Report by Paula Antolini, October 21, 2020, 7:45PM EDT

BLUE JAY ORCHARD Special for the weekend of October 24th and 25th
While all the apples are picked off our trees, we would still like to offer you a chance to visit the orchard and enjoy the orchard atmosphere and open space one last time for 2020 while helping a local charity. (See information below.)
On October 24th and 25th come out to the orchard, we will be placing field crates of apples harvested earlier this season in the orchard.
Purchase a $12, $20 OR $40 bag (all proceeds going to Brotherhood in Action) and stroll through the orchard and fill your bag with apples from our field crates.and enjoy the fall weather .
A bag must be purchase by someone in the group to enter the orchard
No Pets allowed
While visiting don’t forget to shop our farm market with Fresh Cider, baked goods, jams and jellies honey, syrup, and of course our famous apple cider donuts.
Our pumpkin patch has a large selection of pumpkins at $.69 per pound.
We hope to see you one last time this fall and help us give back to the community.
Brotherhood In Action of Bethel, Inc. is a local, all volunteer, federally recognized non-profit organization. Since 1980 we have been providing food, rent and utilities assistance, as well as other forms of financial assistance, to those in need who reside in the town of Bethel, Connecticut.
We collect and purchase food to be distributed to Bethel individuals and families in need at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Throughout the year, we respond to requests for help as needed. We provide food on a continual basis to the St. Thomas Food Pantry, which also serves the people of Bethel.
website http://www.biabethel.org/