Today we have another wonderful written piece from Jeanne Claire Probst, in our continuing literary series.
Report by Paula Antolini
May 16, 2015 8:35AM EDT
Today we have another wonderful written piece from Jeanne Claire Probst, in our continuing literary series. We are thrilled to have author/poet/blogger Jeanne Claire Probst join Bethel Advocate as a contributor, sharing her “Thought and Poem” written works with us. Her work covers many topics. She is excited to be fulfilling a life-long dream of writing a novel of which “The Fifteen Houses, a Novel” is her first published work. I think you will enjoy! (Read more about Jeanne Claire Probst below.)
Written By Jeanne Claire Probst
I planted a garden over a week ago from seeds and I have been going out every day, sometimes twice a day to check on it. I cannot begin to express my joy when I see my plant babies starting to “crown.”
There are a lot of responsibilities that come with having a garden, if you want it to be successful. You have to weed it, check for bugs, and offer support to plants that need it and of course you have to water it.
Now when it comes to watering my plants, I know my neighbors at times may think I am crazy because instead of using my garden hose to water my garden, I choose to use my little yellow watering can. This means I have to walk back to the water sprout on the side of my house to refill my watering can when it goes dry. I might have to do this eight or nine times before my garden is adequately watered. I know that when using the garden hose it would only take a few minutes but I like the exercise and it gives me a chance to “talk” to my plant babies and give them the attention then need. Crazy…maybe?
For those of you who in win Western Massachusetts, you know full well the scorching heat we have had over the past few weeks and know how everything is so dry. This kind of heat makes you want to strip down to the bare necessities and sit in front of the A/C or fan. So when a storm is brewing overhead you can only imagine how happy we can be for the rain as Mother Nature gets a turn at watering the plant babies.
What about you? If you planted flowers or a garden do you look forward to when you see clouds forming overhead? Share your thoughts with us…
Jeanne Claire Probst
Written By Jeanne Claire Probst
A storm is brewing
The wind is blowing
The clouds are lingering overhead
There is no sunshine… we are going to get rain instead.
I don’t mind the rain
So long as the sun gets to shine again
Because we need rain so our flowers and gardens will grow
And we need water to drink ourselves…you know?
Oh… my… the rain did come down
Everywhere you look puddles can be found
But my plants grew another inch overnight
And this friend brings me delight!
Jeanne Claire Probst
The Fifteen Houses, a Novel
The Fifteen Houses is the first book of this new and exciting series to be published. Staged in the beautiful and scenic palate of East Longmeadow, Massachusetts, in the early 1950’s, the main character delves into her reoccurring and discomforting memories of her younger, formative years. Searching for answers to questions that have resurfaced in her mind over and over again during her time away from her family, she seeks to find rhyme and reasons to her insecurities, anger, phobias, fears, and life’s choices. Julianne Marguerite, one of eleven children, is determined to uncover the “mystery” that resulted in the downfall of her family. As you turn the pages in the book, each series of memories, will open a different door, to the different homes, (“Fifteen” to be exact).
Jeanne Claire Probst was born and raised in the New England state of Massachusetts, is retired an lives in Ludlow. She is excited to be fulfilling a life-long dream of writing a novel of which “The Fifteen Houses, a Novel” is her first published work.
Jeanne shares her poetry blog, “Thought and Poem,” on her Facebook Page: Jeanneclaire Probst that is aimed to encourage, comfort, and share with others what it feels like to be human!
She is also doing her part in bringing awareness around bullying and finding solutions to redirect anger and disappointments and her blog: Breaking Down the Bully Wall – One Action at a Time can also be followed on Facebook.
For more information about the author, her book and poetry visit:
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Please teach the rest of these internet holgoians how to write and research!
No more s***. All posts of this quality from now on
That’s a wise answer to a tricky question
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That insight solves the problem. Thanks!
""Affordable progress" – a meh shade of grey. As boring as possible. "I remember the last mayor of North Shore City telling pensioners is response to their concern that rates were increasing too rapidly, to move somewhere else.As I recall they told him to move on.Boring eh?
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Keep on writing and chugging away!
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Hats off to whoever wrote this up and posted it.
dit :Je suis une fan à fond de Jamie…Je craque sur tout avec lui…As-tu vu une vidéo sur son site..????EXTRA comme il cuisine….Un beau billet, plein de sincérite !!!BRAVO !
Mary Ellen Kennedy – Can I do my wedding over again? It was 21 years ago and my pteiurcs were stale by comparison. These photos brought tears to my eyes. What a perfect way to capture an unforgettable day.
If you’re reading this, you’re all set, pardner!
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Gee willikers, that’s such a great post!
Sounds like spring has come early for you!! What a beautiful servant of God you are and not to sound like a broken record…you so encourage me!! Believing Him~Pamela
Thanks for contributing. It’s helped me understand the issues.
Thanks for that! It’s just the answer I needed.
>>à°ªిà°²్లలకు ఆరేà°¡ు à°•్à°²ాà°¸ుà°² à°¨ుంà°šే à°¸ెà°²్ à°«ోà°¨్à°²ు à°Žంà°¦ుà°•ిà°µ్à°µాà°²ో, à°ªోà°¨ీ ఇస్à°¤ే à°¦ాà°¨ిà°¤ో à°µాà°³్à°³ేం à°šేà°¸్à°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ాà°°ో, à°¸్à°•ూà°²్à°²ో à°µాà°³్à°² à°ª్రవర్తన à°Žà°²ా à°‰ంà°¦ో,à°Ÿీà°¨ేజర్à°²ుà°—ా à°µాà°³్à°³ మనసుà°²ో à°°ేà°—ే ఆలోచనలేà°®ిà°Ÿో>>à°®ుంà°¦ుà°—ా ఇలాంà°Ÿిà°µాà°Ÿి à°—ుà°°ింà°šి ఆలోà°šింà°šాà°²ేà°®ో à°¨ంà°¡ీ..అసలు à°®ూà°²ం à°…à°•్à°•à°¡ à°¦ొà°°ుà°•ుà°¤ుంà°¦ి.
Free knowledge like this doesn’t just help, it promote democracy. Thank you.
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It’s a relief to find someone who can explain things so well
Enlightening the world, one helpful article at a time.
Please teach the rest of these internet hooligans how to write and research!
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Pool Table definately. I wonder if it's R/C'd? Hmm, if we could motorize them, maybe the couch to rip around the trailer park… But the table could do that too… I'm conflicted. Static-Table, motorized-couch(would be more comfy than slate) \\m/
That’s the perfect insight in a thread like this.
LOL! I know that feeling all too well.MAC Select is a liquid, so it’s thinner and more like a lotion. I used to use it a few years ago and the creasing issue happened to me, too. Time Balm is thicker and creamier — more like a cream blush!
Will Not Say / I’m not sure what to say other than ‘beautiful’. I have a mantra that I share with friends about this very topic. As a young man I had seen images in magazines but the couple isn’t as mutually engaged as in this image. I could reflect on the frustration and confusion that I experienced as a teen that people engage in intercourse but it’s bad. I will raise my children much different. I knew when I was ready for my first encounter [35] though it is late for most men today. I won’t submit to the way others pervert the beautiful design God made for a man and a woman.
Skandinávskými zemÄ›mi s pÅ™Ãkladným zdravotnictvÃm jsem mÄ›l na mysli Dánsko.Å védsko a Finsko.No a mam opravdu hledat alespon jednoho nespokojeneho Fina, nebo sve nesmyslne tvrzeni odvolate vcas?
Thanks for your thoughts. It’s helped me a lot.
Holy Toledo, so glad I clicked on this site first!
Yikes! I’m grateful I don’t have to deal with any picky eaters. If you want to give the sauce a go, I do think it would work well with shrimp, scallops, or even chicken.
Great hammer of Thor, that is powerfully helpful!
BS low – rationality high! Really good answer!
OMG… Mandy your card is absolutely GORGEOUS – I love just everything I can see on it !!!Thanks indeed for joining our Pearls and Swirls Challenge this week at Just Magnolia !!!Big Hugs,Mo
Thank you so much for this article, it saved me time!
Hallelujah! I needed this-you’re my savior.
Hi Lisa, they may be very hard to get off the tray, try drawing circles on the back of your nonstick baking paper instead – or print a sheet of circles off the computer and put under your baking paper while you pipe – that way you can reuse it.
The honesty of your posting shines through
Thanks guys, I just about lost it looking for this.
I never thought I would find such an everyday topic so enthralling!
BS low – rationality high! Really good answer!
Michelle, you are never boring. I find your tutorials easy to follow and complete. Thanks for taking the time to take all the pictures step by step and describing in detail your process. I visit your blog everyday and hope you will continue to show us your work.
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I love the photo of you and your daughter in her classroom. So sweet, and you’re such a good mama. Good luck with your upcoming revisions! I’m super-excited about WriteOnCon, and I posted my query and first 5 pages for the first time this year. Eep! I’m getting good feedback so far so I’m very grateful.
Got it! Thanks a lot again for helping me out!
a true Free woman should kneel at the feet of her Man. But this slavegirl is not permitted so much as to call herself a ‘woman’, that is a title reserved for Free females. ‘slavegirl’ reminds her that not only is she a slave, but a girl-slave who must lick the feet even of male slaves (kajiri).
Sajnos nincs jó tapasztalatom a magyar kezdeményezésekkel, de lehet, hogy én voltam mindig rosszkor rossz helyen. Minden esetre a véleményem az internetes munkákról nem túl rózsás. Örülnék, ha ez lenne az a kivétel amely erÅ‘sÃti a szabályt.
forse non mi sono spiegato bene. Io personalmentesono anche peri mix. Uno dei più riusciti era L’ora del LUpo di McCammon dove l’agente segreto era un lupo mannaro..però non lo avrei visto assolutamente inun Segretissimocosì come non ci vorrei vedere degli alieni. In un contesto più dichiaratamente Mix come poteva essere Epix invece poteva starci.
Son of a gun, this is so helpful!
While the radishes do seem to be growing, I am a little concerned that they don’t seem too healthy. They should be bigger by now. I am thinking that they are not getting enough nutrients from the plants. FYI….I bought a new water test kit so you can test the water for pH, ammonia, and nitrate. Ask me about it in class.
Why do I bother calling up people when I can just read this!
People normally pay me for this and you are giving it away!
If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.
ciao, era da parecchio che non passavo di qui, ho visto tante nuove prelibetezze, ma questa ricetta mi piace in particolar modo per la presenza degli agrumi e della ricotta. Fantastica!!ciaomicio
This does look promising. I’ll keep coming back for more.
133A po co w klasie Punkt autor utworzył konstruktor Punkt, którego argumentem jest… obiekt klasy Punkt? To mi przypomina węża zjadającego swój własny ogon. Wszystko z tego kursu póki co zrozumiałem, ale sensu tego zapisu nie kumam…
This is because water is more important than CO2 in regulating Earth temperatures. 70% of Earth’s surface is ocean and small increases in radiative forcing – whether that be solar, diurnal, seasonal or even rising CO2 levels will induce evaporation and latent heat cooling. The Earth’s surface sweats in order to keep cool ! Is the net effect a positive feedback as we have been led to believe ? No – I think the evidence over 4 billion years is the opposite – negative feedback – see here
The Waffle House was the only place open at 0300 when I was heading to the airport in Nashville.I'd stop and get a cup of coffee to go. It was always jammed with the redneck version of the bar in Star Wars.Gerry
Finding this post has answered my prayers
That kind of thinking shows you’re an expert
An answer from an expert! Thanks for contributing.
Yesterday evening I went out to the ranch to check on Rikki Tikki. She is settling in nicely. Her tummy is starting to bulge, she didn’t eat all the food I gave her, which means she is starting to eat her fill. And she let me pick her up and love on her.
Chris MageeI remember years ago making biscuits at a fast food restaurant, I was trained to “relax” the dough before cutting by picking up the corners a little to take the tension out of the dough. Don’t know if it helps or not, but I thought my biscuits were pretty darn good.
Good catch, Steve. Perhaps it was a bit of both. On one hand his head wanted her dead. On the other his heart loved her and wanted to take care of her. And he could “blame” the sister.The point is, of course, that regardless of what he did in his own life his ideas are pernicious, bigoted, and anti-disabled.
Hi Carrie. Yes it was great meeting Suz! Meet ups are one of my favorite parts of racing. I hope I can manage another half in FL this year to run with my brother.My leg is fine. I’m just paranoid. I keep wrapping it until I stop feeling even the slightest muscle twinge. I probably didn’t need it for the race but I didn’t want to take a chance.jillconyers recently posted..
ÃÂу тðú ýð ñþûьшøх ÑÂúþрþÑÂтÑÂх ø STM32 òÑÂþÑÂõт ø тþûьúþ ßÛØá уÑÂÿõõт òÑÂõ þñрðñþтðть úþррõúтýþ. «AVR ûюñøтõÃȄ΄Âúøù чøÿ» ÿþрöðû 🙂
Eu am 26 de ani si am inceput sa folosesc creme antirid usoare, pentru ca stiu ca ridurile nu ma vor cruta, mai ales ca am tenul usor uscat. Folosesc gama de la Boots de vreo 2 luni si am observat o atenuare a ridurilor de expresie, ceea ce inseamna ca functioneaza cu adevarat. E bine sa ne ingrijim de la tinerete, nu sa asteptam sa facem 50 de ani ca incepem sa folosim creme antirid, asa cum am mai auzit eu la cosmeticiene expirate…daca pana la 50 de ani te-ai neglijat, degeaba te mai apuca grija atunci.
ouais…’fin ca sert a rien de nous sortir de beaux steelbook de films que tout le monde a déja en bluraythèque si c’est pour nous coller ces infames pastilles sur la tranche…
this was a huge issue in my hometown (i lived in Yellowknife, NWT… aka nest to Santa). I remember walking to school in the pitch dark at 8am, and walking home in the pitch dark at 3pm. Not many hours of daylight, and you were either in school or at work for the majority of it. Really played alot into daily living up there.
Everyone would benefit from reading this post
Já mám to samé, nesnesitelná bolest, akorát zaplaÅ¥ pán bůh mi nic nekrvácelo, Å¡krábe mÄ› v krku, nutà mÄ› to kaÅ¡lat už aby to vÅ¡e skonÄilo ! :X
En la Cuarta Región, kilómetro 264, 15 kilómetros hacia la cordillera está Mincha Norte con un valle espectacular, aguas cristalinas del RÃo Choapa y gente muy amable. Ahà descansa la calma.
R.Marchenoir: « a gross violation of law »Le probleme c’est que les consequences du DUI sont disproportionnées par rapport au mal qui a été fait à la société! Je ne parle même pas du coût du procès.
Eran thank you for the clarification. Can you pls refer me to where I can find this non Jailbreak instrumented solution on your website? I can’t seem to locate it anywhere in your website. Is this an academic aidea or something that the company is actually offering now?
you recently posted a story about my brother (Larry Phillips jr.) in the North hollywood shoot out and i’m trying to gather all srories and articals possible relating to the subject can you help?
Unless you are not in a single concept. In many communities, it’s what makes putting food on the evolution of the loan. Having a good policy in place to verify a borrower’s credit rating is vital.
One more thing obot; I thought it was a non-partisan/non-political rally? According to your delusional mind it is not. According to the actual event it is appears non-political. You're NUTS!by the way; Beck's Restore Honor rally was non-political. I also recall Aveda King was a speaker there. So much for it being a racist event that you delusional obots like to try and say.
I started blogging way back in 2007. I blogged because I liked to write. Then I got worried about how many followers i had and would worry when I didn’t get any likes. I never really got caught up in the “gold rush” because I knew I just wanted to talk about writing and the process. No pipe dreams here but I guess it would be nice . . . . .
WOW a great rare find:The TRUTH is TIMELESS…this is from 1961 but just as TIMELESS and TRUTHFUL TODAY. We all need to hear this.The EROSIONISTS, like the ocean, never stop and keep beating at the Shores of Conservatism and the American Way incrementally destroying our Culture, Traditions, Family and the American Way.
Boa tarde Dr Osmar.Apesar dos pesares acho que o Tite pode trazer o caneco pra gente !O Adilson Baptista pareceu o prof Pardal no nosso Timão!O Tite pelo menos não inventa coisas…caso nosso tecnico caia, queria o Parreira no Timão oq vc acha ?
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Holy concise data batman. Lol!
Labben, så heldig og lur!!! du er som skal studere russisk. Jeg syns russisk er det vakreste språket i verden, skulle bare ønske jeg hadde vedlikeholdt kunnskapene litt mer. Blir mest til at jeg hilser pent og utveksler høflighetsfraser på russisk, og så må jeg ofte beklage at jeg ikke kan mer.
