Report by Paula Antolini, March 3, 2019, 3:01PM EDT

UPDATE Sunday, March 3, 2019, 6:31PM:
This event is still on according to the Bethel Police Department. They will be posting a message if it is canceled due to the storm and we will update you.
ORIGINAL ARTICLE March 3, 2019, 3:01PM EDT:
The Bethel Police Dept. will be hosting a Blood drive in honor of Maddie O’Farrell, Detective Frank O’Farrell’s daughter. Maddie has recently been diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma, a rare bone cancer.
The Blood drive will be held on Monday, March 4th from 8am-1:15pm at the Bethel Police Dept., 12 Judd Ave., Bethel, CT, in the Training Room.
For an appointment, please visit redcrossblood.org
Or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
Use Sponsor Code: BethelPD
WHAT: Blood drive in Honor of Maddie O’Farrell
WHEN: March 4, 2019, 8 AM – 1:15 PM
WHERE: Bethel Police Department, 12 Judd Avenue, Bethel, CT