Report by Paula Antolini, January 25, 2020, 2:49PM EDT

Message from BPS Superintendent Dr. Carver, January 24, 2020:
Dear Parents/Guardians, Staff, and Community Members:
At last night’s Board meeting I presented a recommended budget to the Board of Education (2020-2021 Superintendent’s Proposed Budget Presentation). At the budget presentation, not to sound overly dramatic, I asserted that we are at a crossroads in our community. We have a little over 200 more students than was projected in the 2016 enrollment study, which is affecting class size, supplies and even busing. We always try to reallocate resources as a first step to address our needs, but the increased number of students are impacting our ability to maintain excellence in student outcomes and the ability to meet the individual needs of our students.

The proposed 4.18% increase focuses on maintaining all of our top quality curricular and extracurricular programs, while continuing to make progress towards the goals of our Strategic Plan. The focus of the budget this year also addresses elementary class size at Johnson School and the need for an additional bus due to increased enrollment. I would ask you to carefully review the presentation which has all of the details and contact me directly with any questions or concerns. ([email protected])
The presentation highlighted the priorities towards accomplishing our goals as a system and our continued growth in the district’s primary purpose, to improve student achievement. Development of the 2020-2021 budget reflects our commitment to that purpose, not only in terms of standardized testing results, but the skills students demonstrate on a daily basis. Our students continue to receive a progressive education, preparing them for the 21st century global economy.
The Board of Education wants to make sure you are informed and have a chance to be involved in the budget process. (*see meeting details below). You are welcome to attend all or any of our budget meetings.
*Current meeting dates regarding the 2020-2021 budget:
BOE Budget Workshops
• January 28th (Focus Schools/Athletics)
• January 30th (Focus Curriculum, SPED)
• February 4th (Focus IT, Facilities)
• February 6th (Budget Workshop/Approval)
• February 11th (Workshop/Approval – Alt. Date if needed)
• February 19th Board of Selectmen/Board of Finance Presentation (Tentative)
As the schedule develops we will post it on the website, in our newsletter, and on social media.
- All Board of Education meetings/workshops are held in the Board of Education Offices, Meeting Room E, Clifford J. Hurgin Municipal Center, 1 School Street, at 7:00 p.m. (unless otherwise posted).
- Please Note: Prior to the budget being set for referendum, 2020-2021 Education Budget Information can be found in the Superintendent’s Bethel Public Schools Newsletter each week and on our website.
- 2020-2021 Education Budget Information
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