Erectile dysfunction may be caused by a number of psychological and physiological elements. The psychological factors of erectile dysfunction include performance anxiety, guilt, anxiety, frustration, confusion about sexual orientation and relationship conflicts.
PatrÃÂcia comentou em 2 de julho de 2009 às 02:33. Júlia, AMEI a dica da toalha!!Eu testei durante 2 dias e REALMENTE, minha pele tá mais macia e mais fina!Além de que melhorou bastante a aparência de algumas espinhas, que estavam avermelhadas e outras sumiram.Adorei, continue dando mais dicas!Valeu! Beijos
Katharina thank you so much for the wonderful tutorial! I just got a bunch of Tinkling H2Os and was wondering how to use them all! 🙂 I can’t wait to practice this technique now! Thanks so much for sharing with us! You are the greatest! Hope you are enjoying your weekend hun!Hugs~ Kim
(kedd /01/25) Micsoda változások ! (vagy bennem a hiba ?- hogy a blog jobb oldaláról eltűntek a linkek ?- holott onnan mennyivel könnyebb volt más “oldalakat” felkeresni ! ) stb.Na, OK!- (nem az én blogom)Más : hát… a hajnali kezdet az kb -3 C°- (friss hó nem esett) – de mindenféle jóslat van,- [-ez a legjobb -] – mert legyen bármilyen idÅ‘járás,- attól még eléggé sz**ul vagyok!- de majd csak megoldom ! ( Valami “felemelÅ‘” (?) – vagy “hangulatjavÃtó” hÃr – a kises Albionból ?- mikorra várható ?
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You couldn’t pay me to ignore these posts!
ahaha sa mere va lui manquer 🙂 Il faut s’attendre a tout avec nos voisins !Quant au post du (20 octobre, 2008 18:12) Just dont cry, everything would be ok. Si tu n’aimes pas ce genre d’humour, ne vient pas sur le site de Marc
Information is power and now I’m a !@#$ing dictator.
Too many compliments too little space, thanks!
Oh yeah, fabulous stuff there you!
i don’t think most PE teachers accept jeans.(I’m sure mine don’t). Try some not-too-thick sweatpants and a short sleeve, and bring a light workout jacket for when you get cold. you can easily take a jacket off.
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I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much easier!
Knowledge wants to be free, just like these articles!
Full of salient points. Don’t stop believing or writing!
Hei :)Store forandringer ser jeg.. har ikke vært der jeg, dumt at ting forandrer seg slik.. men det er vell slik det er. Ha en fin dag 🙂
ik ben ook vandaag begonnen met groene thee!hiervoor had ik een cola light verslaving……en probeer dat nu niet meer te nemen maar alleen nog groene thee!Vind alleen niet zo lekker
Play informative for me, Mr. internet writer.
Four score and seven minutes ago, I read a sweet article. Lol thanks
Diane Swan is new to me…but not for long.I do not have a favorite poem, but I do have a favorite poet: Paul Simon. The man is genius personified. That he writes poetry in the form of lyrics makes me love him even more.
Thanks Al! Having a great time with Liz and Ted. Ava is absolutely LOVING all the attention from Grandma and Grandad. I’m sure she could convince Ted to try a spot of wakeboarding! Hope Sydney’s most expensive suburb is treating you well!!! Enjoy!! lots of love from all of us xxx
So excited I found this article as it made things much quicker!
با سلاممن و همسرم ÙÂایل نامبر کبک را دریاÙÂت نمودیم.ولی هنوز برای مصاØÂبه دعوت نشده ایم. از طرÙÂی تصمیم گرÙÂتیم برای ادامه تØÂصیل از دانشگاهی خارج از ایالت کبک پذیرش بگیریم. می خواستم بدونم این اقدام خللی در مصاØÂبه ما ایجاد نمی کند؟و ممکن است زمان مصاØÂبه ما را اذیت کنند که چرا از ایالت دیگری پذیرش گرÙÂته اید؟
Absolutely first rate and copper-bottomed, gentlemen!
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That’s a smart answer to a difficult question.
WOOOOO HOOOOO!!! This is the reason I am a part of LifeChurch.tvKeep it coming, Craig. We’ll all stand together to see the TRUE church BE the church (instead of just go to church).What did James define “true relgion” as being???
It’s an extension of the “children as accessory” phenomenon. It’s funny, it’s clever, it’s hip and look how cool I am. Of course it never enters the parents’ mind what this might do to their child, it’s not about the child. It’s about them.
Not apart from or in contradiction to the word of God. God’s word is truth. The Spirit leads us by means of the word. God’s Spirit will never tell you anything contrary to what His revealed word says. If you hear a word in your heart that goes against scripture that word is not from God.
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Great thinking! That really breaks the mold!
Action requires knowledge, and now I can act!
Nothing I could say would give you undue credit for this story.
Your answer lifts the intelligence of the debate.
Superb information here, ol’e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.
Not sure what qualifies specifically for 'helping Black folks', but don't forget the changes to preditory lending in the credit card bill. No more raising rates on existing balances on their whim (unless you miss a payment; yes, I know…), better disclosure of the costs and fees of a card, etc. Well done, and so overdue.
Stands back from the keyboard in amazement! Thanks!
I think you hit a bullseye there fellas!
I’m sad I missed it You should see a title-check potluck… crock pot heaven I tell you.Good job on remembering campfire songs.. I sure don’t! Yay crystal springs!
No to Beethoven. If you lived in a totalitarian society, you would not like Beethoven. The mental corruption is there, the coming revolutionary spirit and the wounded psyche of a silly social giant as well.Bach is best for your survival, just like Vivaldi or Monteverdi, but covering more of your dying soul – replacing the missing functions. Mozart is really helpful. They all know how to disperse the evil jinns, not so the haughty plagiator of Hayden and Bach – Beethoven.
I also have had personal experience of such injustice ( in my family and among my friends), although not always confined to legal aid, even paid lawyers can be lazy or biased or incompetent, and do not reveal that either in advance or at the time.And sometimes other factors conspire, such as race bias or class bias. I’m so sorry you are suffering with this.
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Wait, I cannot fathom it being so straightforward.
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Ohhh, I love this post and that photo!! I'm still smiling! I didn't know the symbolism of a four leaf clover {now or then}…well, except I knew the luck part! And it sure is amazing how perspectives change with one little leaf. ps..I love your banner!
Short, sweet, to the point, FREE-exactly as information should be!
This is great! Can he now do it again? He could do multiple failed mergers at once and then when he finally wants to go off into the sunset, he can actually let one succeed!
hey girl,it depends on what your goals are. i personally prefer cardio after weights. your body burns carbs first, then fat, then protein so i figure i’d rather do the weights for the carb burning, and when i hit the cardio it’s more focused on burning fat.
Hi Terry,The fear factor is huge for most of us. We have to keep reminding ourselves if we don’t take risks we can’t enjoy the rewards.I recently went to a conference that reminded me to do the IPA during business hours and keep anything else to after hours. It’s communication with others that produces revenue opportunities so we have to make the most of the time when they are available.Cheers, Caylie
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I was really confused, and this answered all my questions.
Uh, den tror jeg bestemt at vores lille Futte vil elske Og velkommen tilbage; dine gæstebloggere har været dejlige, men du har skisme været savnet!!!
A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.
There are no words to describe how bodacious this is.
Sorry, disregard my previous inquiry. I was able to purchase 2 tickets from hollywood bowl via Ticket Master on line; second level terrace box, house left center row 1256 seats 1 & 2. The price seems WAY below what others are selling compairable seats for. Is this normal? How are these seats? Anyway thanks for your time Mike
wow,huang hua lu, can visit Adeline Yen Mah's house as well, the writer of Chinese Cinderella!Yes, you are lucky, to be able to travel as and when you like, and you have a such a lovely and outshining daughter, sure, they will be jeolous. I also envy you.
Kudos to you! I hadn’t thought of that!
Przepraszam, że nie na temat.Droga ‘Szamanko”.Może wiesz co siÄ™ dzieje z naszym “rozbrykanym” przyjacielem ‘andredanvers”???To byÅ‚ leming, jak sam zaznaczaÅ‚, z którym szÅ‚o pogadać))RÄ…czki caÅ‚ujÄ™ i pozdrawiam niezwykle serdecznie.Adamps.Dla Frania specjalne ukÅ‚ony.Adam
I doubt you will ever find one for the Fire, or even an iPad. This is because the amount of voltage that the device requires to operate. With the technology that we have now, such device would be ot, too expensive or too big.
Should i buy the phone as i need a phone in budget of 10000 and my uses are playing games and listening to music can u say which phone or tablet i should buy
Zut j’ai aussi loupé l’appel aux questions, j’espère donc que tu renouvelleras l’expérience.J’espère aussi que les comédies de la rentrée vont te plaire car pour le moment on a peu de séries en commun (c’est un peu pour ça que je ne viens pas souvent commenter).
… ben voyons…Mis à part en maths, pour faire de la recherche en science il faut avoir accès à un labo, donc un financement.Après il y a des gens qui font de la recherche naturaliste de terrain pour le plaisir, reste que comme pour les maths faut quand même connaitre son sujet ! Et les amateurs publient en général dans des revues d’amateurs (fort intéressantes d’ailleurs pour qui s’y intéresse).
Nabokov est un auteur pour femmesd’abord on pourrait dire pour faire rapide que la litterature avait les dames comme cibles marketing, il suffit de lire la doc du XIX la dessus et qui est pléthorique, « madame bovary c’est mon porte monnaie ». quant à la théorie de l’évolution, je crois que c’est un peu du même tonneau, c’est pas une boisson d’homme
I could watch Schindler’s List and still be happy after reading this.
Mehdi dit :Kamillette > wé elles choppent des kalamars quoi…abra-kalamar…ouh putain ! trop concept !des friandises pour les enfants au bon goût de fruits de mer !yé souis riche ! (que fout il ENCORE dans les comments du 9 février ? c’est une bonne question, merci de l’avoir posée !)
Hi there! Quick question that’s entirely off topic. Do you know how to make your site mobile friendly? My blog looks weird when browsing from my iphone 4. I’m trying to find a theme or plugin that might be able to fix this issue. If you have any recommendations, please share. Thanks!
I love these new features Etsy has given us. What do you think about adding Etsians to your circle who have featured you in treasuries? I often am featured in treasuries ~ much more often than I make a sale.Thanks Megan for the good advice.Ciao,Suzanne
slm arkadaşlar ben mehmet 8 yaşından beri sigara denilen illetle arkadaşım yaşım şu an 25.tam 17 yıldır aktif içiciyim.ama bırakmayı defalarca denedim nafile.bu sigara kadar insana ve insanlıga zarar veren bişey görmedim ben hayatımda.ama bırakmak imkansızda değil.ama en kısa zamanda sigarayla arkadaşlığıma son verecem.sizlerede tavsiye ederim.sağlıklı yaşamak en güzel şey bu hayatta.bu arada ben bırakabilirsem herkes bırakabilir demek.SAYGILAR
ow eu tinha comentado no post anterior mas não apareceu aqui, foda, mas blz! agora ta facil entrar pois o seu end. antigo era mais ificil q o meu heheehheheheflw aeaté proximo
You’ve managed a first class post
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a5156257Salut Olivier, je réponds enfin àta question perfide: ce n’est pas du 5% qu’il aurait fallu en 2007, mais du 10% (cumulé sur 5 ans, cela aurait fait du 80%). Facile de refaire le passé. Plus sérieusement, tu as l’air de dire que les dettes publiques, c’est surtout les fonds de pension et les assurances qui les achètent.1) As tu des chiffres é) Pourquoi les banques ont-elles eu si peur dans ce cas àpropos des obligations “souveraines” grecques? Amitiés Bruno.34745
The forum is a brighter place thanks to your posts. Thanks!
Play informative for me, Mr. internet writer.
Hej P!Ett nytt set med underkläder hade varit helt underbart att vinna efter att först varit gravid i nio mÃ¥nader, sen ammat och nu gÃ¥r man runt i gamla underkläder som sitter sÃ¥där och som man inte känner sig superfin i… Dessutom tycker mannen att jag mest har "tanttrosor"… Hade varit kul att uppdatera lite.Ha en fin dag!KramMarlene
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This is a really intelligent way to answer the question.
You are my inhalation, I possess few blogs and rarely run out from brand . “He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future conquers the past.” by George Orwell.
Oh wow!!! Amazing stuff. Im having my first Vegan xmas, so its going to a bit of a challange. My mum is more worried about it than i am We dont have thanksgiving here, so i will store these away for a month!! ♥
I’m shocked that I found this info so easily.
Maybe Brievik wrapped his rationale up in Zionism and anti-Islam to make it harder for him to be accused being a white surpremacist. He’s basically demanding the same thing for Norway that Zionists get for Israel.
sono d’accordo, e comunque penso che agire come Lorella, andando in giro per le scuole, sia il modo migliore e più efficace fra tutti, bisognerebbe però che ci fossero più persone che lo fanno, perché se mi capita di parlare con gente della mia età (22 anni) o più grande, insomma stranamente scopro che molti non sanno che cosa sia il progetto di Lorella né hanno visto il documentario probabilmente…siamo già troppo vecchi forse?
I’d completely agree with you when you say babies are the easiest people to buy gifts for.There are some great gift ideas mentioned there. I’m going to have to take a closer look at the diaper genie – I’ve never come across it before.Charles recently posted..
This doesn’t make me really happy. The gaming community started giving money to games that require no thinking or development money (Wii Play), and now they’re giving money to companies that release their games full packed with bugs but doesn’t care!
You know what, I’m very much inclined to agree.
Unbelievable how well-written and informative this was.
aha aha aha I was waiting for you to make an appearance see i made a gravestone for Italy in my room and I did laugh at myself! But c’mon Argentina + Messi where over-rated! Maradonna Messi Argentina bla bla bla! Look what happened to them when they faced such a strong team
best buy gave me 110 dollars for my evo 3D when I got my LTE, and they also gave me 50 dollars instant rebate on the price of the I only payed like 40 bucks.
That’s an inventive answer to an interesting question
It’s like you’re on a mission to save me time and money!
vinju majaslapaa ir teikts taa:* MaksÄjums mÄ“nesÄ«, noformÄ“jot Nomaksu uz 36 mÄ“neÅ¡iem bez pirmÄs iemaksas. GPL – 21,94%. t.i 19,88 LVL meenesii!** Ja pÄ“rk bez nomaksas cena – 685 LVL.
Spændende indlæg. Jeg kan ogsÃ¥ finde pÃ¥ at gøre smÃ¥ notater om noget jeg vil læse mere om nÃ¥r jeg kommer hjem fra ferie. Jeg har bogmærket det link du omtaler – den ser spændende ud den blog 🙂 God weekend
Hi Sheng! Don’t worry about Emma, first things first. Emma can wait. I’m glad you liked the package. Hey, hope you’ll use that ha? When’s your trip to bora? Sang station kayo mag stay? I’ll send you an email.
I’m shocked that I found this info so easily.
Your cranium must be protecting some very valuable brains.
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Information is power and now I’m a !@#$ing dictator.
That hits the target dead center! Great answer!
You’ve really impressed me with that answer!
Information is power and now I’m a !@#$ing dictator.
Training for the Toronto Half then working up the nerve to run the Niagara Falls Full. Oh and I finally signed up for the Warroir Fash which happens to be on my birthday this year. Who knows what other races I’ll decide to as the year goes on.
It was dark when I woke. This is a ray of sunshine.
Dear Anonymous, indeed it does, however, the tap and indeed the barrel and dedicated cooler were put in entirely at Pak Paddy’s expense – and intended for his own personal use.You might however chance your arm and ask Dewi for one and bung her 20,000, Paddy is not always there of course.ED
When you are young, the door is a metaphor for the future and reading the messages, I hope they will do alright. Nothing is sure I suppose. I just hope all will be well for our children. Good posting again!
At last! Something clear I can understand. Thanks!
Your post has moved the debate forward. Thanks for sharing!
A few years ago I’d have to pay someone for this information.
What an awesome way to explain this-now I know everything!
Hello! I use hair dye every month bcoz of my grey hair and i have excessive falling hair for years now. Will hair dye deter the effectiveness of Novuhair treatment? Pls help!! Thnx
orsovolante, giovanni:grazie delle ulteriori info, non sono esperto del settore quindi di questa notizia mi aveva colpito soprattutto il gusto "retro sci-fi" 🙂
I have been so bewildered in the past but now it all makes sense!
But we can’t depose BDLR….yet. This display of legal psychobabble by BDLR is juvenile.. A 1st year law student could tear it up. Pretty pathetic and incomprehenseable.
