this morning, May 11, 2015
Peter Palmisano BETHEL, CT
• about 3 hours ago
The dangers of contamination to the residents, and the real potential of driving away prospective business opportunities to Clark Business Park
Other earlier comments:
Karen Minette Weinstein NEWTOWN, CT
• 2 days ago
This will bring nothing beneficial to our already struggling community except polution & disease. P&Z must not put the health and welfare of Bethel residents over a corrupt & dangerous business transaction that smacks of cronyism.
Jo-Ann Cordes BETHEL, CT
• 2 days ago
I am opposed to Crematorium in Clark Industrial Park because I am concerned about the health risks. The majority of business owners have stated that they do not want a Crematorium to be built. There must be an opportunity for a town referendum to alert Bethel residents and allow residents to have a voice in an extremely important issue and to reinstate the powers of the EDC.
Elisabeth Levy LAKE MARY, FL
• 2 days ago
I am signing this because Clarke Business Park is practically in my backyard. It abuts Bethel Land Trust land and is utilized by many residents including myself as a recreational outlet. I go there to walk my dog and breathe in the fresh air. Please don’t ruin this for us! A crematorium does not belong here right in the middle of such a highly populated area!
James Cordes BETHEL, CT
• 2 days ago
Do not allow a crematory. It is destructive of the purpose of the Clarke Industrial Park and is and will cause tax losses. My home is down wind of the site. I refuse to breath the air from burnt bodies less than four football fields away. Nor should a natural food supply for the community at Holbrooks be contaminated with fallout.
Amanda Presti NEW MILFORD, CT
• 5 days ago
Bethel is a small and beautiful town.
• 5 days ago
This is just sick to say the least!! We don’t want fertilizer from dead people!! You people don’t know what types of health effects that will have on the human population !!!
Frank Mirra BETHEL, CT
• 5 days ago
Absolutely not! I don’t want this in my town! It’s a bad idea.
Carol Lamont BETHEL, CT
• 6 days ago
As a resident homeowner this type of business should not be permitted….
Angel Fredricks BETHEL, CT
• 6 days ago
It is wrong and no one wants it here in Bethel. Put in NJ
• 9 days ago
I’m signing because the stigma of a crematorium will negatively not just businesses, but it will have affect on the entire community.
• 10 days ago
I’m signing because our community doesn’t need this. The pollution to our air and water will be horrible. Find another place!
Wendy Gross
• 12 days ago
A crematorium – even in the best of hands, which is certainly unclear here – will be toxic and damaging to the environment, the Francis J Clarke office park and the economy of the town of Bethel. As elected officials who are meant to be serving as fiduciaries, watching out for Bethel’s environmental and economic well being and the best interests of its citizenry, a decision to go forward with something so damaging is unconscionable.
Michelle Cairns YOUNGWOOD, PA
• 17 days ago
I am fighting the same issue in my backyard. A crematory is being built in a residential community in my town, and it does belong there.
Gillean Reinders LAKE MARY, FL
• 17 days ago
I want to preserve the air quality in our town.
Tia Severino TUCKER, GA
• 17 days ago
I am against the installation of this crematory.
• 27 days ago
I am an environmentalist.
Robyn Maitland NEW FAIRFIELD, CT
• 27 days ago
I do want the smell or the feeling of dead bodies in the office park where I work.
David Waters DANBURY, CT
• 28 days ago
I don’t like the idea of this
James Taylor DANBURY, CT
• 28 days ago
Sounds unhealthy and bad for the community
Stephanie Schultz BETHEL, CT
• 3 months ago
Cancer, ew.
Anne Wein BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I believe that this will not be good for the Town of Bethel or for enticing other businesses into that area.
Jamie McDonald BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
My daughter and her family live nearby and I fear for their safety. She also works in the Clarke Business Park.
Rebecca Wardlow BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
Why out our kids and beatuiful town at risk? This has major long term impacts.
Kiyo Akiyama BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I’m signing this because I don’t want this so close to my house
Amy Escamilla BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I looked into the environmental issues and I am concerned with the mercury pollution.
