Report by Paula Antolini, April 3, 2020, 4:30PM EDT

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Ned Lamont today announced a series of major actions his administration is taking to support Connecticut long-term care facilities, staff, and residents during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Effective immediately, the state’s 213 nursing homes are receiving a 10 percent across-the-board increase in Medicaid payments to help meet extraordinary costs from the public health emergency, Governor Lamont said.
The payment increase will be applied toward employee wages, including staff retention bonuses, overtime, and shift incentive payments; and new costs related to screening of visitors, personal protective equipment, and cleaning and housekeeping supplies.
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“We will do everything possible to protect the health and safety of our family, friends and neighbors in nursing homes – and the health and safety of the faithful, dedicated and skilled staff members who care for them,” Governor Lamont said. “Together with nursing home industry and union representing many of the men and women on the front line of care, my administration is working on a number of levels to support and fund high-quality health care services during this pandemic and beyond.”
The 10 percent funding increase runs from April 1 through June 30, with an initial payment of $11.6 million scheduled to be received by nursing homes on April 7. The three-month increase is expected to total $35.3 million.
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Long-term care facilities that propose to be designated by the Department of Public Health (DPH) to specialize in care for residents with COVID-19 will be eligible for $600 per-day payments for each person served. This rate is more than double the average daily Medicaid payment rate.
In addition, the state is offering to assist with start-up costs and to make the same $600 per-day payment to facilities that are designated by DPH as suitable to be re-opened for the purpose of serving residents with COVID-19 and who need nursing home level of care.
DPH is the licensing and regulatory authority for nursing homes in Connecticut, while the Department of Social Services is the payer for services and supports for older adults and persons with disabilities enrolled in Medicaid.
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For further information about the Medicaid rate increases for all nursing homes, visit www.ct.gov/dss/nursinghomereimbursement.