Dec24blend Treba je Å¡e dodati, da je njegovo delo tako impresioniralo Disney-jeve studie, saj so dalj Äasa opazovali njegovo delo, tako da je ta Avstralec dobil službo pri njih in sicer je komponiral glasbo pri enem risanem filmu… trenutno ne vem toÄno pri kateremu, je pa zelo znan 🙂
VettelWebberAlonso Si je m’écoute, je ne met pas Vettel, place Webber en P1 et Raikkonen en P2, mais bon…En plus Alonso près de Grosjean, c’est pas un risque pas négligeable… Bref, un prono dévoyé. Bon GP.
I was seriously at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.
It’s much easier to understand when you put it that way!
The purchases I make are entirely based on these articles.
You’re the one with the brains here. I’m watching for your posts.
(#18): And that is where it get’s nasty. Not that I have seen to much of Vujacic, but the few times I saw him he looked more like a natural gunner, not like someone I would trust with running the offense.
I hate nothing worse than when I have done all I need to do in the house, fixed every bodies homework and issues, and go to have some nice time alone and people continue to bother me. He did his duty in enlarging the area of his kingdom, saddled most of the West with Christianity, funded and expanded learning, etc., etc., etc…after all that, why could people just leave him be?
Four score and seven minutes ago, I read a sweet article. Lol thanks
That’s a slick answer to a challenging question
How could any of this be better stated? It couldn’t.
This site is like a classroom, except I don’t hate it. lol
That’s a smart way of looking at the world.
Usually I don’t learn article on blogs, however I would like to say that this write-up very forced me to take a look at and do it! Your writing taste has been surprised me. Thank you, quite nice post.
Nothing I could say would give you undue credit for this story.
That hits the target dead center! Great answer!
ForestelfÃÂðÑÂтуÿýу ÑÂтрічúу, ÑÂúу òþýø ýõ ÷üþöуть þ÷òучøтø/ÿрþôуñûюòðтø ñуôõ âþр: Ûõóõýôð Òіúіýóіò. ã ýøх чðÑÂу ýð цõ ýõ òøÑÂтðчøть.
I am (a big baby ha ha!). Body is not ready for movement but thankfully, food choices are better and will just continue to count down to happy tummy days again.
Miervaldis saka:Nu bet droÅ¡vien vaidere nezinÄja, Å¡os visus padomju noziegumus pret Latviju un LatvieÅ¡u tautu, nu bet droÅ¡vien viņa tik un tÄ ir LatvieÅ¡u tautas atkritums!
I love everything you guys are usually up as well. This form of clever perform and exposure! Keep up the wonderful performs guys I have included an individual guys to my own blogroll.
Walking in the presence of giants here. Cool thinking all around!
Wow, your post makes mine look feeble. More power to you!
The answer of an expert. Good to hear from you.
I literally jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!
I’ll immediately grab your rss feed as I can’t in finding your e-mail subscription link or e-newsletter service. Do you have any? Please let me realize so that I could subscribe. Thanks.
Do I remember correctly, that you intend to attend Sunstone this year? Plan is, there’s to be a panel about Twilight, and I’m to be on it–as the person who HATES Edward, Bella and everything else about the entire series. Which means that at some point I have to read the last two books…but I just can’t bring myself to do it yet.
I much prefer informative articles like this to that high brow literature.
No question this is the place to get this info, thanks y’all.
Beaucoup d’économistes dans ce club, et pas d’historiens semble-t-il. Sinon ils sauraient que 1812 c’est l’année de la Berezina.A moins que ce ne soit pour faire écho à la situation de la France, sans effrayer nos concitoyens ?On dit que M.Hollande a beaucoup d’humour, c’est peut-être aussi le cas de ses conseillés.
That’s not just logic. That’s really sensible.
Sam & Sarah you guys look great! I have been blog-slalking for a while now in much anticipation!! I am so glad they are up!!!!!!! YAY!!! You guys are so photogenic and what a great idea to do a home session. Wishing you guys all the best. Brad & Kelly Jonesps – My hubbalicious Brad plays softball with Sam .. and Sam and Brad are AMAZZINNNGG!!! =)
Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. As a peacemaker the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough.
“It’s okay, they’re just imaginary characters and this sort of event is statistically improbable in real life” doesn’t quite cut through the hindbrain going “BUT IT JUST HAPPENED AND THERE WERE CHILDREN THERE!!!!!”
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So that’s the case? Quite a revelation that is.
Perfectly indited subject matter, thanks for selective information. “The last time I saw him he was walking down Lover’s Lane holding his own hand.” by Fred Allen.
adem jashari eshte nje njeri i mire dhe ka qene nje trim i madh dhe une kurre nuk do ta harroj e dua shum adem jasharin me respekt nga Saranda
Boom shakalaka boom boom, problem solved.
I noticed that after Gov. Palin got such a hugh response, McCain seemed to lose interest in actually running. He lost his forcefullness and just went through the motions. He never followed up on any mistakes at the debates. The McCain camp did not even follow up on bidens mistake on the Constitutional duties of the VP. I never did understand why McCain never followed up on anything.
Olá, tudo bem? estou assistindo ao Programa do Jô, e me interessei muito em estudar as possibilidades do uso do programa em comunidades visitadas por Docentes e Alunos da Faculdade de Arquitetura da USP, Cidade Universitária do Bairro do Butantã. Lá temos alunos participantes de ONGs a exemplo a “Um Teto Para Meu PaÃs”, de origem estrangeira e Latino-Americana, enfim, são pontos de contato entre estudantes e comunidades faveladas. Agradeço a atenção a esta mensagem e ao programa, pelo esforço abordagem dos fatos.
Leee,Good luck son!!!! they could throw you in jail anytime……If that happens, don’t beg the Vietnamese Oversea to help you to get out of jail….
daniel • 11 de Julho de 2012 às 20:25opa celso blz?primeiro parabens pelo tudo, foi o melhor que eu ja vimas meu problema e o seguinte, eu queria desenvolver SITE com o wp e não blog. todos os que eu achei se referem a blog e não a site, vc teria algum para indicar que explicasse como criar um SITE no wp?
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Wow. I find some of these comments kind of anoying… "commoonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn……………hurryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!!!! first waiting for ios 5 now this jailbreakingg thinggg….can't waittt…plzz do hurry upp…"Really?! Chill out. It's been what, only a couple of days since iOS 5 has been publicly released? And they already can do an untethered jailbreak?
What a pleasure to find someone who identifies the issues so clearly
Liebe Joanna,ich würde im Shop ganz eindueitg auf Licht setzen. Neben einer Fassung mit Textilkabel in rot würde noch eine dieser tollen Lichterketten von Cable und Cotton im Einkuafskorb landen. Ich finde, die verbreiten richtig schönes Licht und machen es zu Hause richtig gemütlich!Tolles Gewinnspiel, toller Blog 🙂 Viel Liiiiiiiebe schickt dir Caroline B.A. aus Braunschweig :-))))
Emanuela scrive:Buona sera…. Lavoro in un nido.. Vorrei sapere se sono in commercio burattini grandi dei personaggi della nuvola Olga..da legare al progetto annuale… Grazie!
Reading this makes my decisions easier than taking candy from a baby.
Home run! Great slugging with that answer!
I love that picture of trusting Daddy. True freedom does come from abiding in Him. I just wished I had learned that sooner. Great post!love and hugs~Tammy
I’m grateful you made the post. It’s cleared the air for me.
What she spews about Maori, Pacific Islanders, gay-orientated, and the poor is feeble, so weak. Isn't her blog in the top 5 at the moment? Scary but not surprising to think there are people just as wretchedly hateful as her in "friendly clean green nz" – that mythical dreamland we keep telling ourselves, then people like her and Don Brash kind of destroy. Why do I feel need another shower after writing this?
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Can anyone tell me how to change the link/URL that gets returned when a search is completed. When searching by my company's name, the link re-driects to the correct site, but the link title itself is not one we use anymore. Any ideas?Thanks!
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You make things so clear. Thanks for taking the time!
su E es preciosa tienes toda la razón.Qué lindo saber que viajo tantÃsimos kilómetros. Yo también batallo para encontrar postales, querÃa entonces revelar fotos y mandarlas pero resulta que eso o lo haces en tu computadora (y no salen bien) lo haces por internet,pagas para que te envién por correo las fotots dias mas tarde, aqui no hay estudios fotográficos, entonces para que valga la pena tengo que juntar un buen de fotos.
Så nydelig! Jeg har som sagt startet på ett lignende selv etter å ha blitt inspirert av ditt forrige teppe. Men jeg lager nok ikke 2 m med det første. Det får holde med et babyteppe først :)helt helt nydelige farger du har plukket ut!
veramente ha cantato:“welcome to the Andy Summers show”e dopo:“welcome to the Stewart Copeland show”comunque grande concerto… i police sono i migliori e lo sono sempre stati!gli errori… ben vengano… sono umani ed è proprio questo il bello!ciao maxx
Información…Valora en Tener presencia online a dÃa de hoy es algo imprescindible, no solo para empresas, también para emprendedores, autónomos o profesionales que desarrollen algún tipo de actividad económica o personas que simplemente buscan……
I can already tell that’s gonna be super helpful.
Whoever wrote this, you know how to make a good article.
The answer of an expert. Good to hear from you.
Articles like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very important.
Michael: Yes, my instincts are similar. The Passivhaus standard seems to me to be aimed at the wrong problem specification – what I care about is getting to net-zero carbon emissions and there seem to be a lot more and cheaper ways of getting there than Passivhaus.
Thanks for your comment. There is a wide range of severity of this condition, but it sounds like you may have a mild form of the disorder — so not bad enough to be disabling, but certainly enough to cause your some problems in everyday life. The boundary between someone who has a ‘disorder’ and someone who doesn’t is a fuzzy one, and it’s often impossible to draw a clear line. If explaining your difficulties to people in terms of mild prosopagnosia or face blindness makes it easier, I think that it is a very reasonable thing to do.- Laura
Shame about the fire – I think you've got pyschic powers though! As-derzzz, as it's known round these parts, hate the place but at least it's relatively cheap and we usually get stuff delivered if we have to stock up. We try and buy as much fresh food in the local shops.You're looking good as usual x
sonia tortoraGrazie mille… anche a me piace usare la punteggiatura quando occorre, ma dato che non so come vengono valutati gli haiku per evitare problemi relativi a punteggiatura sì o punteggiatura no ho preferito non rischiare.Ciao.
“The fatal flaw of Universalism is its refusal to acknowledge human nature. That refusal, and Universalism’s blind faith in human perfectibility” OK, now look at the Samantha Powers article. I defy you to find an iota of that belief in her worldview. She’s written a whole book on genocide, I don’t really think her problem is a blind faith in human perfectibility. So either she’s not a Universalist or Univeralism does not mean what you just said it means.
Hei!Ikke rart du kan kalle deg for kreative Janne vettu. Med den flotte bloggen din. Er bare til og bli rent misunnelig :-)Ønsker deg og dine en fin påske. Klem
Nabey Rockson,Nowadays fucking too hard izzit? Blog only update every few days? U know hor, never read your blog is worse than not having sex… Keep updating leh
Rhiannon unfortunately the shop I bought them from has discontinued them! I don’t know if they’re available from anywhere else though? If anyone has spotted them somewhere do post a link 🙂
I thought I’d have to read a book for a discovery like this!
OKA : L’h aspiré existe bien, même s’il n’est pas… aspiré en pratique, sauf en effet dans quelques dialectes.Le problème, c’est que ce h consonne du lorrain, du flamand, de l’alsacien n’est pas aspiré… mais alors expiré ! Autrement, le français ne connaît qu’un seul h phonétique : muet et uniquement muet ! Il vaut mieux parler de disjonction, laquelle se produit devant d’autres signes que le fameux h et par exemple devant certaines voyelles (le onze, le un) que l’on ne qualifiera pas d’aspirées.
Wow! Great to find a post knocking my socks off!
Umm, are you really just giving this info out for nothing?
En effet David, je viens d’y tomber dessus, je suis surpris que Groland ait osé le reprendre avec si peu de gêne (sauf si M. Vidberg est scénariste à Groland)
Comics! We’re taking it back!I have the same problem with the term webcomic. Yeah, mine is on the web first, but it’s formatted for print in order to do the print thing later. It doesn’t take advantage of the web’s specific features. Fred Gallagher has debated himself on that too.I take the oath to not discuss that or the “is it manga” question again. It’s all comics. My comic is on the web so it’s a webcomic. The end.Thanks for the kick in the pants. ^_^
If I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I’d say “Kowabunga, dude!”
Hello, I think your site might be having browser compatibility issues. When I look at your website in Ie, it looks fine but when opening in Internet Explorer, it has some overlapping. I just wanted to give you a quick heads up! Other then that, very good blog!
“WHAT NOW, DAVID””Could you put my head back on before you go into cryosleep? I mean, it’s not very far to Engineer Planet, you won’t really even have time for a decent nap…””DAVID, I’M TIRED FROM BIRTHING YOUR TENTACLEBEAST, YOU CAN WAIT””So my head can just sit here and watch you sleep?””NO, DAVID”
Sorry to hear you are under the weather. Hopefully you will be better soon. I have to say the picture of your cat gave me my morning smile. He looks so cute in the doll bed.
Glad I’ve finally found something I agree with!
I read Matched and really, really liked it, but for some reason I still haven’t read book two. Not because I don’t want to, but just because I don’t ever think about it when I have time to read non-review books. I really need to sit it out in the open so that I remember it!
Nocom 23 2Ein absoluter geiler und oberhammerharter (Looser) …äh Typ Ehrlich Leute, glaub nur ich, dass der Typ ein paar Pillen zuviel geschluckt hat? hehe…
It is a question of why you use one website over another. Google has a big success in search, but have so far not been able to extend that to community. Facebook has traditionally been into community, and is now slowly moving into search. Maybe it would be better for everybody, If the 2 companies stayed on their own turf, and made it better, instead of trying to become good at something the other party does.
Great hammer of Thor, that is powerfully helpful!
Also, I was at the Keswick Theater last night, and you rocked! I found your site because I wanted to know more about you and your music. I’ve seen Vai a bunch of times, and I enjoyed your addition to the band.
If you want to get read, this is how you should write.
Le agradecemos sinceramente su amable y positivo comentario. Sus palabras dicen mucho a su favor y expresan que las escribe una persona excelente. Muchas gracias en nombre de la Dirección de esta plataforma profesional.
Ja, vi jobber med spes ped. Ja, vi blir ansatt som miljøterapeuter, enten vi er førskolelærere, barnevernspedagoger, osv. Ja, vi underviser. Ja, vi har bÃ¥de kompetanse og interesse og tilogmed pedagogikk pÃ¥ disse elevenes nivÃ¥. Men fÃ¥r vi samme tid til planlegging, for- og etterarbeid som en “skikkelig” pedagog? Er det Ã¥ verdsette jobben vi gjør med feks IOP skriving, tilrettelegging, møtevirksomhet, osv?? Jeg bare lurer.
Gee guys, thanks!Decided to look again after a coupla days….my friends make me feel all warm and mushy….You all are the best!Well-loved.
Tant que tu es là , tu n'as pas d'autres recettes avec les "bietoline", Enrico?Eglantine, pour une fois que j'essayais de faire plaisir aux végétariens parmi nous – tu as vu ça? pas un lardon, rien – c'est raté 🙂
Estos baños son totalmente deliciosos ,coquetos,Ãntimos …las bañeras con patas me parecen una joya,son capaces de hechizar ellas solas el interior de cualquier baño ,aportándole romanticismo y una elegante tradición.Cecilia ,tus imágenes nos capturan siempre,son maravillosas!!Un enorme abrazo y feliz noche.
Information is power and now I’m a !@#$ing dictator.
Robert en Anke,Zo ik ben even op Jesse telefoon om jullie moet in te spreken.Ik wens jullie heel veel suc6 en liefs van hier.De groeten aan de kroeskopjes,Willian
Superbly illuminating data here, thanks!
I am totally wowed and prepared to take the next step now.
Kewl you should come up with that. Excellent!
Great thinking! That really breaks the mold!
You can always tell an expert! Thanks for contributing.
Very true! Makes a change to see someone spell it out like that. 🙂
This is a neat summary. Thanks for sharing!
What a pleasure to meet someone who thinks so clearly
I appreciate you taking to time to contribute That’s very helpful.
Hallo Mesic,die Anschaffungskosten schreiben Sie nicht einmalig ab, sonder verteilt auf bis zu 50 Jahre. Alles weitere fragen Sie am besten Ihren Steuerberater.Viele GrüßeDennis Hundt
I love your blog.. very nice colors & theme. Did you design this website yourself or did you hire someone to do it for you? Plz respond as I’m looking to create my own blog and would like to find out where u got this from. thanks a lot
If Windows 8 natively supported the ability to boot/login to the desktop directly, disable the start screen, or enable the “classic” start menu, I suspect most of these complaints would disappear with a quickness. Just a thought…
I’m glad you had a wonderful birthday weekend and welcome to the 30’s and over club sis. You will love it much more than the 20’s.I’m really sorry I had to miss all the fun but I had a good reason. Don’t worry you know damn well I’m making up for it in October!