Cheryl Medeiros NEW MILFORD, CT
• 4 months ago
I’m signing because I have children and grandchildren who live in Bethel and am very concerned about their safety.
Christina Grace BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I am a Bethel resident and I vehemently oppose a crematorium within our town.
Walter Trelewicz BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I am against the crematorium
Barbara Reilly BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I feel it’s not in the best interest of the residents in this town.
Pam Bujese BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
Enough is enough. Watch out for our health.
Frank Polacco BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I do not want a crematorium in my back yard!
William Tourii NEW FAIRFIELD, CT
• 4 months ago
Because this is gross. And I’d rather not be effected by toxins released by burning cadavers…
• 4 months ago
In this age of heightened awareness regarding health, this would be very irresponsible!
Lori Godino BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I’m a Bethel resident concerned about the health hazard related
Patricia Stites BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I strongly believe that this is not in the best health interests due to the toxic by-products created.
Nancy Galiano BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I am against this type of business in our town of Bethel Ct
Christine Poklemba BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I’m signing because I do not want a crematorium down the road from where we live. From the info I’ve been able to find I do not like the lack of state and federal regulations for such a facility. Not going to help our property values either.
Jenn Lawlor BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I do not support this business coming in at all
Sandra Losito BETHEL, CT
I have 3 young children and I’m worried about the potential negative health effects this may cause.
Ava-Marie Sealey BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I’m signing this petition because I care about my town and the people that call it home.
Deborah Maschak BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
Health risks, property values will decrease!!!!
• 4 months ago
For the good of the community, and to oppose politicians to change zoning for their own interest.
Shannon DeRubertis BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I do not want this in our little town!! I have 3 children & I am worried what this will do to the air they breath & water they drink. this is not something that should even be considered in Bethel. Aside from the health risks for residents, it will also hurt real estate values.
Sue Cleary BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I do not want the toxicity in our town.
Denise McMahon BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
Do not allow the crematorium
Elizabeth Archer BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I just moved to Bethel and this is not what I want to see moving in near my new home
Marlene Boyer BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I will stop visiting the park businesses with my kids if there is a crematorium present.
Neil Callaghan BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
This is another example of the Bethel process being done in the dead of night, without the knowledge of residents – – secret agendas for the people in charge.
Charles Noe BETHEL, CT
• 4 months ago
I agree this would be wrong to bring into town . I say have a revote on the EDC
henry choi BETHEL, CT
• 12 months ago
Allowing a crematorium would be a detriment to the town as a whole, not only will it decrease the property value of homes and businesses, many investors will think twice before moving to a business park that has an establishment of such kind. it’s a deterrent for investors and new businesses who want to do business and bring jobs here in the town. Also, health wise, i would not want to live anywhere nearby a crematorium. I don’t think anyone especially with childrens wants to live nearby. In addition, i would not want to see hearses pass by everyday. The proposed establishment cannot guarantee that the bodies will be transport in unmarked vehicles. This can bring negative emotions and adversely affect psychological beings to many people who works and live near by from the constant flows of hearses
Dianna Medwid BETHEL, CT
• 12 months ago
Bethel is always trying to harm the taxpayer on all issues and this is no different, we need to get more signatures on Grassy Plain and alert the entire area. Thanks
Pat Markstaller BETHEL, CT
◦ 12 months ago
Protect our children’s environment
◦ 12 months ago
Not sure why this is even up for debate. Releasing TOXINS into the air which can KILL and Permanently damage our loved ones both current and future, is just plain disgusting. Do you want to be eating dinner with your family knowing that you’re all breathing in death?! Yeah, I don’t think so. DO NOT BUILD THIS. DO NOT RE ZONE. DON’T KNOWINGLY KILL US OR CAUSE US HARM!!!
