Report by Paula Antolini, June 25, 2020, 7:54PM EDT

There was a Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) presentation from a press conference today entitled, “Adapt, Advance, Achieve: Connecticut’s Plan to Learn and Grow Together” that included the following:
“We are in a health pandemic and education emergency,” they said, in part of their presentation.
Health and safety, as well as access and equity must inform our efforts.
Developing a plan required input:
• Over 23,000 citizens
• Over 16,000 students
• ReOpen Task Force
• Regional Advisory Team
What we consistently heard:
• Emotional well-being must be considered
• Schools are a structured, safe place in many cases
• Students missed school
Connecticut’s Progress:

Guiding Principles:
–Safeguarding the health and safety of students and staff;
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–Allowing all students the opportunity to return into school full time starting in the fall;
–Monitoring the school, students, and staff and, when necessary, potentially canceling classes in the future to appropriately contain COVID-19 spread;
–Emphasizing equity, access, to support the students and communities who are emerging from this historic disruption;
–Fostering strong two-way communication with partners; and
–Factoring the physical safety, social-emotional well-being, and the mental health needs of our students when they are not in school.
Operational Considerations:
• Districts should plan for fall reopening with in-school return for
all students, every day.
• Health and safety guidance protocols and infection mitigation
strategies will be emphasized:
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• Plan subject to change based on developing health conditions.
Classrooms and Buses:
• Cohorting
Strongly encouraged,
Grades K–8
Encouraged where feasible,
Grades 9–12
• Maximize social distancing
• Facial coverings – mandatory
for staff and students during
school day when inside the
school building
• Frequent handwashing
• Enhanced cleaning
• Facial coverings – mandatory for drivers and students
• Monitors encouraged for fall, particularly for younger grades
• Social distancing activated based on COVID community spread
No Spread
Full Capacity
Minimal Spread
Full Capacity, Heightened Health & Safety Protocols
Moderate Spread
Reduced Capacity and Social distancing
Ramping Up, Ramping Down:
• CT data trends positively; we can plan optimistically for fall reopening
• Districts should prepare plans for full reopening
• Alternative plans should be prepared (hybrid model with
fewer students and enhanced remote learning) in the event
of future increases in community spread
• COVID-19 Community Spread will determine Ramp Down
to promote health and safety regionally and throughout CT

Adapt, Advance, Achieve:
• This is the first step to reopening
• Plans will change based on COVID spread (or developing health conditions)
• Flexibility will be the only constant
• Comprehensive Plan details will be publicly released Monday
• Updates & supplements will be informed with input
from partners
CT students deserve the best opportunity for success!