Report by Paula Antolini
March 12, 2017 6:59PM EDT
Bethel Schools Selected as ‘Schools of Distinction’ by Connecticut State Department of Education for 2015-2016
The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) is recognizing 116 “Schools of Distinction” according to the criteria outlined below. We proudly report that among the selections are two Bethel Public Schools which are: Anna H.Rockwell School and Frank A. Berry School.
1. Highest Performing
a. Elementary/Middle: These are schools in the top 10% with respect to the Accountability Index (65 schools).
b. High Schools: These are schools in the top 10% with respect to the Accountability Index (5 schools).
2. Highest Growth:
a. All Students: These are schools in the top 10% of points earned in indicator 2 (academic growth) for the All Students group (62 schools).
b. High Needs Students: These are schools in the top 10% of points earned in indicator 2 (academic growth) for the High Needs student group (53 schools).
3. Greatest Improvers: Among those schools where the CSDE is unable to apply the academic growth model (indicator 2) because of the grades tested in that school, these are the schools in the top 10% of improvement on the Accountability Index from 2014-15 to 2015-16 (4 schools).
Notes: A school with any of the following is ineligible to be recognized as a School of Distinction: an outlier achievement gap based on the difference in index scores between the High Needs subgroup and the non-High Needs group in ELA, Math, or Science; an outlier graduation rate gap based on the six-year graduation rate difference between the High Needs subgroup and the Non-High Needs group; an assessment participation rate below 95% for the All Students group or the High Needs subgroup in Math, ELA, or Science; or for Highest Growth and Greatest Improvers, a 2014-15 assessment participation rate below 95% for the All Students group or the High Needs subgroup in Math, ELA, or Science.
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