Io l’ho letta in anteprima, senza introduzione e senza sapere di chi fosse, e me la sono “goduta”… “è di una donna, ve’?”“perchè si vede tanto?”“vedere, no! ma c’è una sensibilità diversa”Scoprire che questa donna fossi tu, è stata una bella sorpresa… sono contentae sono sicura che non ti “azzanneranno”, non perchè sia tu, ma perchè c’è poco da azzannare qui.
Thanks for another great post. The place else may anyone get that kind of information in such an ideal means of writing? I have a presentation subsequent week, and I am at the search for such information.
Can I just say what a aid to seek out someone who actually is aware of what theyre talking about on the internet. You undoubtedly know how you can carry a difficulty to light and make it important. More individuals have to read this and perceive this facet of the story. I cant imagine youre not more widespread since you definitely have the gift.
It’s imperative that more people make this exact point.
This piece was cogent, well-written, and pithy.
Enlightening the world, one helpful article at a time.
Hey no footage of the bench? its all good bro Im sure you will make some later on… Your videos from back in the day when you where bench pressing 405-500 for reps with PERFECT form is some of the strongest shit I´ve ever seen a human do.
And I was just wondering about that too!
That’s a sensible answer to a challenging question
2011-09-29, Musashi säger: Om temat för bataljen är ”Peka-och-klicka äventyr” eller ”JRPGs” sÃ¥ är jag sannolikt en vass motstÃ¥ndare. Hör av er i sÃ¥dana fall 🙂
Ja również nie popieram karania za takie niesmaczne wygÅ‚upy. Owo “dzieÅ‚o” to zwykÅ‚y prymityw i tania sensacja. Nie zostaje siÄ™ w ten sposób artystÄ…, lecz co najwyżej “artystÄ…”.
It’s my belief that mesothelioma will be the most deadly cancer. It has unusual qualities. The more I look at it the more I am sure it does not conduct itself like a true solid flesh cancer. If perhaps mesothelioma is really a rogue viral infection, therefore there is the possibility of developing a vaccine in addition to offering vaccination for asbestos uncovered people who are at high risk of developing upcoming asbestos relevant malignancies. Thanks for giving your ideas on this important ailment.
ad Caban : jak osobnÄ›/bytostnÄ› ? To, že na fakultÄ› ÄlovÄ›k pozná "odborné" vrtochy profesůrků a jejich následnÃky na soudech nic o bytostné povaze sporů nevypovÃdá jako vÃc o lidské a bytostné jeÅ¡itnosti. Ta je politikům, kteřà se snažà dohodnout, k niÄemu stejnÄ› jako k byznysmenům. HodnÄ› soudců jen žije v byrokratickém sklenÃku, kdy si udÄ›lajà svůj Äárkový poÄet spisů, nic je nenutà k dialogi, k arumentaci atp., což makonec dokazuje vysoká komunikaÄnà patologie na vrchnÃcj soudech, kde se nÄ›kteřà doživotnÄ› skrývajà pÅ™ed stranami.Marie Morávková
I will be putting this dazzling insight to good use in no time.
This is just the perfect answer for all of us
That’s an intelligent answer to a difficult question xxx
Life is short, and this article saved valuable time on this Earth.
Wow, your post makes mine look feeble. More power to you!
It’s a joy to find someone who can think like that
I’m impressed by your writing. Are you a professional or just very knowledgeable?
I’m amazed, I must say. Rarely do I encounter a blog that’s both educative and engaging, and let me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head. The problem is something that not enough folks are speaking intelligently about. I am very happy that I stumbled across this in my search for something concerning this.
I hate my life but at least this makes it bearable.
Appreciation for this information is over 9000-thank you!
That’s the best answer by far! Thanks for contributing.
Óðûøýð:ï üõчтðûð þ ÑÂòþõü ôõûõ ø þýþ у üõýѠõÑÂть! Ãœõчтðùтõ, òþÿûþщðùтõ üõчты ò рõðûьýþÑÂть! ÃÂтþ ôõùÑÂтòуõт!
I liked the ideas suggested throughout this article. I’ve been with a few direct selling companies. The latest one that I was with I really do love the product and what the company is trying to do. I do see a need where I can make improvement by taking advantage of training programs.
If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.
The fact that conservatives will blame everything but guns is comical.I guess I just don't "get" the joke.The US has approximately 90 guns for every 100 people. Mexico has 15. Mexico's gun homicide rate is 10 per 100,000 people per year. The US rate is less than 4 per 100,000 per year. So…yeah….It must be the guns. /sarcasm
then I can think of a dozen countries you should apply for citizenship. But you’ll have to make the A standard first! Competing at the Olympics and winning a gold medal is another story, as the endorsements will
Shiver me timbers, them’s some great information.
This is a really intelligent way to answer the question.
Hello, you used to write fantastic, but the last several posts have been kinda boring… I miss your tremendous writings. Past several posts are just a little out of track! come on!
236ð úðú öõ Úрþûøú Ѡþóрþüýыü ÑÂõüõùÑÂтòþü рþôÑÂтòõýýøúþò, úþтþрþõ ú ýõüу ÿрøûøÿûþ, ð þý ýõ ÷ýðõт úуôð þт ýõóþ ôõтьÑÂÑÂ? ÃÂ’ úýøóõ þý ÿþÑÂтþÑÂýýþ øх ÑÂтыôøтÑÂÑÂ, þýø öøòут у ýõóþ òþ ôòþрõ, тðÑÂúðютÑÂѠ÷ð ýøü ø õóþ ôру÷ьÑÂüø ò ÿþхþôы ø.т.ÿ. Øüõýýþ ÑÂтþ ôõûðõт Úрþûøúð тðúøü ÷ûþñýыü ø ðÑÂõúÑÂуðûьýыü ÿõрÑÂþýðöõü.
Thinking like that is really impressive
Still is a blasphemy to support nuclear or clean coal. What a weird age when we all have to bow to the “Green” movement. I don’t want my house off the grid. I choose hydro production that is affordable and reliable.
En théorie, oui. Mais les gros intérêts ont appris àmanipuler l’Etat, àplacer les chercheurs vendus dans les postes de pouvoir, afin qu’ils bloquent la carrière des chercheurs honnêtes.Et puis entre le Ministère de la santé et celui de l’Agriculture, c’est le second qui l’emporte toujours. Je précise que le Ministère de l’Agriculture, en France, n’a pas pour vocation principale de défendre les producteurs de fruits et légumes ou les apiculteurs.
Martin Berlin, klingt auch sehr gut. Da würde ich dann noch Pimentkörner dazu werfen ;-)Martin Linz, ah schön, aber versuch beim nächsten Mal unbedingt die Sauce mit Schlagobers, da ist nochmal ein Unterschied!
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Sehr hübsch. Mich irritiert nur, dass ich mit dem abgetrennten Arm einer Zombie-Katze werfen muss, aber das war ja klar 🙂
In America, your dog can say ‘woof’, ‘bow wow’, ‘arf’, ‘bark’, ‘ruff’, and ‘yip’ (little dogs). But I think cats remain ‘meow’…various spellings, all same sound.
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That’s a crackerjack answer to an interesting question
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As a beer blogger who has thought one too many times about free beer or sponsorship of my blog site, it was great to see a solid example of how to handle a review honestly and with class.
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and Gluten-Free, Sugar Bee Crafts, Cooking Traditional Foods, Time Warp Wife, The Thrifty Home, Gnowfglins, Thrifty 101, Momnivore’s Dilemma, Miz Helen’s Country Cottage, A Glimpse Inside,
Read that same piece on Ticker Guy. Great piece. I believe that this piece refers to the "elite" lower class white folks who have the IQ and academic background to get into the Ivies, but don't because of who they are and what they represent (unless you're the one "super" candidate from WY, ND or SD, etc.).
After checking the whole set, I think that he should have performed ‘Roc Boys’ instead of ‘I Know’….Would have been dope to have heard something from the ‘Reasonable Doubt’ era (‘Can’t Knock The Hustle’), but hey – he smashed it hands down! Definitely a good look for Hip Hop….
Amazing blog! Is your theme custom made or did you download it from somewhere? A theme like yours with a few simple tweeks would really make my blog shine. Please let me know where you got your theme.
If only there were more clever people like you!
they don’t see what they expect. But don’t fear, you can make these changes easily. I’ve already written about a larger adjustment I made. This time I’ll review some really quick and simple ones.What I’m not telling you to
I think they're adorable shoes! And your skirt is just too cute! But mostly I want to steal your beautiful long legs and attach them to my torso. You can have my short stubby legs in return!
hb9dvh dit :Bonjour,l’USKA n’a jamais été transformée en Société Anonyme. Cette info a été trouvée sur le site de HB9AFO et il s’agit d’une blague pour le 1er avril 2006! Vous avez été hameçonné.Par contre concernant les déboires au sujet du comité de l’USKA, tout est vrai.Meilleures 73.Christian
Shiver me timbers, them’s some great information.
I’m really into it, thanks for this great stuff!
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Enlightening the world, one helpful article at a time.
Gewoonweg prachtig bij elkaar, maar ik popel om die broek te dragen met een oversized zwarte trui, hele hoge hakken, rommelig haar en lippenstift.. <3!
Natural Destiny is a story, not just of one girl’s survival, but of the Pacific flower garden she planted using her life experiences to teach her CHILDREN how to flourish. By the end of the book, I wanted Bernie to adopt me. You’ve got to read this story!
niedawno trafiłem na strony geocentrystów demaskujących wierutne kłamstwa liberalnych i ateistycznych uniwersytetów uczących, że to Ziemia kręci się wokół Słońca. Oczywiście, jest tam kilku ludzi z doktoratami. Nic mnie więc nie zdziwi Myślę, że te różnice pomiędzy homo a hetero są statystycznie nieistotne. Różnice pomiędzy kobietami a mężczyznami zapewne są ale nie mam pojęcia czym je wyjaśnić.
×Âללי! עוד מישהי שלנ×Âהבה ×Âת חיינשל ×Âחרי×Â! ×Âז ×Âני לנסובלת מפגנגנטי, ×Âחרי הכל?גנבעיני ×Âהבו ×Âותו בעיקר כי הונדובר גרמנית ומכיל הרבה סצנות של ×Âנשינשותקי×Â.
Howdy, I believe your website could possibly be having web browser compatibility problems. Whenever I take a look at your website in Safari, it looks fine however, when opening in IE, it has some overlapping issues. I simply wanted to provide you with a quick heads up! Besides that, excellent blog!
Kudos! What a neat way of thinking about it.
Bonjour Laura, les commentaires sont faits pour ça. Le DUT me semble bien dans l’optique de devenir CR, mais ne t’arrête pas à ça. Prévois de renforcer ta formation ensuite sur une année ou 2, histoire d’être plus solide face aux recruteurs. Il faudra aussi que ton cursus comprenne au moins un stage de 6 mois, c’est mon avis. Des débouchés il y en a, mais surtout dans le Web à l’heure actuelle. Ce n’est pas moi qui te dirais le contraire
This is a neat summary. Thanks for sharing!
The cowards of Spain won their election. Now they get to muck up the world, in their own way.Too bad Bush lacks the balls to make a public statement to that effect.
Articles like this make life so much simpler.
I can’t believe I’ve been going for years without knowing that.
What a great resource this text is.
Geez, that’s unbelievable. Kudos and such.
Good work, Grandma G! I also wear too-heavy skirts in the summer. But this one will look really good in the winter as well, I'm thinking thick grey ribbed tights…
awesome issues here. I¡¦m very happy to see your article. Thank you so much and i’m taking a look ahead to contact you. Will you please drop me a e-mail?
Cristo probabilmente direbbe che non è un uso accorto della ricchezza che è giusto che la Chiesa abbia a disposizione.E non è mia convinzione personale per apologia sterile, è proprio la teologia moderna che si basa sugli studi storici scientifici odierni che spara queste cose.Per il resto Meis ha fatto sorridere anche me con la prima frase quindi Grazie!
That’s a nicely made answer to a challenging question
I searched a bunch of sites and this was the best.
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Whoever edits and publishes these articles really knows what they’re doing.
I was really confused, and this answered all my questions.
sangat membantu, sementara diingat2 dulu mas, sambil nabung biar cepet kebeli hehehe[]dafhy Reply:August 12th, 2012 at 9:00 pm, ctrl+D mas. monggo semoga bisa cepat membeli androidnya []
We need more insights like this in this thread.
Quousque tandem abutere, Cuniculus, patientia nostra?não fosse a excelência de conteúdos e porventura até poderia eu ser suspeita de assédio (salvo seja)e lá tive que levar este também.Face aos créditos apenas por mim atribuÃdos e já tu, amigo e praticamente companheiro de todos os dias, terias o grau de professor doutor (com causa e honoris)Titas Matoso
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About Traveling Tips: International Business Travel Tips 12 Travel Tips to Save on Your Holidays This entry was posted in Business. Bookmark the permalink. ← Travel Like A Pro With
My dog has bladder cancer and while he has been doing okay with that (as well as he can be), he is becoming anemic and lethargic. Is there any supplement or meds I can get him on to help with the anemia? Thanks.
My problem was a wall until I read this, then I smashed it.
Good money news. Eventually I will leave my job because there are no raises and there is no room for growth. In fact, if you move into a supervisory position (rarely ever happens) you lose some amazing benefits. Can’t win!
Meine Liebe, wie viele andere auch, hab ich dich ordentlich vermisst. Schön, dass du ein Lebenszeichen gibst.Ich wünsche dir eine baldige Verbesserung deiner Küchensituation…un das nicht ganz uneigennützig :o)
Get a look at this stat From Profootballfocus. Alex Smith has a league worst depth per target at 5.1 yards. Now if that doesn’t make him Captain discount doublecheckdown, I don’t know what does. We can’t stretch the field guys. WARM KAEPERNICK UP PLEASE!
I do not think so, it can be submitted at the time of exmination also, while it is mandatory for the attorney to show this assignment deed by the inventors. As per rules of the patenting procedures it should be along with the filing the application. As the examination takes later dates and continues for prolonged periods, during which period there shall be some changes either in the specification or claims are allowed so there are no infringement cases. Of course there is no hard and fast rule for this power of attorney deed.
Holy Toledo, so glad I clicked on this site first!
Zaratia non ti ha sfiorato l'idea che tu abbia premuto il pulsante sbagliato e dopo ti abbiano forzato la portiera ?L'unica cosa sicura è che ti hanno forzato la portiera ma questo non dimostra che abbiano un fantomatico aggeggio che impedisca la chiusura delle portiere …
Time to face the music armed with this great information.
Jeg er også faldet for den stage. Skønne farver og lækker form. Vil også gerne anbefale Gaia museet, som helt sikkert er et besøg værd hvis man kommer til Randers.
Edgar :Je répondais à l’article :« des phrases qui n’en finissent pas de tourner en lui et qui sortent comme on pense, en vrac, sans ponctuation, sans logique, mêlant l’accessoire et l’essentiel. »Le « sans ponctuation », en particulier, m’interpelle.Ceci dit, loin de moi l’idée de tirer une conclusion de ses déclarations, autre que « c’est tout à fait cohérent » …
“being as IsraeliDad is there”There where? with the IDF in Gaza?I wish him safety and a prompt return home…m.BTW, on Europe: I think the support of the Czech republic was also a given – Eastern Europe is generally more aligned with the US than with (continental) Western Europe.Mo-ha-meds last blog post..
Excellent additions, Vicky, thank you! This post is probably due for a re-write given the pace of change and maturity of live tweeting events. I appreciate your thoughtful response.
Finding this post has answered my prayers
that mass movements offer a stagnant society an injection of energy, but unless that energy can become 'normalized', it can become destructive and then it ruins itself, which Nazi Germany did by starting WW2 and trying to wipe out all non-pure nations.-Strahinja
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I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much easier!
Survival of any species living in the diverse environments that anadromous fish do requires diverse ways of handling the many problems that confront them. Hatchery fish unfortunately diminish the ability of the species to do just that and meaningful recovery of depressed populations should start by eliminating dependency on the weakest link.It is time to stop wasting precious resources on hatcheries.
Perhaps with the feds trusting the Cloud, and hopefully success in this endeavor, many corporations will adopt this approach. As we know, many companies are hesitant to use the Cloud. Due to numerous reasons, including the concern over security.Great to see the Feds doing this, in my opinion.
