Report by Paula Antolini
July 22, 2017 12:32PM EDT
Bethel’s ‘Hero Project’ Will Host ‘Holly’s Song of Hope / Addiction 101’ Tour, July 30th
The Hero Project of Bethel will present “Holly’s Song of Hope / Addiction 101” which is an important presentation touring the country, in hopes of “Changing the Stigma surrounding Addiction, One Heart at a Time – through Education and Understanding.” The tour will make a stop in Bethel on July 30, 2017, at 1:00p.m., at the Stony Hill Fire Department, located at 59 Stony Hill Road. Speakers include Tonda DaRe, who lost her 21-year-old daughter, Holly, to a heroin overdose in 2012.
Message from Holly’s Song of Hope (HSOH):
At Holly’s Song of Hope we have learned that the Stigma surrounding addiction must be changed for there to be any hope of stopping the epidemic we are living in. If we can change Stigma then everything else will fall into place. Education is the ONLY way to change Stigma.
We offer an educational presentation to any group or organization that we have aptly named “Addiction 101.” It gives a basic understanding of what addiction is and the ripple effect it has; from families and communities, to law enforcement and the judicial system. It is appropriate for any age and any group. We can adjust the presentation’s time AND focus to suit any group.
There is no charge for our presentation, only a request for a donation in any amount to help us continue to offer this education to others. Contact us to schedule a presentation for your group today! [email protected]
Support Our Cause
HSOH is run by Volunteers only and supported completely by gifts of donations from people like you! Just $10 can make a huge impact!!
Tonda DaRe’s story:
Let me share briefly who I am. My name is Tonda and in October of 2012 I lost my 21 year old daughter to a heroin overdose. My world was forever changed. It took me a year and a half and a lot of therapy to finally stop crying and slide off the couch so that I could start to find my way on this earth. My goal ~ to stop other parents from ever having to experience the same life altering event.
I created an online (facebook) support group for addicts, recovering addicts and loved ones of addicts where we randomly post questions that educate members on all things addiction. It is also a place for members to receive and give peer-to-peer support to other members that may be a little farther along the path and are able to share things that helped or did not help in different circumstances.
I am now honored to also serve on multiple boards including the GAP Network, the Governor’s Opiate Action Team, Family and Children First Council and our local Anti-Drug Coalition.
I keep fighting this war to keep other parents from having to go through what I have been through. I “hope” that you will join me!
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Holly’s Song of Hope is a Support Group for loved ones of those struggling with the Disease of Addiction
Free membership
Online peer-to-peer support available 24/7 with members from across the globe at different stages of this journey and willing to share their experiences, good and bad, that keep us all learning from one another.
CLICK HERE to join the online group.
The HERO Project heroin and opiate awareness
A caring community working together to raise awareness through education and events about the need to resist heroin and opiate abuse.
CLICK HERE to join the online group.
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