Writing Workshops with Judith Marks-White begin 2016
Report by Paula Antolini
December 29, 2015 11:40AM EDT
Byrd’s Books Continues the Great Writing Workshops with Novelist/Columnist Judith Marks-White
Writing Workshops with Judith Marks-White begin 2016
When: Sunday January 10, 2016 at 3:00 PM EST -to-
Sunday April 17, 2016 at 5:00 PM EDT
Where: Byrd’s Books, 126 Greenwood Avenue, Bethel, CT 06801
Judith Marks-White will continue into 2016 with her great writing workshops. They fill up quickly so register here early!
The classes will function as workshops where you will be introduced to style, technique, tricks of the trade, and critiques of your work as you create a publishable piece of writing targeted to the current markets. 

Once again, join Judith Marks-White at Byrd’s Books and learn how to release your “inner writer” by creating marketable essays by the person who knows you best: yourself.
The dates and times: You may register for one, or all of them (see registration button below). The fee for each workshop is
$20.00, which is passed directly to the instructor.
The dates in this series of seven workshops: (all are
All the workshops are Sundays at 3:00pm:
Sunday January 10th
Sunday January 24th
Sunday February 7th
Sunday February 28th
Sunday March 13th
Sunday April 3rd
Sunday April 17th
About the author:
Award-winning Westport News columnist and novelist, Ms. Marks-White has been involved in the design and instruction of creative writing programs in Connecticut, and has taught writing for many years. She was an adjunct Professor of English/Writing at Norwalk Community College for many years where she won Teacher of the Year Award for 2005 “for imparting wisdom with contagious enthusiasm” and where she continues to teach a course in the Art and Marketing of Humor Writing.
Ms. Marks-White turned her attention to novel writing. “Seducing Harry” was her debut novel. Her second novel, is “Bachelor Degree”. Both are published by Random House/Ballantine. She is presently working on her third novel. Ms. Marks-White lives in Connecticut.
To register for the workshops click below.
Please call the store for any additional information.
We look forward to seeing you at the Writing Workshop.
Driving Directions:
Mircea, mi-e tare drag sa citesc cuvintele tale! vezi ca zilele urmatoare nu o sa mai …bule, bule… la tine. Cel putin la mine asa a fost, a inceput cu gura mare, apoi mai in soapta, mai deloc, pana ne-am imprietenit de tot. De atunci tot &0;bule3#2238; imi spune. Cred ca e ceva mesaj de iubire, pe limba ei.Revenind la lucruri serioase, se pune capac, doar ca nu se inchide etans, se lasa sa respire. Cred ca merge si cu un prosop.Pentru mai multe detalii, uita-te si in jurnal, si la restul posturilor cu maia.Astept cuminte continuarea povestii.