Report by Paula Antolini
May 25, 2017 6:05PM EDT
NARCAN Training Class for Opioid Overdose Held by Bethel CERT at Stony Hill Fire Station
The Bethel Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) hosted a NARCAN Training Class for Opioid Overdose on May 23, 2017, at 7:00 p.m., at the Stony Hill Fire Station in Bethel.
CERT team members from the towns of Redding, Ridgefield and Newtown, CT, were invited to join the Bethel CERT team, to learn how to administer NARCAN in the event of an opioid overdose.
This extremely informative class was conducted by Joanne Montgomery MSW, the Chief Clinical Officer at the Aids Project of Greater Danbury.
The 40 CERT team members in attendance received a NARCAN Kit featuring a nasal spray insertion device and the antidote Narcan.
Bethel CERT co-coordinator and organizer of the event, Teresa Fogel, said, “If, as the result of this class, one life is saved, it was worth learning how to administer the NARCAN.”
Watch for more announcements of further training classes.
For more information contact Teresa Fogel, Tom Galliford or Ken Weith at: [email protected]
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The Bethel CERT team has over 30 residents with varying skills, education, and expertise that have completed the Basic CERT Course.
Areas that the CERT members will assist Town agencies include: Disaster Response, Emergency Operations Center staffing, Health Emergency Response, Shelter Set up and Management, Animal Sheltering, and Disaster Preparedness Public Education.
CERT is a training program that prepares you to help yourself, your family, and your neighbors in the event of a disaster. During an incident, emergency service personnel may not be able to reach everyone right away. By getting trained in CERT, you will have the skills to help emergency responders save lives and protect property.
The initial training program includes fire safety, disaster preparedness, disaster psychology, terrorism, and first aid.
For more information on the National CERT program click the CERT link
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