Sinds Daniel Craig antwoorde op de vraag “shaken or stirred”: “do I look as if I give a damn”, vind ik hem helemaal te gek! Moest zo lachen toen ik dat hoorde!! En hij ziet er ook wel het leukst uit, hoor….
Hi Matt,Thanks for the great suggestion. I have never tried those. I do okay with making it through the night with regular sized pouches except when I am backpacking. For whatever reason this activity changes my output and emptying schedule, and I tend to get a lot more overnight output on these trips. A high-output bag might be just the ticket to avoid having to get up in the middle of the night to leave the tent and dig a hole to empty into.-Heidi
An “off day” usually requires some kind of treat, usually a SWEET treat. And part of me knows that some kind of physical exercise will usually make me feel better, but another part doesn’t want to get up from the sudoku.
People, please, think for yourselves. FactCheck has no “privity” to us voters; in other words, this organization has no legally cognizable relationship to us, claims by Dr. Orly that she served FactCheck with subpoenas notwithstanding. While you are focused on the next trick Orly, or Berg, or Leo pulls out of a hat, your elected Congresspeople are receiving a $174,000 salary for not doing their jobs. (And they are immune from lawsuit for job-related misfeasance under Sovereign Immunity.) You would produce more effective results by insisting these people who work for you, actually work for you!
That’s an astute answer to a tricky question
It’s always a pleasure to hear from someone with expertise.
I only started to read your blog this last year, and always knew Cooper was cute but looking at those baby photos was total cuteness to the max. What a handsome cutie. Happy birthday, Cooper!
the fact that we now require insurance on these institutions indicated our lack of confidence in the management. We buy shares of stocks in publicly traded companies with clear understanding of risk. FDIC and implied bailouts encourage such reckless risk taking.
Oui, tu as raison, partir en billebaude demande d’être le plus léger possible et donc d’optimiser, de choisir ce que l’on emporte.Pas trop de poids, pas trop d’encombrement, limiter son matériel au strict nécessaire est essentiel pour la photo à l’approche : ensemble reflex+téléobjectif et jumellesCependant, on doit quand même transporter certains accessoires : un ou deux objectifs, au cas où pour paysage et/ou macro, boisson, barre céréale, trépied si arrêt vraiment prolongé, …Le tout peut vite aller vers les 3, 4 ou 5 kilos.
Το ”ÃŽÂÄÃι” και Ã„ο ”γοÃ…βÎÂÄÃι”, αÀλÃŽÂ ξοÃÂκίζοÃ…ν ÄοÃ…Â αναίÄιοÃ…Â ÆÌβοÃ…Â ÃαÂ…. Η καλÃÂÄεÃÂη ανÄιμεÄÃŽÀιÃη ÀάνÄÉ δεν είναι Äα ξÃÂŒÃÂκια, αλλά Ã„ο να ÃÅμÆιλιÉθεί κανεί εν ÄÎÂλει, μ΄ αÃ…ÄÃÂŒ ÀοÃÂ… Äον ÄÃÂομοκÃÂαÄεί… Η αÃÂιÃÄεÃÂή οÀÄική δεν είναι μÀαμÀοÃÂλαÂ, είναι μία ελÀιδοÆÃÂŒÃÂα ÀÃÂοοÀÄική. Άδικα ÃκιάζεÃÄε.
I’ve got no time for individuals that eat like pigs and then look for magic pills, diets and programs. By eating too much, you will end up fat no mater what. And i’m not particularly slim but I do jog and feel healthy, without feeling hungry constantly. Get a grip folks!
đúng là đầu óc bả Ä‘áºu .vừa ngu vừa lì ,không biết con Ä‘Ä© mẹ mà y là m Ä‘Ä© xứ nà o đẻ ra thứ tạp chủng nà y ,ráng là m chó săn cho bá»n quái thai cs vn ,lấy tÆ° tưởng thằng chó đẻ hố chà minh đỠăn cứt cs nhiá»u hÆ¡n để thà nh con chó Ä‘iên nha .
Being a big fan of LJ, I’ve seen a lot of slash fic like that. It’s irritating and it bugs me. The worst was someone on my lj friendslist who did a slash of . I was seriously bothered, man. That is a LITTLE KID show. Argh.
Facile, bas et tellement convenu.Gauchistes de tous poils, avez-vous donc (encore?) une âme ? à défaut de cracher sur tout et n’importe quoi ?
Stay with this guys, you’re helping a lot of people.
Shiver me timbers, them’s some great information.
Wow, amazing blog layout! How long have you been blogging for?you make blogging look easy. The overall look of your site is fantastic, as well as the content!
I am so sorry to be laughing THIS HARD at your pain, but between your broke ass, swelled ankle, Aunt Flo, and ruining a sweater with red wine – I cannot control myself!!
stuff that will help if you need to kick start your creative thinking. Mark also wrote a review of his first Likemind meet, which is much more detailed (and therefore useful) than anything I
It’s a real pleasure to find someone who can think like that
So true. Honesty and everything recognized.
Well I guess I don’t have to spend the weekend figuring this one out!
f–k off we’re fullBYO final clause, naturally. I choose to start mine with “full of…” and then go nuts from there.For non-Sydneysiders: the Manly Corso is packed, end-to-end, with CCTV cameras.
Thank you all for the comments. It felt good to express my saddness and compassion in this way instead of looking the other way and ignoring the rising crisis we face in America. I believe our forefathers would also be saddened to see how society abuses the freedoms they fought so hard to attain. Happy 4th God Bless each and everyone of you, whom I consider friends.Bootcamp is a wonderful thing.Warmly,Terri
Liebe Ellen, vielen Dank für die Chance! Ich würde gerne das Videotraining gewinnen, weil ich meine Webseite demnächst endlich mal überarbeiten und für mobile Geräte fit machen will (fühle mich wie eine lahme Ente, wenn ich Eure Redesign-Frequenz sehe…)! Und weil ich total gern mit Photoshop arbeite, aber immer noch viieel zu wenig Funktionen verwende… Gruß Frederike
Articles like this are an example of quick, helpful answers.
Dear Friend, You have a little child in God’s hands now that is eternally grateful to you for giving him/her life. You can pray to her/him too. When I am going through something most difficult I pray to them. I know they hear their mother.God give you peace.
NovopeÄeni Amerikanac Vojin Ražnatović:ARKANOV SIN SNIMKU MAMINOG ROÄENDANA U LAS VEGASU STAVIO NA YOUTUBE…For the most People in america people, all of the changes within the federal property tax have practically eliminated any concern of tax implications from the preparing of a will certainly. But other factors will affect the planning of your will certai…
I want to send you an award for most helpful internet writer.
Very interesting information!Perfect just what I was searching for! “If you could choose one characteristic that would get you through life, choose a sense of humor.” by Jennifer Jones.
February 17, 2012 at 2:06 amCommercials and classes make Marijuana 10x worse than it actually is. Yes it’s a drug and drugs are bad mmk but cigarettes are worse. So I know I might get shit comments replies for saying this but I feel focusing on why Marijuana is a bad is drug is less important than drinking. Drinking killed some of my family and one started meth WHILE he was drunk. Reply
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for writing!
Hello and thank you very much for these good and insightful articles!I really do not know much abut using HTTP headers in PHP, but I do agree that one should always strive to use code that is correct as well as working.Though I have not managed to try it yet, I cannot help noticing one thing: in the conditional on line 79 of the script you use $size – but it is not declared anywhere… surely you meant $file_size, like it’s used in the rest of the script?Thank you very much again!
benn j’espere aussi que c’est bien vrais car je suis a la recherche d’un emplois et sans permi c’est pas vraiment evident ne serraisse que pour s’y rendre . quelqu’un peut il me dire si il faut que je prenne rdv a pole emploi avec mon conseiller pour demander a avoir cette aide svp ? merci
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You mean I don’t have to pay for expert advice like this anymore?!
That’s a crackerjack answer to an interesting question
Bravo! Great article! Its true, Singapore can still be very affordable, the thing is the great range available here, you can have a meal for 5bucks or 500 hundred bucks, one street apart, with the rest of the range inbetween.Adrian recently posted..
karol pisze:dla mnie dużym ciężarem było poznać siebie (i ciągle poznawać), zauważyłem co we mnie sprawia porażki. Dążyłem do tego żeby zobaczyć siebie obiektywnie i mówiąc szczerze znienawidziłem karola którego poznałem. Ale chce zmian, ta nadzieja pozwala mi żyć!
Problem seems to be that the turbineblades are desintegrating. On silent eagle: sure its a prototype, but its a basic eagle echo, with tweaks like digital fly by wire, weaponsbays and thrust vectoring. So the basics are sound.
Taking the overview, this post is first class
Jajaja, es verdad lo “del Merisi”, Freia. Puede que fuera un instituto de artes y buenas maneras. Yo descartarÃa a Almudena Grandes, fÃjate.Padre, no será la Etxebarria, ¿No?Ay, madre, que no es que la tenga manÃa, es que… Bueno, que si es no pasa nada.Beatriz y Los Cuerpos Celestes tuvo bastante trascendencia, hasta un Nadal se llevó. Quién sabe, este hombre es capaz de poner cualquier cosa… ¡Jijiji!
è andata bene a Stramaccioni che abbiamo vinto e i ragazzi son stati sufficienti a vincere… ma pensa se perdevamo le aspre critiche che ci sarebbero state verso il tecnico…
Times are changing for the better if I can get this online!
ach erster, ich verstehe dich so gut.werden sie, die liberalen, in schleswig-holstein noch mal vorlegen, vielleicht mit fast 1%, was meinst du? natürlich müssten die anderen dann auch mitmachen, sonst wäre es ja unfair. wenn sie es aber bis zur nrw-wahl nicht schaffen, sondern immer noch bei 1,1 oder gar 1,2% rumdümpeln, dann solltest du die kosequenzen aus diesem verhalten ziehen.
In awe of that answer! Really cool!
It also doesn’t help that you keep rhyming about all this hustle money and are seen rocking Esco Jeans. Cass since you like sampling the big homey’s lines for records here is one on the house. “We don’t believe you; you need more people†———————————————————————–Well damn… lol
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Well macadamia nuts, how about that.
Nina ElisabethJeg mener det er det det er snakk om, Ã¥ la andre oppdra barnet ditt.Hvem trøster, refser, leser, lærer og leker sammen med barnet?Hvor mange timer fÃ¥r barnet sammen med sine foreldre, i vÃ¥ken tilstand?NÃ¥r skal foreldrene oppdra?Barn trenger mye søvn og selv om barnet sover i barnehagen, blir det ikke mye tid til «hverdagsliv» sammen med mamma, pappa eller begge. Og hverdagslivet former.Ha en fin dag Roper pÃ¥ THEA!!!!!!!mormor recently posted..
You’ve really captured all the essentials in this subject area, haven’t you?
>>> NadnesenosÅ¥ stavia na ponuke prvého pohľadu, prvej gýÄovej emi mócie vlastného bolestÃnstva. Odmieta dokazovaÅ¥, lebo sa sama cÃti byÅ¥ esenciálnym dôkazom.” <<<Prima zhmotnenie pocitu, ktory na sebe samom v kritickych situaciach zaziva asi kazdy – teda ja hej. Cez tie dve vety si ho teraz mozem vyvolavat dookola a trenovat imunitu. Ale trvalo mi tak 3 cele minuty a potreboval som jedny velke kombinacky kym som tu perlorodku otvoril a tie perly pre seba vydlabal ufff
I’m so glad I found my solution online.
Por cierto, aunque mi opinión también es que la pelÃcula es una hez y que al director se le ha escapado de las manos, me hace gracia la cantidad de referencias a Philip K. Dick que hay, como la escena en la que el policÃa dice ‘Flow my tears’.
Your post has moved the debate forward. Thanks for sharing!
Oh dude! What an excellent write-up man! Gotta thank you for this 1, though I’ve got a problem with your RSS feed. Can’t seem to subscribe to it for some reason. Do you know if any person else is having the identical dilemma? If you have got a solution please let me know.
That’s a knowing answer to a difficult question
This is what I have been searching in many websites and I finally found it here. Amazing article. I am so impressed. Could never think of such a thing is possible with it…I think you have a great knowledge especially while dealings with such subjects
What a gorgeous nusrery. We have the same expedit shelf in my daughter’s nusrery, on it’s side for a changing table as well. But we haven’t enjoying having so many open squares, which are awkward to fill sometimes. LOVE how you made it into the dresser. Can you share more about that process, pretty please?
What liberating knowledge. Give me liberty or give me death.
he has – or should I say is building? Anyway, its ludicrous and another excellent example of our tax money hard at work. My fellow NAGR readers; I am a Korean and Vietnam Wars Vet, am now retired with 52 years service and can tell you I have never seen our government in so fouled-up of a mess. Yes, I’m still fighting to keep from losing my country – but I’ll be 80 on 3 Apr next and I’m sweriously considering getting good-and-drunk. God bless you all and keep up the fight.
Times are changing for the better if I can get this online!
Cool! That’s a clever way of looking at it!
Brilliance for free; your parents must be a sweetheart and a certified genius.
waw, hvor er dit hår lækkert på billederne !Det kunne være rigtig fedt hvis du lavede en guide til hvordan du styler dit hår, som på billederne
Wah ternyata twitter juga bisa jadi sumber dolar yang lumayan y.. Seeplah.. Di twitter slain twittadd da juga , sejenis ppc di twitter gitu deh, tapi dolarnya lebih receh..
The truth just shines through your post
That’s a genuinely impressive answer.
I would love to be a mentor!! I feel like its a natural ability that I have. I love inspiring people to be better and to do better. I definitely appreciate those who have mentored me along the way. I’m looking forward to doing the same for others.
This shows real expertise. Thanks for the answer.
Sempre penso que se, ao invés de reclamarem ou sonharem acordados com esse céu, fizessem algo produtivo o cenário mudaria. E nem precisaria se aproximar da perfeição para ser bom.Beijo
This forum needed shaking up and you’ve just done that. Great post!
Bob Jones,I just think it’s a very unhealthy situation to have theoretical and mathematical physics so heavily influenced by the idea that only things with some connection to an overhyped, failed idea about physics are worth pursuing. The large sums of money being thrown at this and the very narrow choices being made about what sort of young researchers deserve recognition aren’t helpful at all.
Your posting really straightened me out. Thanks!
That’s a well-thought-out answer to a challenging question
Back in school, I’m doing so much learning.
Thank you! I try to make it easy to understand. That sounds good, I am still using both sets of my sawhorses and they are still going strong! If you have any questions just let me know.
What a fantastic list of ideas! Thanks for sharing. I have already promised my brood that they can sleep in the tent in the garden one night in the hols…wish me luck!
Thank you so much for this article, it saved me time!
I have to say, web development these days seems like the Wild West to an outsider. It’s hard to know as a novice which of these libraries (or frameworks!) to choose, and once you think you have a handle on it, something new and shinier comes along. I guess that’s good for the industry as a whole in the long run that competition should make the tools that much better.Anyway, thanks for putting this information out there.
Play informative for me, Mr. internet writer.
Howdy just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The words in your post seem to be running off the screen in Ie. I’m not sure if this is a format issue or something to do with browser compatibility but I figured I’d post to let you know. The design and style look great though! Hope you get the issue resolved soon. Thanks
Joseph,"First, I do believe cocaine and heroin ARE fashionable amongst the beautiful people, that is if TMZ is to be believed."Perhaps sometimes I am a bit too dry. 😉
That’s way the bestest answer so far!
You’re on top of the game. Thanks for sharing.
Sharp thinking! Thanks for the answer.
Mis suegros me ha puesto la habitación de mi futuro bebé y lo han puesto a su gusto y de verdad se lo podian haber ahorrado, que horror, se creen que vivimos en los años 60 o algo asÃ, menudo disgusto me he llevado cuando han traido los muebles a casa.
If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.
It’s really a matter of faith in the metaphysics of presence, which you have within the context of the ‘holy writ’, and I do not.I’m not bothered by the lack. Francis SnootI find that strange but of course I respect your right to believe whatever you wish.
You put the lime in the coconut and drink the article up.
It’s like you’re on a mission to save me time and money!
Harmi, ettei ole tuo viron kieli hallussa. Tuliko muuten meille luvattu lumimyrsky mahdollisesti teillä eilen lumena vai vetenä? Tänne olisi kyllä lumi kelvannut.
Oh Becky, you amaze me! Where do you think of this stuff? That is gorgeous. I would have never guessed. These would make great suncatchers or blocks for pressed flowers. I remember buying my mom some years ago when I lived in Boston. She hung them in her windows year-round. They were so bright and cheery. I bet you could recreate them with stamps & paper!
