Report by Paula Antolini, March 11, 2022, 6:56PM EDT
Attend the public hearing for HB 5416 “AN ACT CONCERNING BULK PURCHASES OF PISTOLS AND REVOLVERS.” To limit the purchases an individual may make of pistols and revolvers over a short period of time.
HB 5416 would limit bulk gun purchases, allowing individuals to purchase just one firearm per month, 12 per year.
The Judiciary Committee will hold a public hearing on Monday, March 14, 2022, at 9AM and it can be viewed at www.cga.ct.gov/YTJUD.
Let your voice be heard on Monday, March 14th by registering to testify at this link by 3PM on Sunday, March 13.
CT Senator Will Haskell (D) said HB5416 “has been a long term priority for me.”
Haskell; said, “Advocates for gun violence prevention, myself included, demand stricter regulations regarding who can buy a gun and where they can store it.” … “During my time in the state senate,I have proposed this same concept multiple times.”
“Currently, there are no restrictions regarding how many firearms an individual can purchase during a trip to the gun store,” Haskell said,”What can we do? Let’s follow the lead of California, New Jersey and Maryland by limiting the number of firearms an individual may purchase within a 30-day period. Surely law abiding gun owners don’t need to buy more than 12 firearms each year. One gun per person per month seems to be a reasonable compromise…”