Report by Paula Antolini
October 2, 2018, 12:58PM EDT
Bethel Republican Town Committee Headquarters Open House, Oct. 3rd
The Bethel Republican Town Committee is hosting an open house at its Headquarters, this Wednesday evening, October 3rd.
Come down and meet the town committee and get your questions answered on the RTC and all things elections.
We’ll have lawn signs and campaign literature for the taking.
Attendees with identification will be able to register to vote as well.
We look forward to meeting you!
Bethel Republican Town Committee Headquarters Open House, Hosted by Bethel Republicans
Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 3, 2018, at 6pm to 8pm
270 Greenwood Ave, Bethel, CT
Political OrganizationBethel, Connecticut
The Bethel Republican Town Committee is made up of a cross-section of Bethel residents. Some have been highly educated in Universities, while others have gained their education in life. All have a desire, and ability, to help make Bethel a better place.
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