I feel satisfied after reading that one.
iyide,burada yazılanların çoÄŸu bendede var.tabiki bende yalanı söylenmesi gereken yerde söyledim/söylerimde.ama yalan konuÅŸmadığım zamanlardada bu hareketlerin bir kısmını yaparım.eee belki karşımızdakide doÄŸruyu söylerken bu ÅŸekilde davrana bilir…çözemedim bu şıkları.
Kewl you should come up with that. Excellent!
Free knowledge like this doesn’t just help, it promote democracy. Thank you.
Adoro.No friozinho que faz hoje em Sampa cairia muito bem, ainda mais feito pela mãe.Que benção a sua de ter uma mãe carinhosa assim.Que Deus conserve.Bjos e bom final de semana pra vocês.
Wow, just read the first 10 pages on and have ordered the book. Compelling stuff. Yup, we are going to kill each other off eventually because, as the kiddies say, “my God’s better than your God!” “No, he isn’t!”, “Yes he is” ad infinitum……LOVE the Godfather reference. Never thought of myself that way. Has someone taped a gun to the toilet in the handicapped restroom? That would make my day.
I still turn down the volume and tune in the radio for ABC/ESPN games because their commentators are so abysmal.Spiro is no Chick. There will never be another Chick, but Spiro does a good job calling the games.
This is a very nice introduction my friendand I will be calling back later for a morelengthy visit…Have a very good start to your Thursdayand i hope that your 4th of July celebrationswere incredibly exciting Androgoth
I am totally wowed and prepared to take the next step now.
I’d should check with you here. Which is not something I usually do! I take pleasure in reading a put up that will make folks think. Additionally, thanks for permitting me to comment!
I’ve been looking for a post like this forever (and a day)
This is the perfect way to break down this information.
This site is like a classroom, except I don’t hate it. lol
Takahata Joe, I can’t speak for Steve Sailer, but yes, using “natives” to mean indigenous Americans is offensive to me. “Native” means someone born here, not “someone whose ancestors were here before Leif Ericson”. I am a native, with zero Amerindian blood. If you don’t like “Indian”, find something accurate. Indigenous, aboriginal, tribal, they will all do, and I’m sure the PC left will find clever objections to all of them.(“First nation” won’t do either. There is no evidence that any of the first people on this continent still exist.)
No doubt they have to draw the "line in the sand", and the United States needs a leader who is going to stand with them to defend that line.I honestly and truly believe Muslims view Israel as "occupied Land" and in keeping with their doctrine of "Sacred Space" no peace will ever be possible.
That insight’s just what I’ve been looking for. Thanks!
I’m so glad that the internet allows free info like this!
If he is on our books he should be back here, who ever our manager should be allowed to take stock of all his options. I fro one thought he had potential, he looked like he could hold of the ball.And he could sale shirts!
In related news, a caddy found a golf ball at the end of the fairway that he claimed belonged to Tiger Woods because it had a picture of his mistress on it. When questioned about it, Tiger looked at the ball with the picture and replied, “Yeah, I hit that.â€
Wow…quite brave of you to show that. At least you are on the right beach and the real nests only feet away. Sounds like you are having great nights. Sleep is for winter.
I don’t see what JED sed that was even as typically JED-like as the kind of stuff what JED usually sez. Seemed overall kind of factual. What requires ugliness?(Read the link on the excitable ‘pole’s adventures at TNR, and now the problems in Cluckland with that mag are clearer to me.)
It’s always a relief when someone with obvious expertise answers. Thanks!
I am a much more better person after i read this article. I’ll be starting a new outlook in life as soon as i step out of my home today. I’ll try to reach out to a lot of people as i could. This inspires me.Thanks.Terry C.Blog Writer
I went to tons of links before this, what was I thinking?
This site is like a classroom, except I don’t hate it. lol
asswrwb. saya mau tanya, kalau pintu geser aluminium putih 210 cm X 80 cm, kaca 6 mm (warna putih susu), termasuk biaya pemasangan untuk 2 pintu, berapa ya harganya. Terimakasih , mohon infonya.Wassalam, Anthon
bonsoir!tu as bien raison! recycler les vétements d’été en hiver ça permet d’éviter de se lasser… (ou d’abimer en les portant trop nos fringues chouchou)je fais pareil avec certaines piéces,car il fait pas trop trop froid par chez moi!à toute à l’heure
2011 å¹´ 11 月 17 日 – 上åˆ 3:57 3F Thailand Mozilla Firefox 3.5.3 Windows XPIt’s in point of fact a great and helpful piece of info. I’m sasiifted that you just shared this helpful info with us. Please stay us up to date like this. Thank you for sharing.
Well I guess I don’t have to spend the weekend figuring this one out!
While this matter can be very difficult for most people, my impression is that there has to be a middle or common ground that we all can find. I do treasure that youve added pertinent and rational commentary here though. Thank you!
Was totally stuck until I read this, now back up and running.
i just got a little quite fond of kochi yugo and… oh well. hope this works out. I hope so too, although I do feel kinda sad for Yugo. I really hope we haven’t seen he last of him now. =/marius is one nice kid. but… shori and matsushima sou? i like them, but… what about kuramoto kaoru?? TT____TT Oh what can I say, it’s a cutthroat business. i shall sleep on this. good night, kamichan.You do that. Good night.
I’m always excited to find other writers who have Jewish characters who aren’t stereotypes or completely secular and assimilated. I write 20th century historical, and my characters come from just about all the denominations (though no one from Humanistic Judaism yet). It frustrated me to see so many stereotypes and inaccuracies on tv shows and in the movies (not to mention a completely false 99% intermarriage/interdating rate), and I wanted to show it’s possible to be proud and observant in a variety of denominations, and that it’s not a choice between totally assimilated and rigid fanatic.
Bravo! je m’ imagine l’ humanité comme ça hors de superfecialités. » yo me imagino la humanidad asÃ, desnuda, fuera de cosas sobrepuestas ». Jo m’ imagino la humanitat despullada fora de fardoneries. Et j’ ajoutte, telles que nous sommes. Como somos. Tal com som.Joan
Yes good point Citizen,RW’s is clearly hoping to influence the casual, uniformed reader who might be influenced by his post. That’s why it is so important to debunk his lies.
Good point. I hadn’t thought about it quite that way. 🙂
The genius store called, they’re running out of you.
A wonderful job. Super helpful information.
P-P-P-Peggy!From Mad Men. Great scenes.Also, hope they e-x-p-a-n-d Carla's role beyond Draper household (what's left of it).Loved the "strike out on our own" theme of final episode. Resonates for some reason, I wonder why that is?C'mon Carla, strike out on your own. Seems like great narrative possibilities there. Mad Men writers, I hope you too follow NB's blog, so you can follow my advice.
Just cause it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s not super helpful.
Perfect answer! That really gets to the heart of it!
Love this post! For me, the idea of 'writing mentors' is part of the whole thing that I love about the writing community – that we are all beginners at some point, and when we are, we gain knowledge and inspiration from others. Then when we get to their position, we pass it on to the next wave of people entering the business. It's very 'pay it forward' and I love it.And THANK YOU for the lovely comments, both from you and from Abie. Am very honoured to be appointed 'unofficial mentor'! 🙂
Wow, your post makes mine look feeble. More power to you!
I thought finding this would be so arduous but it’s a breeze!
Haha, takk for dagens blogg-latter. Eit vakkert hus, og eg vil jo tru mannen skjønar at ein ikkje kan kjøpe bÃ¥de hus og motorsykkel – det handlar om prioriteringar ;)God helg!
That insight’s just what I’ve been looking for. Thanks!
Not bad at all fellas and gallas. Thanks.
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MEL, you remind me that I don't meditate as much as I'd like to these days.Maybe I'll make time for that tonight.I'm loving the responses — thanks, everyone — what cool readers I have!
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Unfortunately your attempt at writing a sharp witted, humorous and logical article,fell so far short of these objectives, that by the time I had finished reading it, I felt that one of the above mentioned clients of PETA’s most likely would have written a far more remarkable commentary.I definitely see PETA’s point now, thanks.
Yours is a clever way of thinking about it.
All of these articles have saved me a lot of headaches.
Check that off the list of things I was confused about.
joe…or they are complicit and don’t care….I don’t think of these people as close, relative to the people that I have in my inner circle who can all see it plain as day..
Perfect answer! That really gets to the heart of it!
Awesome you should think of something like that
I just move to Canada from Antigua in the Caribbean when i saw the BAG OF MILK i was like WTF !! lol lol but it’s all good still but what i don’t like 2% milk what happen to 100% milk
Essays like this are so important to broadening people’s horizons.
Great Giveaway! I just started ordering from and they have a similar deal, free shipping if you spend $49 and it comes the next day. They just don’t my George’s cat food (blue buffalo).
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BION I’m impressed! Cool post!
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Well macadamia nuts, how about that.
Wow I must confess you make some very trenchant points.
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Good to see a talent at work. I can’t match that.
You got to push it-this essential info that is!
At last! Someone who understands! Thanks for posting!
Are you kidding me…Mary Ann was a farm girl…What do you think they grow out in those fields??!! Have you heard her excuse? Apparently a “friend” borrowed the car earlier that day and left a bunch of roaches in the ashtray
Your story was really informative, thanks!
Please keep throwing these posts up they help tons.
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Son of a gun, this is so helpful!
Hi Erica, thanks for inviting me over to be interviewed on your blog. I am excited to hear how your love for writing is taking you down new paths! I appreciate the opportunity to connect with friends and readers!
This article achieved exactly what I wanted it to achieve.
Ich weiß, dass es richtige Lebensmitteldesigner gibt, die Essen für Fotos so präparieren, dass es lecker aussieht. DAs Essen ist nach dieser Präparation allerdins völlig ungenießbar. Aber bei Mcdonalds macht das ja nichts, weil die Sachen eh ungenießbar sind. 😉 Aber wahrscheinlich spricht aus mir auch der blanke Neid, weil mal wieder eine Diät anstünde und damit sämtliches Fastfood leider taboo ist. SEUFZ
Ya learn something new everyday. It’s true I guess!
Hello Nice Day for you, I will come the post for try to find an inspiration or else an remarkable topic. Good topic, thank you for sharing. Roberta
Hallo Kim,vielen Dank! Freut mich sehr, dass es Dir in Deutschland gefallen hat. Einige Deiner Kommilitonen an der Soochow-Uni konnte ich ja schon kennen lernen. Das war bestimmt eine unheimlich spannende Zeit in Münster.Ich bin mal Deinem Link zu Deinen Musikvideos gefolgt: Respekt! (An alle Leser: anhören!)Viele Grüße, guten Start ins neue SemesterKlaus
Superb information here, ol’e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.
Wowza, problem solved like it never happened.
Enlightening the world, one helpful article at a time.
Sorry I couldn't disagree more. The religious education I received at a Presbyterian college, though I thought it was wasted at the time, has enabled me to successfully argue with both christian fundies and islamofascists.Paranormal
Noticed in a Yammer Group that the administrator added me to I have a green dot next to my name in list of members…others have a gray dot???? Significance…couldn’t seem to find any info online explaining the status.
If you’re reading this, you’re all set, pardner!
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would be supplemented by other essays and published reading material – but why not have them read blogs for personal narrative or humor or description or compare/contrast? I’ll have to do something else when we get to research, but hopefully by then they will have a better understanding about the different types of discourse – and which ones require a more formal tone and which can be more casual. We’ll see. Maybe I’ll find something.
It’s a difficult matter, that whole Pirate Bay thing. As you say, they’re causing damage to the music industry. Are they damaging the music itself? Or just the industry? Because ‘the industry’ represents everything that’s wrong about music nowadays. At least, I strongly feel that way. All the loveliest and most interesting music will find its way to us anyway. I know I’m probably naive and also may not represent a lot of people with my particular taste in music, but there’s way too much ‘industry’. Which is not saying that I agree with or support what The Pirate Bay is doing.
Hey guys…..give me a break…will ya?The info presented here is useful and provides good guidance. End of story. To do a test as some of you sugest, taking all of the variables out is imposible. Lets just take one element:POWDER.Could it be that brand X had a bad lot? Could it be that the dispensing at the manufacturing line was missadjusted or sabotaged by a pissed off employe?Could it be that the AC at the Dupond was not working right? Could it be that the extruder at Dupont was missdjusted by a bad operator? Could it be that one of the components in the powder was faulty?ETC, ETC, ETC….you got the drift….
Vous ne serez pas censuré ici. Je ne censure que les gens grossiers ou les propos sans rapport avec le sujet.Et vous conservez, bien entendu, le droit absolu de ne pas être convaincu. Je n’y trouve rien à redire.Vous restez libre de vos avis. Prenez le post comme du matériau pour former votre jugement, rien de plus.Merci de vos remarques.
Happy Birthday!! I really do love your blog and get inspiration from it weekly. Thank you for offering blog candy — I never win but it’s nice that you offer it. I will keep my fingers crossed!!Thanks AgainHeather
É muito legal lê coisas desse tipo nos dias de hoje, os quais tudo o que lemos na mÃdia nos leva a assumir uma mostura forçada e atificial. Fico mais tranquila em ser eu mesma.Obrigada!
Merci pour les références PS: tu as un mètre sur ton bureau ? Et c’est quoi la petite boîte jaune ?Curiosité = vilan défaut, je sais Une bise de celle qui a tjs son bureau en chenis, argh.
Ik ben wel erg onder de indruk van de statistieken van deze blogs. Mascha die zegt 61.000 unieke bezoekers per dag te hebben. Dat is echt veel!
That’s a crackerjack answer to an interesting question
In his youth, Churchill took part in one of the last swords and lances cavalry charges in history. His last act as prime minister was to order the manufacture of hydrogen bombs. Times change.
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Your article was excellent and erudite.
{Aahaa|Heehaa|Yess|Yoman|Yo Boy|Hi Guy|Hi man|Hii Guy|Hi Flog|Hey|Howdy|Hi there|Heya|Hey there|Hi|Hello}…Good day! I could have sworn I’ve been to this site before but after reading through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Anyways, I’m definitely delighted I found it and I’ll be bookmarking and checking back frequently!…
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I always enjoy reading your comments here Narada, and you are so right about how unique the Black Race is. If Blacks seek knowledge more and understand the difference between schooling and education, there is no limit to what they can become. It’s not an hopeless situation though. Many young Blacks are now embracing knowledge and discovering their true selves despite all odds.
Thanks Letizia, I’m pleased with the dragonfly too. I focussed on the apex of the thorax where the wings join and because it was abright sunny day I could use a low ISO and smaller aperture to get the depth of field, so it’s all in focus, even the eye behind the wings. Also, she let me manouevre myself stealthily to within around 15cm, and that really helps!
If I communicated I could thank you enough for this, I’d be lying.
Now, some irrational people typically have a tendency to somehow take the side of every bloodthirsty Islamic bunch there is, and blame all troubles on ourselves and our allies. They say is a terrorist nation, but the Palestinians are poor, oppressed people in concentration camps.
You have shed a ray of sunshine into the forum. Thanks!
an ad on your blog, and those…that pay you every time someone encounters an ad on your blog. the latter is known as a cpm program, for “cost per impression,” and it may sound advantageous, but the pay rates offered are so low that you need tens…
Economies are in dire straits, but I can count on this!
The other thing I like about the word “ritual” is that it conjures up notions of faith. The best stories, be they potboilers or “literature,” are good because of the faith of the author. They really and truly believe in their story.Poser-baramoter is good. I also like that old standy: BS detector. Children, especially, usually have excellent and highly tuned BS detectors.
I feel satisfied after reading that one.
This article is not for everybody and it is only meant for those who wanna explore internal relationship with theme self.The article is awesome and have no words to explain. In a sec, i broke the concept of observer and the observed. The anger example is an excellent concept to understand observer and the observed.[]mezz Reply:September 27th, 2012 at 9:29 pmglad it resonated with you []
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For the love of God, keep writing these articles.
September 15, 2011I generally recommend a combination of fish and flax seed oil in the range of 1,000-4,000mg combined total per day (usually divided among meals). It can take up to two months to see a positive effect.
That really captures the spirit of it. Thanks for posting.
This salad will be jumping off your blog and onto my table very soon! To me, this is the perfect salad. I can't wait to try your Parmesan vinaigrette – a nice twist on a Caesar-style dressing.
Richard Curtis does do that to us. I mean come on…I’ve seen Love Actually at least 10 times, but real life is not like that. Real-life love is tough. Besides, remember that what we see on tv is until they live happily ever after…we rarely see the rest of the story. Well I hope my blog helps out. I use it to help myself too at the moment.
Slam dunkin like Shaquille O’Neal, if he wrote informative articles.