Margaret Waage SOUTHINGTON, CT
◦ 12 months ago
I lived near a crematorium growing up. I don’t remember smoke being an issue per say, but emissions are an issue as we have learned over the years. If there is evidence of harm I’d wouldn’t want to live near one by
Sondra Covino BETHEL, CT
◦ 12 months ago
For the health of my child and the rest of the people in our town. I know for me and my family we are trying our best to get chemicals/pesticides out of our food, cleaning supplies, eating organically, etc. The effects of this do not show up right away but over time it does and by then it’s to late…I cannot agree with this. Thank you- Sondra
Chris LoGiudice BETHEL, CT
◦ 12 months ago
No, this is not the place for this type of business
Manda Hashemi GREENWICH, CT
◦ about 1 year ago
I have 2 small kids and I do not want this to effect their health. We live in a nice community and this is NOT the type of business that should be in our community.
◦ about 1 year ago
The health risks, both long and short term, far outweigh any tax benefit to the town.
There is a Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) hearing tomorrow, where your voice can be heard about the crematorium and you can hear what others have to say, including residents, business owners, attorneys and the commission, and you can ask questions. The topic is the proposed crematorium building site permit, and a permit to use the building as a crematorium.
Public Hearing is Tuesday, May 12, 2015, at
7:00 p.m. in the Denis Riordan Room D,
Clifford J. Hurgin Municipal Center, 1 School Street, Bethel CT.
If you care about your town, environment, health, safety, real estate values of homes and businesses, including Holbrook Farm, and want to help the Clarke Business Park and all of Bethel a vibrant place other business owners will want to move to, then this is a public hearing you won’t want to miss. You don’t have to stay for the entire meeting but I think you will, once you see what is happening.
Stay informed. Participate in keeping Bethel the wonderful town that we love.
Note: There were other public hearings on the separate topic of a crematorium moratorium and a text amendment change (to not allow a crematorium), requested by Greg Marciano who owns CT Coining, the business right next door to the proposed crematorium site (45 feet from his property line). The last public hearing for those topics has been closed by the P&Z despite protest to continue the meeting. Presently the Planning & Zoning Commission is deciding on the moratorium and text change.
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Nucific Bio X4 Top Probiotic for Weight Management
Nucific Bio X4 Review: No matter what unpleasant images the word “bacteria” brings to
our minds, most of us will be eager to consume foods and supplements that include probiotics,
some of them containing billions of live organisms that will literally turn our bodies into their homes.
If we weren’t aware of how much we need them this
idea would have sounded terrifying, but it has become very clear that this “good bacteria” is essential for our health.
We carry it naturally in more than 500 species, some of them more helpful than others, but at times their numbers decrease and this is when we need to take action, just to make sure that we remain healthy.
Probiotics are found in the entire digestive tract but especially in the colon, where they ease digestion and contribute to the proper absorption of nutrients.
But at the same time, they’re essential for the immune system, and this is why food and supplements manufacturers are eager to include them into many of their products.
In fact, probiotics have become so popular that they’re now included in foods and drinks that are unable to deliver them properly, so the best way to make sure that you get what you’re paying for is to choose a quality supplement that assures you’ll ingest them while they’re still alive and not affected by other chemical compounds.
What is Nucific Bio X4?
Supplements that contain large amounts of this good bacteria and focus on digestive health also go by the name “probiotics”, and this one is designed for weight management by including both different strains of bacteria that will improve digestion and other natural compounds that promote a faster metabolism.
Bio X4 is manufactured by Nucific, a new health products manufacturer that up to this moment has released only two supplements, both intended for weight management in a natural way.
The company only sells these products through the internet, and later we’ll see exactly how trustworthy they look from a customer’s point of view, but for the moment let’s find out more about Bio X4.
This supplement is claimed to promote bowel regularity and support the immune system, which is exactly what is looked for in a probiotic, but at the same time, it seems that it’s able to reduce cravings, boost metabolism, and ease the digestion and proper absorption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in particular.
It’s also stated that the product is completely natural and contains no GMOs (genetically modified organisms), and also allergen and gluten free.
Lacking lactose or any other ingredient of animal origin, Nucific Bio X4 is presented as vegetarian and fit for any diet, even if nothing is mentioned about the nature of the capsule shells, which in the case of many supplements are made from gelatin ( an animal by-product).
