Report by Paula Antolini, September 27, 2019, 8:05AM EDT

(BETHEL ADVOCATE file photo, ©2015 Paula Antolini / Bethel Advocate)
A Blessing of Animals, witnesses to God’s and the Church’s love, care, and concern for creation. As we recognize our mutual interdependence with God’s creatures, the Church’s witness of stewardship of creation is strengthened.
The service will be held on Sunday, October 6th, at the gazebo within the Bethel Municipal Center. Beginning at noon, Rev. Norma Schmidt from St. Thomas will be attending, as will our Intentional Interim Minister Brad Bergfalk.
WHAT: Blessing of Animals
WHEN: October 6, 2019, 12PM to 2PM
WHERE: Gazebo, CJH Municipal Center, 1 School Street, Bethel, CT

First Congregational Church of Bethel
Religious Center · Bethel, Connecticut
A family-friendly faith community with a passion for feeding the body, mind and spirit of our community and the world. We are members of the United Church of Christ, a progressive denomination with a commitment to service, education, peace-making
St Thomas’ Episcopal Church, Bethel, CT
Religious Center · Bethel, Connecticut
No matter who you are, you are welcome here. Come, make friends, and grow.
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