Report by Paula Antolini
January 22, 2018 8:21AM EDT
Bethel’s Byrd’s Books Celebrates ‘The Year of the Bird’ with Audubon Society Intro to Great Backyard Bird Count
“If you take care of the birds, you take care of most of the big environmental problems in the world.”
– Thomas E. Lovejoy, Tropical Conservation Biologist & National Geographic Fellow
Do you want to know about the 2018 Great Backyard Bird Count and why it is so important? Join Byrd’s Books as they host a GBBC presentation on Tuesday, February 13th at 7:00pm at their popular bookstore located at 126 Greenwood Avenue, Bethel, across from P.T. Barnum Square. The Great Backyard Bird Count takes place from February 16th to 19th, coinciding with the National Geographic Society’s announcement that 2018 has been named “The Year of the Bird.” This GBBC introduction will be given by Kate Pratt from Southbury, CT’s Audubon Center at Bent of the River. The presentation is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. To learn about and prepare for this year’s count, save a spot by visiting conta.cc/2G1Hodo
Celebrating “The Year of the Bird,” National Geographic, National Audubon Society, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, BirdLife International, and more than 100 organizations are joining forces for 12 months of storytelling and science, with campaigns like the Great Backyard Bird Count, to examine how our changing environment is impacting birds around the globe. Bird populations are constantly changing. No single scientist or team of scientists could hope to keep track of the complicated patterns of movement of species around the world. The information from GBBC participants, combined with other surveys, will help scientists learn how birds are affected by environmental changes. To understand how the information from the GBBC is used, go to gbbc.birdcount.org To adapt some simple but meaningful actions that anyone can take for a healthy planet filled with the beauty of birds, visit nationalgeographic.org/
Audubon Center Bent of the River is a 700-acre nature sanctuary and education center, and is a part of Audubon Connecticut, a state office of the National Audubon Society, and the Atlantic Flyway. To learn more about the Center’s dedication to Audubon’s open space and working lands conservation efforts in Connecticut, go to bentoftheriver.audubon.org/
Byrd’s Books is all-in for “The Year of the Bird” and the Great Backyard Bird Count, and will carry related books in stock at this event and throughout the year. “Everyday, we celebrate Byrds!” says owner Alice Hutchinson. For more information, go to byrdsbooks.com or call (203) 730 BYRD (2973).
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