Also, the product doesn’t contain any fillers and is made in the US, specifically in California, where the company itself is based.
Does Nucific Bio X4 Really Work?
No reviews are yet available for this product, and it’s understandable given that both it and the manufacturing company are very new.
Still, the newly released product don’t have any negative reviews or complaints either, so it seems like they’re off to a good start. Unhappy customers would surely voice their opinions if the product didn’t live up to the expectations.
And judging be the ingredients, Bio X4 should work as advertised. The product contains the best strains of bacteria and other substances that are known as effective, and it seems like it has been formulated by a legitimate nutritionist that doesn’t only specialize on healthy foods, but also psychotherapy that includes food addiction.
The doctor is presented on the website and any potential customer can research his credentials, which is great coming from a company that markets their products online.
For most companies, we don’t have any access to information regarding the people involved in the development of the products. We don’t know if they’re formulated by qualified professionals or if the company simply chose the most popular ingredients.
But in this case we actually get to see the man behind the products. This makes it obvious that Nucific Bio X4 is 100% legitimate and that a lot of work has been put into developing its formula . It’s also mentioned that the products are tested by third-party laboratories.
Which means that they’re constantly verified as to guarantee that the ingredients are high quality and effective and that they stay pure throughout the manufacturing process.
Bio X4 is not approved or evaluated by the FDA, like all supplements. Probiotics are classified as foods and not require testing, and this is because the substances included are not strong enough to affect the body in a dangerous manner.
But at the same time, this means that the positive effects of the product might not be very obvious either, and this is very common with probiotics in particular.
Because we carry this bacteria naturally, its positive effects will better be noticed if our bodies are put through stressful situations (which reduce their numbers), if we travel through foreign areas where the immune and digestive system might be affected by unfamiliar bacteria and foods, or if we’ve been taking antibiotics (which of course kill bacteria, including the good kind).
But an otherwise well-balanced body won’t have a very obvious reaction to ingested probiotics, even if they will help. Still, given that this product is designed for weight loss, some changes should be perceived even by the users who don’t have a deficit of probiotics, and next, we’ll see exactly why.
Nucific Bio X4 Ingredients?
The label of Bio X4 is available on the official website of Nucific and it presents all the ingredients and their specific amounts, which is a great point in its favor.
The product contains 5 species of probiotics, 3 of them of the Lactobacillus genus (acidophilus, rhamnosus, and plantarum) and 2 of the Bifidobacterium genus (lactis and animalis).
A blend of digestive enzymes can also be found in Bio X4 (amylase, bromelain, and lipase), along with green tea extract and 5-HTP Caralluma Fimbriata Extract.
Right from the start, we notice that Bio X4 contains some of the most beneficial bacteria species, with acidophilus and all Bifidobacterium species being especially helpful in digestion.
Probiotics are still being studied and some of their qualities are up for debate, but it seems like Lactobacillus, in particular, has been scientifically proven as able to help in not only preventing but treating health affections like irritable bowel syndrome, different types of diarrhea and even skin issues.
Still, these studies haven’t been performed on the Lactobacillus species included in this supplement, so it might help in these disorders or not.
On the other hand, Bifidobacterium lactis, which is included in Nucific Bio X4, might be very beneficial for the metabolism, lowering cholesterol particularly in people that suffer from diabetes. Another species of Lactobacillus might directly help in slimming, but unfortunately, it’s not included in this supplement even if it’s designed for weight loss.Probiotics, in general, have been associated with improved digestive tract health and the relief of many intestinal affections, so all species are able to help at least in some measure.And for this supplement specifically, one capsule contains 13 billion CFUs (colony forming units), which is a high number of bacteria for a single dose.
This doesn’t necessary make Bio X4 more efficient than other sources of probiotics, given that individual needs vary largely between users, but it seems like it’s designed for those interested in receiving a rather large number of organisms.
It’s not the largest available, as some supplements contain hundreds of billions, but still, the dose can be considered high. Also, even if it doesn’t contain a large number of bacteria species, Bio X4 does include some of the most efficient ones.
