Report by Paula Antolini, September 8, 2019, 10:30PM EDT

The 19th Annual CT United Ride traveled through Fairfield County in Connecticut today with over 2,000 motorcycles participating and thousands of spectators, totaling approximately 20,000 people each year, according to CT United Ride.
The CT United Ride event raises money for Connecticut fire and law enforcement agencies and is Connecticut’s largest 9/11 tribute, honoring those who lost their lives on 9/11 and also for those who put their lives on the line each day to protect us. The first year’s ride, 18 years ago, was for NYC, and since then the event raises funds for Connecticut firefighters, Connecticut police officers, first responders, and a donation is made to the United Way.
Registration for the CT United Ride opened at 8:30 and ceremonies began at 10:30.
This year’s opening ceremony included special recognition of New Haven Police Captain Anthony Duff, father of five, who was shot on August 12th after responding to an incident, while off duty, when he saw a shooting in progress. He pursued the suspect but was shot three times. He is recovering from his wounds and was released from the hospital 10 days after being shot.
The 60-mile CT United Ride trip began at 11:30 a.m. The route began at Exit 17 off I-95 (Norden Park) in Norwalk, CT, and passed through 10 towns in Fairfield County. The Ride ended at Seaside Park in Bridgeport, CT. The afternoon was then filed with food and music with performances by both rock and blues bands.
Parade Route
- Motorcade from Norden Park to Rte 136
- to Rte 33 through Westport
- to Wilton Rte 7
- to Rte 107 Georgetown
- to Rte 58N Redding
- to Rte 302 Bethel
- to Newtown Rte 25 through Monroe
- to Main Street Trumbull
- to Old Town Rd
- to Park Ave in Fairfield
- continuing into Bridgeport and straight down to Seaside Park with Bpt’s Fire Rescue 5 leading the Motorcade.
This year the motorcycles passed through Bethel at approximately 12:30 p.m. traveling north on Route 58 and turning right on Route 302 heading to Newtown.
The New Fairfield and Hawleyville Fire Departments were on hand with their ladder trucks at the intersection where Starr Lane and Sunset Hill Road meet Route 58. They hung a large flag from their extended ladders, over Route 58 to welcome the riders. Bethel Fire & EMS usually has their ladder truck there each year to hang the flag but this year they had problems with the ladder hydraulic system so the Hawleyville Fire Department helped out, said Ed Bruey, who was in charge today. Bethel EMTs and Firefighters were also at that location today.

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