Report by Paula Antolini
June 21, 2018 8:15PM EDT
Important Bethel Summer School Information & Summer Bus Routes
To all Parents/Guardians of Students Attending Bethel Summer School Programs:
Summer Programs will take place from July 2- July 27, 2017 (Monday –Friday) with NO SCHOOL July 4th.
Programs (for K-Gr.8) take place from 8:30- 10:00 and 10:30- 12:00. There is a supervised recess from 10:00- 10:30. Please send in a nut- free snack and drink for your child. If your child is signed up for extended day (from 12:00- 2:30) please send in a lunch. Please note that there can be no sharing of food over the summer (ie: class parties).
For Students who signed up for the bus, the bus routes are at links below:
Please select the stop that is closest to your home.
A chart of enrichment room numbers is shown for Berry School and Bethel Middle School.
All programs for students in grades Pre-K through Grade 3 will take place at Berry School.
Pre-K students should enter through the Circle of Friends door (on the left side of the building). Parent pick up at the end of the programs for Pre-K students is also at that door. Please do not park in the circle in front of the school.
Pre- K Programs take place from 9:00- 11:30 at Berry School.
Students who are also registered for “Summer Shorts” should arrive at 8:30 and be picked up at 12:00. This program takes place in the same room as your child’s other program.
Class lists will be posted on the first day of classes in the Circle of Friends hallway. Staff members will be available to help you find your child’s room.
Please send a nut free snack and drink to school with your child each day.
Kindergarten through Grade 3 Students should enter through the door on the right side of the building (near the nurse’s office). Parents may drive up to the door (where high school students will greet your child) and drop them off, or you may park in a parking space and walk them into the building. Please do not drop off at the front door.
Parent pick up at the end of classes will be as follows:
Grade K and Grade 1: parent pick up in the gym. Wait outside side gym door.
Grade 2 and 3: parent pick up in the cafeteria. Wait outside side Cafeteria door.
If you have children at different pick-up locations, you will need to walk outside the building to all pick-up locations on the first day. If you would like you children brought to a common pick up destination, please fill out a slip in the classroom of your child’s first program, to have your youngest child be brought to the pick-up location of your oldest child at Berry School. This pick-up can begin on July 3rd.
If your child has been invited to participate in the Extended Learning Programs in reading/writing, math or ELL and you sent in a registration, your child is enrolled.
On July 2nd, all students enrolled in programs to support reading/ writing, math, and ELL should report to the following room:
All students who just finished Kindergarten report to room 8 at Berry
All students who just finished grade 1 report to room 23 at Berry
All students who just finished grade 2 report to room 22 at Berry
All students who just finished grade 3 report to room 31 at Berry
All ELL students should report to room 16.
Programs for students in Grades 4-8 will take place at Bethel Middle School.
Parent pick up and drop off is in the front of Bethel Middle School. Please do not park in the bus circle. Program classroom numbers will be posted in the front hall at BMS.
Students who just finished grades 4 should report to room 229 for reading/ writing and room 236 for math at Bethel Middle School
Extended Day Program will take place at Berry School Extended Day Program (12:00- 2:30) for grades K-3 will have pick up at 2:30 at the FRONT door of Berry School. Please be prompt. Please note that the Nurse at Berry School leaves at 1:00.
If your child has also signed up to attend a Park and Recreation Camp and you have let us know, we will transport your child to the Camp at Rockwell or BMS and check them in with P&R staff.
One final note: The Summer Nurse has requested that you send you child in sneakers or closed toe shoes. Thank you!
If you have any questions please email Linda Anderson at [email protected]
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