Then we have the digestive enzymes, which are also naturally found in the body. They help break down the ingested food for the absorption of nutrients, and are not only found in the digestive tract but also in the saliva and pancreatic juice. And these substances also act at a cellular level, where they’re essential for health and survival.All of the three types of enzymes found in this supplement (which add up to 88 mg) are of natural and completely vegetal origin, which is regarded by many as the most beneficial for the organism. On top of that, these specific enzymes work in breaking down carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which is pretty much what is advertised for this product. It seems that up to this point Bio X4 should do exactly what is supposed to, but let’s go further.
The third ingredient is green tea, which is one of the forms in which the Camellia sinensis plant is consumed. It’s less oxidized and contains less caffeine than black tea, and the extract is commonly used in alternative medicine. Because it contains some amount of caffeine, green tea is used mostly for improving mental functions, as caffeine seems able to stimulate the entire nervous system along with the heart and muscles.At the same time, green tea is used in the treatment of many stomach issues because it seems to help in digestion, and also for cancer, as it has strong antioxidant effects and keeps the cells healthy for a longer period of time. But many use it for weight loss and it might actually work, even if scientific studies don’t have much proof for this quality at the moment.Many weight loss products contain it (case in point) and it might be effective simply because it improves digestion. Weight gain could be caused by the lack of proper nutrients, so both green tea and probiotics could help if this is what caused the weight issues initially.
Either way, green tea is one of the healthiest plants simply because of its high amount of antioxidants, which makes it a great addition to any diet, unless of course, the user is very young or simply sensitive to caffeine.
And lastly, we have Caralluma Fimbriata, which is probably the reason why Bio X4 is also advertised as able to suppress appetite. But this plant seems able to do much more than that.Caralluma might be able to promote weight loss even more effectively than probiotics. The bacteria improves digestion and promotes the absorption of healthy nutrients, but Caralluma has the potential to increase metabolic rate.This cactus-like plant is found most commonly in India and has been used as an appetite suppressant for a very long time. It’s also consumed as a vegetable, either cooked or raw, but it’s most often used as a medicinal plant.
Indian tribes used it to keep from becoming hungry during long hunting trips, and it seems that it also has the ability to suppress thirst, which is very helpful in difficult circumstances.
Users of Bio X4 should keep this trait in mind when using the supplement because it might cause them to drink less water, which is not helpful when trying to lose weight.
Caralluma has these abilities thanks to pregnane glycosides, chemicals that suppress appetite by blocking citrate lyase. This enzyme is naturally produced by the body and it’s involved in the fat storage process.
This means that the plant will make the user less prone to accumulating fat even if they don’t change their eating habits. But chances are they will indeed eat less, even if they don’t intend to. If the body stores less fat, the extra calories will be burned and converted into energy.
Naturally, the individual will be less hungry and eat less at each meal. Nutrients are used by the body in a more effective manner, which is probably why many use Caralluma to increase their energy levels.
This plant doesn’t suppress appetite in the same manner as other substances, which simply trick the brain into believing that the body doesn’t need nutrients. It actually helps the body get all the energy it needs from the ingested nutrients, decreasing user’s tendency to overeat.
And these properties are actually backed by scientific studies. Not many have been performed, but the results available at the moment are very promising. One of the studies is particularly interesting, as the subjects have reported fat loss in the waist area.
This is quite impressive because belly fat is very dangerous for health. Storing large amounts of fat in this area can lead to many different affections, so Caralluma might work well as a prevention measure.
Also, combining it with probiotics guarantees that it will be well absorbed by the body. This plant might be more effective in Bio X4 than consumed on its own. It’s a great choice for this supplement, as it seems able to generate great results with no health risks.
Couple of months ago 5 HTP was replaced with Caralluma Fimbriata Extract in the ingredients list
Is Nucific Bio X4 Safe?
Probiotics are known to cause unwanted effects at the beginning of the treatment, mostly stomach disorders, bloating, gas and nausea.
But these symptoms should pass quickly as the body adjusts, and users should be fine in a few days. Of course, someone sensitive might have a stronger reaction, and this is why the product should only be used with a doctor’s approval, and we wouldn’t recommend it for pregnant women or children under 18 years old.
