Today we have another wonderful written piece from Jeanne Claire Probst, in our continuing literary series.
Report by Paula Antolini
March 23, 2015 7:49AM EDT
Today we have another wonderful written piece from Jeanne Claire Probst, in our continuing literary series. We are thrilled to have author/poet/blogger Jeanne Claire Probst join Bethel Advocate as a contributor, sharing her “Thought and Poem” written works with us. Her work covers many topics. She is excited to be fulfilling a life-long dream of writing a novel of which “The Fifteen Houses, a Novel” is her first published work. I think you will enjoy! (Read more about Jeanne Claire Probst below.)
Written By Jeanne Claire Probst
We often hear that money can but this and that…and these will lead to our being happy. Ha! I have to laugh at this one. There are times when you have money and you can’t get anywhere to spend it. Or you wear yourself out trying to find the “one” thing that will give you the ultimate happiness you are looking for.
As imperfect humans, our idea of how true happiness can be defined, changes from day to day. Did we get up on the “right side of the bed?” Is the wind blowing in the right direction? There are so many different “clues” that we look for to guide us on the road to where we will eventually find true happiness.
It is also true that imperfect humans, we often make things more difficult than they really are. The path to take that will lead us to any kind of happiness is very short. In fact it is right in front of our noses. We don’t have to travel around the world or climb the highest mountains, as happiness begins with US!
Individually, we each have something we can offer to someone else. There is no greater joy we can get, than that happy feeling we reap when we visit a lonely person, a sick person, a depressed person and see their eyes light up when they open their front door and see one of us standing on their doorstep greeting them with a smile. At that moment, happiness warms both of our hearts.
What about you? What do you do that brings you the greatest amount of happiness? Share your thoughts with us…
Jeanne Claire Probst
Written by Jeanne Claire Probst
You will never find happiness unless you go looking for “it,”
And you really do not have to look too far to find “it.”
“It” can be right under our noses, yet at times we fail to see,
That finding any happiness begins with us, individually.
“There is more happiness in giving,” I have read,
And these words, I have heard is true when they have said,
“A giver of gifts from the heart,”
“Is pretty much how gaining happiness starts.”
So when you are depressed, and lonely and are feeling “poor me,”
Look around you and tell me what you see?
Is there someone you know that needs a friend?
How about knocking at their door, they might let you come in.
And when you see their smiles and the twinkle in their eyes,
The evidence before you will make you realize,
That happiness is not something money can buy; I know this to be true
Happiness is attained by doing little things for others and giving the love you have inside you.
Jeanne Claire Probst
The Fifteen Houses, a Novel
The Fifteen Houses is the first book of this new and exciting series to be published. Staged in the beautiful and scenic palate of East Longmeadow, Massachusetts, in the early 1950’s, the main character delves into her reoccurring and discomforting memories of her younger, formative years. Searching for answers to questions that have resurfaced in her mind over and over again during her time away from her family, she seeks to find rhyme and reasons to her insecurities, anger, phobias, fears, and life’s choices. Julianne Marguerite, one of eleven children, is determined to uncover the “mystery” that resulted in the downfall of her family. As you turn the pages in the book, each series of memories, will open a different door, to the different homes, (“Fifteen” to be exact).
Jeanne Claire Probst was born and raised in the New England state of Massachusetts, is retired an lives in Ludlow. She is excited to be fulfilling a life-long dream of writing a novel of which “The Fifteen Houses, a Novel” is her first published work.
Jeanne shares her poetry blog, “Thought and Poem,” on her Facebook Page: Jeanneclaire Probst that is aimed to encourage, comfort, and share with others what it feels like to be human! She is also doing her part in bringing awareness around bullying and finding solutions to redirect anger and disappointments and her blog: Breaking Down the Bully Wall – One Action at a Time can also be followed on Facebook.
For more information about the author, her book and poetry visit:
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