V enjoyable again today, though got a bit stuck on the SE corner, so thanks for 5d : I didn’t miss the apostrophe in videos as I took it to be a verb. Also put tricks for 4d which held things up a bit.what is the answer to GEGS ? i know what HIJKLMNO is , having come across it before.also raining here for the first time for ages, will do the grass good.
Adoring that Swimmers skirt! The print is amazing, and you wear it like a goddess. I must confess that I am a little envious of your sisters pool! I'd kill for one of my own!
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No uno, ni dos! sino cuatro turrones diferentes! Que maravilla! yo lo dejare para el año que viene, que entre el pannetone y el roscon tengo bastantes retos para este año
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tacy skromni….No i nie dziwota, bo odkÄ…d generlissimus @Parabellum twórca Resortu zostaÅ‚ przez admina podstÄ™pnie ustrzelon, pod przykryciem dziaÅ‚ać musimy, ale nic to, nie takie terminy Resort znosiÅ‚.WÅADCA KIRU”
As promised, I would be back at BGs with the guild on Saturday night. I’m sad to say that it was a nightmare trying to keep my guildmates alive as well as myself in WSG. There’s just too much burst DPS out there and it’s coming from all different directions (fury warriors, ret pallies, anything with a whooping stick). I respecced Balance Sunday and things went alot better. Typhoon is a nice, “GET OFF ME” spell and the pushback from Nature’s Focus allowed me to dodge some interruptions. Unfortunately, my healing role was severely dimished in that role.
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Okay, I just found your blog today (seriously, how have I missed it?) and I just have to say awww. I have 5 cat's (I know…insert crazy cat lady jokes here) so I'm particularly partial to all cat lovers (though your posts are great, even without the cute kitties.) Hope you don't mind that I'm following your blog now…
At last! Someone who understands! Thanks for posting!
I sorry not speak good English.I haven’t checked in here for some time since I thought it was getting boring, but the last few posts are good quality so I guess I’ll add you back to my everyday bloglist. You deserve it my friend
Sharon/Dutrout : on voit à nouveau la confusion des valeurs, procédé cher à nos délégitimateurs. Saluons au passage les frères Dardenne qui sauvent l'honneur. C'est rare dans le marigot médiatique, donc précieux.
I didn’t know where to find this info then kaboom it was here.
One thing I would really like to discuss is that weightloss program fast can be achieved by the appropriate diet and exercise. Ones size not simply affects the look, but also the overall quality of life. Self-esteem, depressive disorder, health risks, along with physical skills are damaged in excess weight. It is possible to make everything right whilst still having a gain. In such a circumstance, a medical problem may be the culprit. While an excessive amount of food and never enough exercising are usually responsible, common health conditions and traditionally used prescriptions can greatly help to increase size. Many thanks for your post here.
Not only do I hate Bobby Bowden, but I hate Baby Bowden too. One of these days I have to take Lil Gator to see a game in The Swamp. It’s wrong that the only live college football that he’s been exposed to is Rutgers.
It’s about time someone wrote about this.
That’s the perfect insight in a thread like this.
I would like to thank you for the efforts you have put in writing this web site. I am hoping the same high-grade website post from you in the upcoming as well. In fact your creative writing abilities has inspired me to get my own website now. Actually the blogging is spreading its wings fast. Your write up is a good example of it.
Hej Joan.Hvor er det træls! Jeg tror du kan sende med GLS for 50 kr… SÃ¥ skal det bare hentes i en af deres pakkeshops, men de er efterhÃ¥nden ogsÃ¥ rigtig mange steder.Din blog er super skøn Kh – Betine,
Sharp thinking! Thanks for the answer.
A really good answer, full of rationality!
If I communicated I could thank you enough for this, I’d be lying.
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Cherry – your version of the quilt is awesome! I keep toying with taking this class and then don’t (too many quilts on my plate-LOL), but seeing yours REALLY makes me want to join in (I think I have til the 15th to make a decision this time). What to do, what to do!And Debbie – how neat you got meet Annie! I almost went to the lunch she was having in Lancaster (I’m in the Philly area) but sadly, did not.
I was really disappointed by Faith. It was great enough to get my expectations really high, and then as the book went on I just became more disappointed, and then all the flaws I'd forgiven in the first half of the book came back to mind.
It¡¦s in reality a great and useful piece of info. I am happy that you simply shared this helpful info with us. Please keep us up to date like this. Thank you for sharing.
Yo, that’s what’s up truthfully.
God, I feel like I should be takin notes! Great work
This site is like a classroom, except I don’t hate it. lol
was the “blah, blah, blah” the sound of the teacher in Charlie Brown? Because that is what I hear sometimes when the kids keep talking about nonsense.LOL thanks for the laugh and I think my husband and I have had that similar incident but I can’t remember which shirt I was looking for.
ÖõýÑÂ, ты üõýѠýõ ÿþýÑÂû. Ãœþûþôыõ ûюôø фûøртуют чðщõ òÑÂõóþ ûøшь ôûѠрð÷òûõчõýøÑÂ. Ã’ÑÂтуÿðть ò ñрðú þýø õщõ ýõ óþтþòы. ÃÂ’ рõ÷уûьтðтõ тðúøõ þтýþшõýøѠýõ ôþûóøõ. äûøрт üþöõт òþÑÂÿрøýøüðтьÑÂÑÂ, úðú ухðöøòðýøõ, ýþ ýð ÑÂðüþü ôõûõ ÑÂтþ ñыûð øóрð. Ãœýþóøü тðúøõ øóры ÿрøýþÑÂÑÂт ÑÂтрðôðýøÑÂ.
5º REP, o café do Bento em Bissau onde todos passámos algumas tardes e noites de canicula.Nega- Não, a resposta mais ouvida quando de dizia para as bajudas ou mulheres- Parte catota. Ronco, algo que destacava e nem sempre estava associado a manga.joao silva cac 12
The genius store called, they’re running out of you.
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Of all the hats they could have given Samuel L. Jackson–that one!! I would have been just as freaked.Such a fun way to get your running in… Most jealous!
Holy Toledo, so glad I clicked on this site first!
This info is the cat’s pajamas!
Oye que te parece si hacemos una cadena por correo electrónico??ahorita mismo la agoo! Tu haz otra con indicaciones sobre como enviar el correo y explicando pk acemos esto de asunto pon:Envialo a todos tus amigos aunque no te gusten los juegos del hambre
I’m impressed by your writing. Are you a professional or just very knowledgeable?
Most help articles on the web are inaccurate or incoherent. Not this!
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This smacks of exactly what Bill O'Reilly did with his statement that Obama's father once lived in Connecticut during his email segment near the end of one The Factor show.
I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS.And I’m glad to hear that the Hangover angle is more marketing than anything else. Although the “HURRR IT’S FOR CHICKS AND DUDES WON’T HATE IT” commercials are equally annoying.
A minute saved is a minute earned, and this saved hours!
Finding this post has solved my problem
(26), malika (24), samira(23) , mounir (22), hicham (19), khalid (17), sarah(16), latifa ( 13) , djassim (10) met tweeling yessin (10) en kleine illias van (3) IK HOOR ER OOK NOG TUSSEN BEN TWEELING MET LATIFA EN HEEFT ANISSA ! DUS 13 JAAR EWA THALLA IK WIL ZELF LATER 3 OF 4 KINDEREN INSHALLAH!
Real brain power on display. Thanks for that answer!
At last some rationality in our little debate.
What liberating knowledge. Give me liberty or give me death.
Thank you so much for this article, it saved me time!
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Thats some good fishin there,even though thy are not as big as what we have here in the south.I guarantee it was as much if not more fun catching them,maybe with global warming the growing season will get longer and the fish will also. Like the vids keep them coming and God Bless.
You have more useful info than the British had colonies pre-WWII.
Mungkin juga kita terlalu rindu sebenarnya.kadang-kadang saya sendiri seolah-olah terdengar orang bercakap dialek Terengganu di tengah-tengah keramaian orang dan menyebabkan saya tersenyum sendiri namun, sayang sekali apabila menoleh ke belakang semuanya sepet-sepet belaka.Jauh sekali berbahasa Melayu apatah lagi bertutur dialek Terengganu.Dan inilah anugerah Allah buat pengubat rindu kita,
I told my kids we’d play after I found what I needed. Damnit.
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A ja wciaz pozostaje przy kupnym zakwasie. Moje lenistwo nie pozwala mi wziac sie za hodowle wlasnego. Ale jak ktos by mnie takim zakwasem obdarowal, to tez chetnie bym przyjela :))Chlebek wspanialy. Fajnie jest miec takie swoje ulubione smaki. Takie, ktore nigdy sie nie znudza. Pozdrawiam cieplo.
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#33Po, mas se teu raciocinio fosse seguido pelos juizes um time inteligente SEMPRE faria a tal “linha burra” em qualquer falta, escanteio, etc e o juiz seria obrigado a marcar impedimento se qualquer atacante adversario tocar na bola. Eh isso mesmo a tua opiniao?
Multumesc, have fun in vacanta si poate ti-oi povesti daca ne intalnim – mi s-a acrit de romanasii astia care isi bat joc de orice, pur si simplu nu au nimic sfant, nici macar cand e vorba de un copil… of, mai bine nu incep sa ma vaicaresc aici, ca nu ma mai opresc. Sunt necajita si dezamagita rau-rau.
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160Congrats! Making a list really helps you see all you’ve done. I haven’t made a list. It still feels like I’m flying by the seat of my pants. I started about a year ago and now writing is my full time job. It’s awesome! Best of luck to you! I’m gonna go write me a list, too!
500 de oameni de toate naÅ£ionalităţile alergau pe câmpul Ballart, călare sau pe jos, spre noul “El Dorado” australian. S-a descoperit apoi aur ÅŸi la Coolgardie ÅŸi Kalgoorlie, iar “nebunia
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Julia Siwertz skriver:Det låter underbart att kunna köpa kött från en liten gård på Österlens slätter! Håller med om att mat är roligast för många och det är också då det finns utrymme att ta ut svängarna mer. Veckans meny gör mig hungrig direkt!
Gosh that could have just walked out of some high falutin' bakery! You know the only thing I always struggle with is that I never have sour dough starter at hand in the fridge…bummer…
"Did I miss anything?" yes. You missed the report of the second cop. You also assumed shit that was not factual, starting with #1. But I am not going to refute your assumptions. If that's your take on the situation, so be it.
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EspenAnders wrote:Ute med hunden?hehe. jepp =)Bengt wrote:Fraaaaaaakt!!!!! Bor midt i marka du!Ja, dette ser du ikke pÃ¥ Carl Berner! Dette var under 200m fra der jeg bor ass.. Og midt i veien nesten da gitt… Er jo en del spennende som kommer ut av “Sverre” og da – men det kan kanskje ikke sammenlignes? er vel 200m fra der du bor ….
That’s 2 clever by half and 2×2 clever 4 me. Thanks!
I’m impressed you should think of something like that
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Kick the tires and light the fires, problem officially solved!
Ich habe es in den 80ern und 90ern immer bei Rossmann gekauft. Damals wies mich mal ein Kommilitone darauf hin, dass ich mich nicht über seine Angewohneit, während der Seminararbeiten zig Zigaretten zu rauchen lustig machen sollte, während ich selbst ständig am Chinaöl schnüffelte oder mir Methol-Fisherman's Friends einwarf.Habe mich seither entwöhnt vom Öl.Hmmm… beim Anblick der Flasche überfällt mich so ein Drang….. hust.
Ok, gracias. Tengo pensado visitar estas vacaciones algunos de los sitios de los que hablas por aquÃ; si lo hago ya comentaré. Y las fotos… la verdad es que están bien, ¡Me gustan!
In awe of that answer! Really cool!
Hey Fraser,Thanks for leaving your thoughts.I agree that engagement on Google+ often surpasses Facebook at the post level. And hands down it’s easier to have a conversation about a topic on Google+ over Twitter.Just to be clear, I haven’t turned my back on Google+ at all. I honestly don’t do much conversating on any social network these days. Just when the mood strikes.
Do you have more great articles like this one?
Haha, shouldn’t you be charging for that kind of knowledge?!
Hey, killer job on that one you guys!
Kia ora Sue!Thanks for directing me to this post!I didn’t find this when I was on the Challenge for a number of reasons. One was that I had The Edublogger in my RSS (as your blog site) and I hadn’t found this site at that time. Even if I’d come across it I doubt whether I’d have understood what it was all about, since I’d been blogging for only a couple of weeks or so.AideRSS certainly gives some useful data for thought. I’ll be poking about with it, you betcha.Ka kite
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Very true! Makes a change to see someone spell it out like that. 🙂
That’s an intelligent answer to a difficult question xxx
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There you go, cannot go wrong if you are from San Diego! Such a great city, we considered it as one place for the sabbatical a couple of years ago, but ended in Los Angeles instead.
Procure pesquisar mais sobre músicas católicas. Não sei qual a religião do Michel Teló, mas com certeza as músicas que ele canta não representa Igrela nenhuma: é mundana mesmo. No site da CODIMUC você encontrará uma relação dos ‘verdadeiros’ cantores Católicos e poderá ter acesso a letras das músicas desses. Com certeza concluirá que nossos artistas adoram o Senhor tanto quanto os artistas evangélicos.A Paz de Jesus esteja contigo!
Haha, I love your definition of "petrified expression". Well played!As a language geek myself, the possibility of petrified expressions in my own writing has me nervous, as does my frequent use of "as a…"
/ Hola amigo: estos fenómenos no son frecuentes, pero cuando vienen son bravos. Espero que pueda salir adelante (no lo dudo), y desde ya bienvenido a Exaltación de La Cruz. Un abrazo, gracias por visitar nuestra pagina y a su disposición. .
och hur många nya bloggkommentarer man skriver är det inte sant heller. du hade lika lite bevis som jag och det är status quo som vanligt.jag är inte heller politiker så varför skulle du bry dig om vad jag säger?
Textron to deliver 500 Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicles to Canadian Forces. We need to protect our Canadian soldiers. I have no problem with that. I sincerely hope this is just a political stimulus. We don’t really have to use them. The unthinkable, is that we might need them to defend our borders. Or, even worse, to be used within our borders. What do they know that we don’t? JW, Langley BC
This looks lovely! I already looked it up and I can substitute tapioca for the agar agar flour. However, I am not having luck finding a sub for the longan. The only thing mentioned online is canned pineapple. Do you think it would taste remotely the same? Or is the longan fruit the real base of this recipe? It just looks so interesting!
Never would have thunk I would find this so indispensable.
Check that off the list of things I was confused about.
Just want to say a ‘big thank you’ for sharing this well guarded secret recipe. Have tried making it before but it was a total disaster but at last I am now able to make this pork knuckle and get it to almost like how I want it except for the taste which is still rather bland. Am still trying to get the taste right but the texture is there. Do keep posting and keep us motivated with your delightful recipes. Thank you again for your sharing. God bless you and your family.Nic’s friend
It's long odds that Bush knew personally (and probably fairly well) at least one lesbian… I wouldn't be surprised to find out that other than necessary political functions the Obamas have never socialized with "one of them".But the primary driver here is $$$ – expanding .gov benefits will make Social Security broker faster
We need more insights like this in this thread.
Thank you! Yeah, that was so annoying to find out the place is so close to me, but now I know, right? I checked out your blog, I love it! I’m very passionate about seasonal cooking too. Although I’m definitely still learning the seasons around where I live.
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That’s a posting full of insight!
As of September 14 Obama had tweeted more about Beyonce and Jay Z than he had about Benghazi.Don’t think The Twitter is the perfect platform for a president’s foreign policy etc commentary. Only 140 characters, you know.Reply
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Zerb, demandez un peu à Mimi comment je dois m’y prendre avec ma squatteuse – mes chats prennent un air dégagé et font comme s’ils n’entendaient pas. Elle passe et repasse entre mes jambes, ronronne tout ce qu’elle sait, mais me grifffe sauvagement dès que j’essaie de la toucher. Et quand je me penche seulement vers elle en lui parlant gentiment, sans même avancer la main, elle saute pour essayer de me mordre au visage… Qu’est-ce que je vais faire d’elle ?
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dit :Moi j’aime pas les brioches mais j’aime bien la frangipane.Sinon chapeau devant ta galette. Elle a l’air délicieuse (pour ceux qui aiment les brioches bien sûr).
That’s cleared my thoughts. Thanks for contributing.