It seems like probiotics can also cause allergic reactions, even if this product, in particular, doesn’t contain any allergen sources, so customers should show the label to their doctors and make sure that Nucific Bio X4 is fit for them personally.
And the same side effects could be caused by 5-HTP (Now 5-HTP was replaced with Caralluma Fimbriata Extract so no side effects from 5-HTP).
This compound is one of the best and safest sources of serotonin but it could still cause unwanted results like stomach issues in those who are sensitive to it.
It didn’t cause dangerous effects not even in high amounts when tested, but we would still recommend a doctor’s approval. And then there’s the green tea, which might cause the side effects of caffeine in those who are not used with the substance.
Jitteriness, insomnia, increased heart rate or headaches are commonly caused by caffeine and might be observed when using this product even if green tea doesn’t have a high amount of the substance.
But those who are under treatment for depression should be especially careful, as Bio X4 could interact with the medication commonly used for this affection, as it contains serotonin.
This product might end up increasing the amount of serotonin to a very high level, which could be extremely dangerous. The official Nucific website also warns about this potential issue, so, in this case, a doctor’s approval is mandatory.
What Are the Benefits of Nucific Bio X4?
Given its ingredients, Bio X4 should work as advertised by improving digestive health, helping in weight loss through the better absorption of nutrients, suppression of appetite and an increased metabolic rate, while at the same time contributing to a better mental state.
And we really appreciate how the advertising for this products fits its real qualities, even if at the moment no user reviews prove that Nucific Bio X4 is really working. But it certainly should, as it looks like a very balanced blend that doesn’t pose any risks for health.
But for the product to work properly, the company recommends for it to be ingested 3 times a day, for a total of 39 billion CFUs.
This should be done at every meal, and the effects will start being noticed in around 1-2 months of use. It seems like Bio X4 needs a very long trial period to be properly evaluated, but it does come with an extended money back guarantee, so this shouldn’t be an issue.
Why Choose Nucific Bio X4?
We believe that Nucific Bio X4 will work well for most users, and its price is very decent for a product of its type. Bio X4 doesn’t contain GMOs, gluten, soy, dairy or any other allergen source, and none of the substances usually included in low-quality products (like sugar, which accelerates fermentation).
The product seems to follow all the guidelines of a quality probiotic, and the other substances included are also very beneficial, both for weight loss and health in general.
Also, BioX4 is made in the USA, which is a very important feature for many customers. And the company, even if only selling through the internet, seems to be off to a great start regarding both the products and their marketing approach.
Nucific doesn’t seem to have anything in common with companies that sell the same type of products but engages in practices that are upsetting (to say the least) for the customers.
All the details that the potential clients need to make an informed decision are available on the website, and no hidden programs or fees are hidden in the “terms and
conditions” section.
Not only the ingredients but the actual label of the product is available for viewing (the most important factor when choosing a supplement and especially a probiotic) and the company seems easy to contact through phone and email.
It seems like their image is as clean as possible, which is not common for a business that is only at the beginning and could easily use different marketing schemes to make a faster profit and increase their customer base. Also, we appreciate that the product packaging chosen by Nucific is made from recyclable materials.
Where Can I Buy Nucific Bio X4?
You can buy Bio X4 only through the official Nucific website at the moment, for the price of $49 for a bottle containing one month’s supply, which we assume is 90 capsules given the dosage recommendation.
A package containing 3 bottles is available for $129, while 6 bottles will cost the customers $240. For the time being the company only ships to the US, and delivery is free for orders over $50.
Nothing else is mentioned about the shipping fee that would apply for an order of only one bottle, but it’s stated that the products will be shipped between 24 and 48 hours since placing the order.
Also, all products come with a 90-day money back guarantee, which is great giving that Bio X4 will take at least one month before starting to show its effects.
But for this guarantee to apply, the returned products must reach the company during the 90 day period. This is a paid, third-party advertorial. The author receives compensation from the manufacturer of this product.
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