So much is happening in town today! Don’t miss it!
Report by Paula Antolini
November 27, 2015 12:01PM EDT
Bethel Tree Lighting and Schedule of Events for Bethel Holiday Activities, Nov. 27
Come downtown today and kickoff the holiday season at the Annual Bethel Tree Lighting Ceremony!
Take a ride in a horse drawn carriage, sip on hot cocoa and soup, visit with Santa, vote for your favorite Gingerbread house, start your Christmas shopping, listen to Damon Wade spin your favorite Christmas carols from decades past to today’s favorite and so much more! Tree Lighting will be at 6:00pm. Check the schedule below.
1:00pm to 5:00pm – Gingerbread Festival, Bethel United Methodist Church, 141 Greenwood Avenue.
2:00pm to 4:00pm – Meet the Owners of Lukes Toy Factory and play in the Toy Room TENZI game tournament
2:00pm to 5:00pm – Horse Drawn Carriage Rides – sponsored by Union Savings Bank
2:00pm to 5:00pm – Enjoy soup courtesy of local Restaurants
2:00pm-7:00pm – Bell ringers for the Salvation Army, Outside of Famous Pizza. Check with Marissa Amundsen to ring the bell, she is organizing this.
2:30pm to 5:30pm – Make an Ornament and Sing Carols while shopping the Bethel Arts Gallery
3:00pm Family Flag Football Game on the municipal center lawn. Appropriate for ages 10 and up.
3:30pm – 5:00pm – Roast Marshmallows and warm up on PT Barnum Square
3:30pm to 7:00pm – Hang out with Damon Wade while he spins Christmas Vinyl on the Green of PT Barnum Square
4:00pm – Scotch Tasting and Ribbon Cutting at John Fulton Jewelers
5:30pm – Caroling on PT Barnum Sq with Bethel High School Choir
6:00pm – Santa Arrives and Tree Lighting
All day – Enjoy special discounts while supporting your local businesses and community.
Also …
Message from Michael Macchi:
Hello everyone. GREAT NEWS: We will have bins at the tree lighting ceremony Friday to collect non-perishable food and consumer items ( toothpaste, shaving cream, razor blades, etc ) for the Bethel Community Food Pantry. Bobbi Jo Beers has arranged for the Bethel Chamber of Commerce to provide a raffle prize of $50 in ‘Bethel Bucks’: those donating items will receive one raffle entry FOR EVERY ITEM donated ( bring 5 cans of food, 5 entries in the raffle )!!! Foods/items that are especially needed are: Beans ( black, pinto, baked, etc ), whole grain rice, coffee, mashed potato flakes, laundry detergent, pads & tampons ( not necessarily in that order: tampons & pads will also be accepted ), soup, and natural peanut butter. Of course, ANY donation of anything is appreciated.
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