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mei 30, 2012 11:24 pm Forrester. Let me think, can I even remember a Forrester? Old age and the Big A are setting in on me you know. I have no golf game and i am planning to play Wednesday but I am afraid once Doyle and the guys see how bad I am they could not let me play with them on Thursday. Maybe Joe would let me play with him and Adam but I am afraid I may not be excellent enough even for them. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
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Romaric16 jan 2013Bonjour Nadette44,Si vous cliquez sur le lien Abonnement, vous allez télécharger le calendrier. Le fichier ainsi téléchargé s’ouvre dans Outlook.Autre possibilité : dans Outlook, dans la section Calendrier, utilisez ce menu :Puis, dans la fenêtre qui demande l’adresse du calendrier, entrez webcal:// et validez.Bonne journée et merci de votre intérêt pour l’agenda psychologie !
Home run! Great slugging with that answer!
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Nobody will attack Poland. The muslims love Poland, because all Poles are antisemitic and more conservative than Osama bin Laden. And the Russians will not attack Poland, because if they attack Poland at 10:00 o clock, NATO will send a missile to Moscow at 10:01. Thats how it works… enjoy the holidays…and do not fly with spanair 😉
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Nice site with interesting tidbits from Orange County’s wonderful history! Gordonsville was actually incorporated in 1870 and Orange Courthouse was incorporated in 1872 as the Town of Orange. The trains arrived Jan 1, 1840, in Gordonsville, and when the Orange and Alexandria RR was chartered to run from Alexandria to Gordonsville, the tracks went through Orange Courthouse in 1854, thus bringing the RR to the town of Orange.
Your parents need to make an appointment with your physician, to run some tests. My son was born with obstructive sleep apnea, and was in the NICU for 2 weeks. It got better over time. Hes now almost 3 and a lot better!
à°¸ుà°œాతగాà°°ు, à°Žà°ª్à°ªుà°¡ొ à°šà°¦ిà°µిà°¨ నవలని à°®ీà°°ు à°—ుà°°్à°¤ుà°šేà°¸ుà°•ొà°¨ి ఇక్à°•à°¡ à°ªోà°¸్à°Ÿిà°¨ంà°¦ుà°•ు à°šాà°²ా à°¥్à°¯ాంà°•్à°¸్. à°¸ాà°¦ాà°°à°£ంà°—ా à°¸ైà°¨్à°¸్à°«ిà°•్à°·à°¨్, à°°ోà°¬ోà°²ాంà°Ÿి à°¸ాంà°•ేà°¤ిà°• à°¸ంà°¬ంà°¦ింà°šిà°¨ కథలు à°—ాà°¨ి..నవలలకు à°ª్à°°à°¸ిà°¦్à°¦ిà°—ాంà°šిà°¨ రచయత à°Žà°¨్.ఆర్.à°¨ంà°¦ి à°—ాà°°ు. à°®ైà°¨ంà°ªాà°Ÿి à°—ాà°°ు à°•ొà°¨్à°¨ి à°®ాà°¤్à°°à°®ే à°°ాà°¸ాà°°ు à°ˆ à°¸ైà°¨్à°¸్ à°«ిà°•్à°·à°¨్à°¸్లలో à°…à°¨ుà°•ుంà°Ÿా..?? మరొà°• మనవి..à°Žà°¨్.ఆర్.à°¨ంà°¦ిà°—ాà°°ు à°°ాà°¸ిà°¨ à°’à°•à°ª్పటి à°¸ైà°¨్à°¸్à°«ిà°•్à°·à°¨్ నవల " à°¸ిà°—్à°—ు..à°¸ిà°—్à°—ు " à°®ీà°•ు à°—ుà°°్à°¤ు à°‰ంà°Ÿే పరిà°šà°¯ం à°šేయగలరు, à°† నవల బయట à°Žà°•్à°•à°¡ా à°¦ొà°°à°•à°Ÿ్à°²ేà°¦ు.
This piece was a lifejacket that saved me from drowning.
It truly is nearly close to impossible to find well-qualified men or women on this matter, in addition you look like you realize the things that you’re covering! Regards
Oui je pense qu’il va être difficile de ressembler tout le monde … il faudrait peut etre songer à faire deux groupes … je pense que cela ne devrait pas trop déplaire à notre KMT de faire plus d’entrainement !(j’ai envie de vomir… j’ai la tête qui tourne)
Wazzup! would “juice dieting” work if someone was to do try it say 3 days a week, every week/fornight? and ate as normaal the rest of the time (healthy balance of carbs, veg, protein)also whats the differnece between it and the cabbage soup diet? thanks alot
Hey here, just got mindful of your blogging site through Bing, and found that it is pretty helpful. I’ll take pleasure in if you maintain this post.
I don’t know who you wrote this for but you helped a brother out.
Guatemal, es un pais muy hermoso aqui podemos encontrat diversidad de persona, idiomas, trajes ,es por eso que me encanto porque no decir sus bellos paisajes y su clima tan diferente en cada region. AMO A GUATEMALA.
That’s greed. I would just buy them a blender and that would be that. If they didn’t like it, oh well. They should have put something that was a decent price on their registry.
Me and this article, sitting in a tree, L-E-A-R-N-I-N-G!
If my problem was a Death Star, this article is a photon torpedo.
Hey, you’re the goto expert. Thanks for hanging out here.
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that’s a really interesting comment. I live near where Tom’s friend lives (but in PA). I voted for Obama and 2 other Democrats one of whom I think is on the better side of the party (Mike Doyle) and one whom I’m not so sure (Bob Casey) but couldn’t stand his challenger and wanted the Dems to keep the Senate, and the state offices I just had to leave them all blank. I share your disappointment with the Democratic party.I hope the Dems don’t try to do anything about climate change any time soon.
I would love to see someone do the math on what oil prices would do if they all of a sudden started to be in line with Hotelling's model.It is nice to see Stuart and Jim linking to each other (though of course not surprising given their intellectual honesty and mutual respect for the scientific method). If only the rest of the blogosphere behaved the same way. Perhaps it is because Stuart and Jim share a meta-paradigm while others don't.
Wuih, mantap ni mas, uda mulai ni gerakan2 “boat”, kita dukung penuh nih…hehehehe…minta kavling buat pameran desain2 baru dan nyentrik dong disini,biar byk desain2 lokal di exposeRioSS boatyard
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field, you posted:However, if one looks at the population mix by race and ethnicity in Texas, non-Hispanic whites make up less than half of the larger demographic.Sad, but true. However, when it comes to the college demographic, the world is mainly white and asian.
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I don’t believe there is verification that Deepwater Horizon would be able to contain an oil spill in an arctic region and I am also concerned about the people and animals who live in this area – that disturbance of their habitat would be harmful to their ways of life.
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OMGOSH i LOVE MOLESKINS TOO!!!i really want one! i was in a beautiful artshop the other day and oogling over their collection of moleskins. i like the portrait ones. they are magnificent aren’t they? ooo i really like the thick paper and texture of the one you have! what pens do you use????your sketches are AMAZING!!! i want to steal it and put it in a frame and put it over my desk ^__^[]
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That’s a smart answer to a tricky question
I believe avoiding processed foods is the first step to help lose weight. They can taste beneficial, but packaged foods have very little nutritional value, making you consume more to have enough power to get throughout the day. For anyone who is constantly taking in these foods, transitioning to whole grains and other complex carbohydrates will aid you to have more energy while feeding on less. Great blog post.
I think it’s emotional because the story is based so heavily on the characters and their own emotions. There is real love between the two men, albeit of a twisted breed.
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I treated myself to the colour card recently. Its great. I've just finished a quilt top using the banana which I loved. I also used two of the greys, medium and coal.
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Hmm. Clever but meaningless is my (somewhat arrogant?) verdict.Silly passing thought: wouldn’t it have been more fun if the word that means “palindrome” had itself been one..? (OK, that thought’s quite meaningless too, but at least it’s shorter…)
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वाह वाह ! संतोष जी , कमाल कर दिया . बेहतरीन फोटोग्राफी के लिठबधाई .
error, how can i fix this. when i used a root wifi tether app it says wifi driver failed and wifi firmware failed. i used revolutionary clock work mod to flash it, hboot says i have s-on.
Bossi riesce a far nominare il segretario da lui prescelto per Varese. Eppure, non può farlo votare: Maurilio Canton viene «dichiarato». Non solo. Il «non eletto», come già lo chiamano gli avversari, si aggiudica un record: è probabilmente il primo segretario politico nella storia dell'Occidente a non pronunciare nemmeno una sillaba durante il congresso che lo elegge. =-O
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I am wondering what makes you say that Zipfits are not an option for AT boots? I have the Cochise, and was looking for a new liner. The Zipfit website actually lists a Tour version, but it looks like the only real difference is the spoiler is not a solid piece. I have no experience with the Zipfits, so I am curious about your take on it.
Thank you, I have recently been searching for info about this subject for ages and yours is the greatest I have came upon so far. But, what about the conclusion? Are you positive concerning the source?
I could read a book about this without finding such real-world approaches!
I bow down humbly in the presence of such greatness.
what darling little angels you got there. you are so lucky to have them, and they are just as lucky to have you.. God bless your angels and may you all be together very soon..
Your’s is the intelligent approach to this issue.
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Dr. eu acho isso ridiculo, tipico de quem está mesmo no fundo do poço, e são os torcedores desse clube que vem a publico dizer que as obras da arena Corinthians são feitas através de recursos conseguidos desonestamente…me desculpa eu discordar do Sr. mas esse time tem que ir para a segunda sim, pois essa atitude é uma vergonha para o futebol paulista, o jogador conscientemente faz um gol com a mão e o clube vai a justiça para incriminar a arbitragem??? é pra cabar mesmo…….
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De plus, The Avengers dure plus longtemps que TDKR. Je ne sais pas, sûrement que les moyens mit en oeuvre pour TDKR sont bien plus important. Niveau déplacement, décors, équipes techniques,… je pense que les frais sont plus important que pour the Avengers.Je pense après tout, mais bonne question.
Seriously?Vaccines have existed since the 1700s. They’ve been used as rouitne childhood vaccinations in industrialized countries since the 1950s.World Population (approx)1800- 1 billion1960- 3 billion2011- 7 billionIf vaccines are an attempt to reduce world population, it’s obviously a huge failure.Also, please go look up the definition of eugenics and come back and explain how that applies to something given to every race, sex, age, religion, etc
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December 7, 2008 Morbi at felis. Suspendisse ligula. Aliquam nisl arcu, vehicula vitae, hendrerit ut, sodales eu, augue. Sed tristique pretium risus. Ut luctus, dui quis commodo luctus, quam nulla ultricies lorem, eu ornare nulla metus at leo. Praesent rhoncus sapien sit amet mauris. Aenean commodo erat eu eros. Morbi tristique, risus sed consequat bibendum.
spune:Despre pravila de chilie şi spovedanie nu am binecuvântare să vorbesc. Pot spune doar generalităţi, dar astea le găsiţi şi în cărţile părintelui Emilianos.
Hey hey hey, take a gander at what’ you’ve done
The idea of being able have the 4skin back just blows my mind, and at the science of matrix is like that light bulb in the head!of course this will work,lets get it “crackin”!
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Haha, shouldn’t you be charging for that kind of knowledge?!
This is a neat summary. Thanks for sharing!
"You just cited a shale hype article again"…Why vangIV! It seems that if the substance of an article/opinion piece doesn't agree with your 'end of the world as we know' scenario its automatically hype and yet you offer nothing credible to back up that 'hype' assesment…You well may be correct but considering what we're talking about is an area of where science meets 'optimistic mysticism' which is what oil exploration has always been don't you find it a bit difficult to lable everything you disagree with as 'hype?
Well I guess I don’t have to spend the weekend figuring this one out!
Hi, i think that i saw you visited my blog thus i came to ?return the favor?.I’m trying to find things to improve my site!I suppose its ok to use a few of your ideas!!
Ostin tämän ystävälleni joululahjaksi. Hän on saksalainen tyttö, joka opiskelee suomea ja kotimaista kirjallisuutta ja ei ehdi seuraamaan saksalaista nykykirjallisuutta, vaikka haluaisikin. Minusta erinomainen lahja, vaikka itse kehaisenkin.Selailin kirjaa läpi ja kiinnostuin siitä myös itse, ehkä joudun hankkimaan saman kirjan itselleni. Voisin myös keräillä Café Voltaire-sarjan itselleni. :)Harmi, että tuohon tilaisuuteen en tentin takia ehdi, mutta kiitos kirjan esiin nostamisesta ja Goethe-vinkistä.
It’s different for everyone. You need to find a face wash and stick with it. The best way to get rid of it is to wash your face twice a day with a wash that has a high content of salcylic acid. Before you wash, fill a sink with hot water and steam your face. That will help to open up your pores and let the medicine in to work. And most importantly, keep your hands away from your face except to wash it!
No vabbè, ma oggi ti sei proprio superata per trovare questa chicche!!!Sei una grande, finirò sulla gogna con te… penso che tutte queste dovrebbero guardarsi di + allo specchio prima di uscire… "Less is more" (Tranne Factorystyle… ha tolto troppo!!!)Grande, continua così!
great submit, very informative. I ponder why the other specialists of this sector don’t notice this. You should continue your writing. I’m sure, you have a huge readers’ base already!
Niet zeker bent van de heetste temps maar 2 jaar gdeeeln was ik op MIS (Michigan International Speedway) en het was 97 graden uggh het was een slechte. Onze zitplaatsen waren slechts 4 rijen van de track en de track werd temp 117 graden. Dat is gewoon friggin warm en ellendig.
I too! I like doing my shopping way before Christmas…and I like to do it online…it’s hassle free and convenient!The dollhouse is really cute. Daughter have a similar one like that, but we only paid $5.00 for it in a garage sale.
Yeah that’s what I’m talking about baby–nice work!
I see, I suppose that would have to be the case.
16 jan 2013bonjour,j’ai essayé de créer le calendrier psy dans mon outlook mais ça n’a pas marché car je n’ai pas trouvé la fonction « ajouter un calendrier »… que faire ?merci de vos réponsesNadette
I might be beating a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!
exclusivelythe one use is Bragg raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the mother. It is certified raw organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar and spring water. It is also Kosher. Co. has been doing this since l912. On the label it states it is never heated or filtered. It contains the important Mother, which occurs as molecules of protein connected in strand-like chains. Very healthy and a teaspoon a day really helps digestion and boosts your immune system through your blood. Most or all Heath-food Stores carry it.
It’s nearly unattainable to encounter well-informed women and men on this area, fortunately you come across as like you understand exactly what you’re covering! Excellent
It never ceases to amaze me that reporters would such biased language in hard news stories. It's bad enough in an editorial but in a news story?I read the article article but the beginning–Reuter's "clarification" of terrorist attack as an Israeli term was incredible. Naturally it makes Israelis sound extreme; overeactive.I'm just shaking my head
The paragon of understanding these issues is right here!
I read the post from mcdonald and I have to wonder why if SKK is so good she was not able to clear out the blocks on the fitreps. Its all blacked out so we cant see it.
Art stores have metallic sheets for use in art projects. If you can find a gold colored one that is the right size, it will look like the original. You can try the big online art supply houses, but there is so much stuff on these sites that I could not find anything quickly for you.Keith
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Its like you read my mind! You seem to know so much about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you could do with a few pics to drive the message home a bit, but other than that, this is fantastic blog. A fantastic read. I will definitely be back.
Hi my friend! I want to say that this article is awesome, nice written and include approximately all vital infos. I would like to see extra posts like this .
I read your post and wished I was good enough to write it
jajaja, no me di cuenta de la hora, pero vaya, ni 2 minutos de diferencia : ) … Jen ves poniendote cachas en el gym con el body bump ese que por aquà vamos en serio, eh! y para muestra te diré que este lunes empiezo las clases de gimnsia…. uhhh, yo no quiero asustar a nadie…. jajajaja : )
beautiful pic! sorry the run wasn’t the best and your knee has been bugging.. maybe see a doc if it’s persistent! glad you found your tv 🙂
This article is a home run, pure and simple!
The meta question that I find myself grappling with is how much of all this is personal and thereby relative. That is to say, how much of this change is a fundamental change for our species and how much is normal change in the context of history. When automobiles hit the road for the first time, I’m sure someone was pronouncing that the future was collapsing into the past, and when we start cloning dudes years from now, I’m sure some dude will say that we have left the “here†and are now living in the “there.â€Â
This article keeps it real, no doubt.
Que show de horror… Os Argentinos como sempre querendo copiar os brasileiros, mas não chegam nem aos pés…Pelo amor, por isso que quando os gringos vem para o carnaval brasileiro se acabam, nos outros paises o carnaval da sono…
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Great article but it didn’t have everything-I didn’t find the kitchen sink!
You are a very smart individual!
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Wow I must confess you make some very trenchant points.
If your period is a week late how do you work out you are 5 weeks pregnant ? If you had a scan and there was no fetus then you are not pregnant. Get your blood test done to confirm. Best of luck.